Museum Membership – Lake Champlain Maritime Museum

Museum Membership

As a member of Lake Champlain Maritime Museum, you build a community where everyone has access to Lake Champlain. You open up the worlds of history, ecology, and archaeology to younger generations, so that they can discover and explore and imagine new possibilities. You sustain a unique and important institution in the Champlain Valley, and build a healthy future for Lake Champlain.

Your membership makes the Museum free for everyone. Thank you!

Pewter ornament of a two-masted ship

Special gift offer!

Benefits of Museum membership:

  • Help keep the Museum free for everyone: bring your friends!
  • Discounts on adult classes and workshops: continue your education!
  • Updates on everything happening at the Museum: stay in the loop!
  • Invitations to talks or events: satisfy your curiosity and ask more questions!
  • Discounts at the store: do your gift shopping for the whole family!
  • Reciprocal admission to participating Council of American Maritime Museums: keep exploring maritime history! *

*Available only to Family-level members and above

Fill out the form below to become a member. Want to speak with someone about membership? Contact Lauren Ross, Director of Development, at or 802-475-2022 x115.

Become a Museum Member