Lifetime Achievement Award

The Lifetime Achievement Award is a LACNIC initiative that since 2009 honors professionals who are part of the Latin American and Caribbean Internet ecosystem, promoting values such as innovation and the promotion of a common vision for Internet development across the region.

In line with LACNIC's vision of promoting an open, stable, and secure Internet for the development of Latin America and the Caribbean, the Lifetime Achievement Award highlights the accomplishments of professionals who have promoted the collaborative Internet model and who have worked in fields such as Internet governance, the development of technical capabilities, the promotion of Internet standards development and adoption, and the advancement of the digital economy of the region.

Since its first edition in 2009, the Award has been presented to nineteen leaders from thirteen different countries in our region.


The Lifetime Achievement Award honors LACNIC community leaders who have continuously worked to promote Internet development and deployment in Latin America and the Caribbean.

It is awarded to leaders who, in addition to working in their local context, have also contributed to regional processes to promote the consolidation of the Internet in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Award Frequency and Presentation Date

The Lifetime Achievement Award is presented every two years during the LACNIC event held in October. The next edition will take place in 2025. 

Selection Criteria
  1. Contribution to Internet development in LAC
  2. Leadership in regional processes
  3. Community building
  4. Impact on users
  5. Years of experience
  6. Female representation
  7. Geographic representation

Members of the LACNIC staff, active members of the LACNIC Board, active members of LACNIC's commissions, and members of the Lifetime Achievement Award Selection Committee are ineligible for the Award. Anyone who has served in these roles may only be nominated once more than twelve months have elapsed from the moment they left their position.

Selection Committee of the last edition
  • Alejandro Guzmán
  • Carolina Aguerre
  • Christian O’Flaherty
  • Max Larson Henry
  • Bernadette Lewis
  • Edmundo Vitale
  • Lito Ibarra
Candidate Nominations

To submit a nomination, complete the information required in the candidate nomination form available on the Lifetime Achievement Award platform at

If you have any questions, please contact