

This document and/or information was originally written in Spanish, the official language of Uruguay, the country where LACNIC is legally incorporated and whose laws and regulations LACNIC must meet. Likewise, unofficial information and/or documents are also written in Spanish, as this is the language in which most of LACNIC's collaborators and officers work and communicate. We do our best to ensure that our translations are reliable and serve as a guide for our non-Spanish-speaking members. However, discrepancies may exist between the translations and the original document and/or information written in Spanish. In this case, the original text written in Spanish will always prevail.

In accordance with Article 12 of Chapter IV of the bylaws:

“The General Assembly, acting in concordance with the bylaws, is the sovereign organ of the institution. It is made up of all members of the institution who are entitled to participate in it and will take any decisions of interest to the membership, adjusting to the bylaws and any legal and regulatory norms which may be applicable.”

In accordance with Article 13 of Chapter IV of the bylaws:

“There shall be two types of general member assemblies: ordinary and extraordinary. ordinary member assemblies shall be held once a year, within the first six months following the closing of the fiscal year, the date for which has been set as 31st December. These Assemblies shall:

  1. Consider, approve or modify the annual report, general balance sheet, inventory, expense and income account, and the report presented by the Fiscal Commission;
  2. Establish membership fees and determine procedures to update them when necessary. These procedures shall be implemented by the Board of Directors, including payment deadlines, the transitional regime in case of modifications to membership fees, discounts, benefits, rebates, fines for failure to pay membership fees, and financing for membership fees;
  3. Consider any other matters included in the agenda, provided they are within the purview of the ordinary member assembly;
  4. Consider any matter proposed by at least 20% of the membership that is submitted to the Board of Directors within thirty days of the closing of the fiscal year.

All other matters, including modifications to the bylaws, shall be addressed during general extraordinary assemblies.”

For more information, please access the full Chapter IV (Assemblies) of the LACNIC bylaws.

Table of votes by category

Summons and Minutes of Assemblies

  Summons for Assembly Minutes of Assembly
2024 Ordinary   Ordinary  
2023 Ordinary   Ordinary  
2022 Ordinary ExtraOrdinary Ordinary ExtraOdrinary 
2019 Ordinary   Ordinary  
2018 Ordinary   Ordinary  
2017 Ordinary ExtraOrdinary Ordinary ExtraOdrinary
2016 Ordinary ExtraOrdinary Ordinary ExtraOrdinary
2015 Ordinary   Ordinary  
2014 Ordinary ExtraOrdinary Ordinary ExtraOrdinary
2013 Ordinary   Ordinary  
2012 Ordinary   Ordinary  
2011 Ordinary   Ordinary  
2010 Ordinary   Ordinary  
2009 Ordinary ExtraOrdinary Ordinary ExtraOrdinary
2008 Ordinary ExtraOrdinary Ordinary ExtraOrdinary
2007 Ordinary ExtraOrdinary Ordinary ExtraOrdinary
2006 Ordinary   Ordinary  
2005 Ordinary ExtraOrdinary Ordinary ExtraOrdinary
2004 Ordinary ExtraOrdinary Ordinary ExtraOrdinary
2003 Ordinary ExtraOrdinary Ordinary ExtraOrdinary