Moderate Clothes-Changing Person Re-identification Based on Bionics of Binocular Summation

Computer Science ›› 2022, Vol. 49 ›› Issue (8): 165-171.doi: 10.11896/jsjkx.210600140

• Computer Graphics & Multimedia • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Moderate Clothes-Changing Person Re-identification Based on Bionics of Binocular Summation

CHEN Kun-feng, PAN Zhi-song, WANG Jia-bao, SHI Lei, ZHANG Jin   

  1. College of Command and Control Engineering,Army Engineering University of PLA,Nanjing 210007,China
  • Received:2021-06-17 Revised:2021-10-19 Published:2022-08-02
  • About author:CHEN Kun-feng,born in 1995,postgraduate.His main research interests include computer vision and person re-identification.
    PAN Zhi-song,born in 1973,Ph.D,professor.His main research interests include pattern recognition and machine learning.
  • Supported by:
    National Natural Science Foundation of China(62076251) and Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province(BK20200581).

Abstract: Moderate clothes-changing person re-identification is to find the same person from different camera scenes under the premise of considering the moderate change of clothes.The implementation of existing person re-identification methods is usually based on the assumption that the pedestrian’s clothing is invariant,so they rely on clothing-related features.Then,when the above assumptions are not valid,these methods are difficult to achieve the ideal recognition performance.Considering the important characteristic that pedestrian’s shape hardly change when the change of clothes is moderate,the moderate clothes-changing person re-identification is studied.Inspired by the binocular summation in biological vision system,a self-attention siamese network is proposed in this paper.Analogous to biological binocular information acquisition process,the network takes two types of images of the same pedestrian with different clothes as two branch inputs,and then achieves summation effect with siamese architecture.Subsequently,the contrastive learning and fusion learning of multiple features are carried out to obtain the pedestrian feature representation with identity discrimination.Finally,empirical studies show that the proposed method achieves best performance at present on clothes-changing person re-identification benchmark.

Key words: Binocular summation, Moderate clothes-changing, Person re-identification, Self-attention, Siamese network

CLC Number: 

  • TP391
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