QoS Quantification Method for Web Server with Mimic Construction

Computer Science ›› 2019, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (11): 109-118.doi: 10.11896/jsjkx.181001922

• Information Security • Previous Articles     Next Articles

QoS Quantification Method for Web Server with Mimic Construction

ZHANG Jie-xin, PANG Jian-min, ZHANG Zheng, TAI Ming, LIU Hao   

  1. (State key Laboratory of Mathematical Engineering and Advanced Computing,Zhengzhou 450001,China)
  • Received:2018-10-15 Online:2019-11-15 Published:2019-11-14

Abstract: As the emerging “Internet Plus” has quickly become an important driving force of social and economic deve-lopment,Web service plays an increasing role in society,but its security issues are worsening.The Web server with mimic construction is a new Web defense system based on the principle of mimic defense,and it uses the heterogeneity,dynamics,redundancy and other characteristics to block or disrupt network attacks.Although it has been deployed and some better defense effects have been gotten,there is still a lack of effective methods for quantifying its QoS.On the basis of analyzing the system architecture of the Web server with mimic construction,this paper discussed the difference and issues between the quantification of its QoS and the quantification of traditional Web servers’ QoS,and analyzed the factors affecting its QoS.Based on the “Wood Barrel” principle,this paper proposed a quantitative evaluation method for the service quality of the Web server with mimic construction,and used the vector similarity method to quantify the loss value of the QoS.This effort provides a new method for quantifying the QoS of the Web server with mimic construction in theory,and provides guidance for optimizing its service quality in engineering practice.The simulation and experimental results show the proposed quantification method can effectively quantify and evaluate the QoS of the Web server with mimic construction compared with the existing evaluation methods.

Key words: Mimic defense, QoS attributes, Quality of service, Quantification method, Web service

CLC Number: 

  • TP311
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