
计算机科学 ›› 2021, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (11A): 699-704.doi: 10.11896/jsjkx.201200150

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李爽, 赵荣彩, 王磊   

  1. 中原工学院计算机学院 郑州450007
    中原工学院前沿信息技术研究院 郑州450007
    河南省网络舆情监测与智能分析重点实验室 郑州450007
  • 出版日期:2021-11-10 发布日期:2021-11-12
  • 通讯作者: 王磊(wl1167@163.com)
  • 作者简介:cbcvvv@qq.com

Implementation and Optimization of Sunway1621 General Matrix Multiplication Algorithm

LI Shuang, ZHAO Rong-cai, WANG Lei   

  1. School of Computer Science,Zhongyuan University of Technology,Zhengzhou 450007,China
    Research Institute of Front Information Technology,Zhongyuan University of Technology,Zhengzhou 450007,China
    Henan Key Laboratory on Public Opinion Intelligent Analysis,Zhengzhou 450007,China
  • Online:2021-11-10 Published:2021-11-12
  • About author:LI Shuang,born in 1992,postgraduate.Her main research interests include high performance computing and so on.
    WANG Lei,born in 1977,master,professor,master's tutor.His main research interests include high performance computing and basic mathematics function library design and optimization research and development.

摘要: BLAS库作为高性能计算中最基本的数学库,对高性能计算机平台上的数值计算、人工智能等领域应用都起着重要作用。BLAS3级函数GEMM是整个BLAS库性能的核心指标。目前,还没有能够充分发挥申威1621平台优势的高性能BLAS库。针对上述问题,在申威1621平台上,实现了GotoBLAS的移植与优化。提出了一种使用SIMD向量化进行核心代码优化的算法实现,为满足向量优化的算法实现分别进行了数据重排、计算数据块选择、浮点寄存器分配、向量化指令改写等优化技术。分别比较了SGEMM和DGEMM在Micro-kernel中使用cache行和使用向量化优化的最优数据块选择方案。实验结果表明,优化后最佳分块下的SGEMM单核性能比GotoBLAS单核单精度浮点数平均加速52.09倍,DGEMM单核性能比GotoBLAS单核双精度浮点数平均加速32.75倍。

关键词: GEMM, SIMD, 程序优化, 申威1621, 算法实现

Abstract: As the most basic library in high performance computing (HPC),BLAS plays an important role in scientific computation,AI and other applications.The GEMM-based level 3 BLAS is the core of the performance of the entire BLAS.At present,there is no high-performance BLAS library that can give full play to the advantages of Sunway1621.Aiming at the above problems,we realize the transplantation and optimization of GotoBLAS on Sunway1621.This paper presents an algorithm for core code optimization using SIMD vectorization,and performs optimization techniques such as data regrouping,blocking,register allocation,and vectorization instruction optimization.The optimal data block selection scheme using vectorization and cache-based optimization for SGEMM and DGEMM in Micro-Kernel is compared respectively.Our optimizations achieve an average speedup of 52.09X and 32.75X on single precision and double precision compared to GotoBLAS.

Key words: Algorithm implementation, GEMM, Program optimization, SIMD, Sunway1621


  • TP319
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