
计算机科学 ›› 2009, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (7): 32-39.doi: 10.11896/j.issn.1002-137X.2009.07.006

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  1. (深圳职业技术学院软件工程系 深圳518055);(诺思罗普一格鲁曼信息系统公司网络通信部 美国加利福尼亚90746)
  • 出版日期:2018-11-16 发布日期:2018-11-16
  • 基金资助:

Voxel-coding for Surface Reconstruction from Contours

WANG Ming-fu,ZHOU Yong   

  • Online:2018-11-16 Published:2018-11-16

摘要: 一个完整的基于轮廓的曲面重建方法必须建立轮廓对应、解决分支和三角面片的构建。然而大多数已有的曲面重建算法只能解决问题的某些方面,从而导致这些算法不能有效地运用到复杂曲面重建,比如用磁共振获取的人大脑序列切片等盘旋且多分支凸包数据。提出了一个基于Voxel(像素)编码技术的曲面重建算法,该算法能以一种完全自动的方式处理带有空洞的复杂多分支曲面。首先将两相部断层轮廓投影到定位于中间的一个辅助平面上,求得其差区域,然后根据差区域的不同情形进行分组。对每组轮廓,从对应的差邻域中提取骨架,并用骨架来度量两轮廓的不相似量,对不相似的进行剪支分解,从而使不相似的、复杂的轮廓转换为简单且相似的骨架轮廓对,最后完成三角片构建。重建曲面由二维流体三角面片组成,且仅经过切片上的输入廓线。算法已用手工数据和复杂人脑皮层的 磁共振数据进行了仿真测试,检验了算法的有效性。

关键词: 轮廓,曲面重建,多分支,骨架,像素编码,轮廓骨架匹配

Abstract: A complete contour-based reconstruction method must establish correspondence, solve branching problems,and construct tiles. Most modern reconstruction algorithms typically address only one or two of these problems. Therefore, their applications do not achieve complete solutions with complicated objects, such as the considerably convoluted and highly branched cortex of the human brain extracted from Magnetic Resonance Imaging(MRI) data. This paper presented an efficient Voxel-coding algorithm; which can handle complicated many-to-many branching and holes in a fully automatic and systematic way. First the contours from adjacent slices are projected onto an intermediate plane. And then be divided into groups on the basis of their difference regions. For each group of contours, skeletons arc extracted from the corresponding region. These skeletons are used to measure contour dissimilarity and to decompose dissimilar or complicated branching contours into simple and similar contour-to-skeleton pairs. Reconstructed surfaces arc 2D manifold triangle meshes which pass only input contours along slices. The algorithm has been tested using both hand-made data and real complex human cortical MRI data, demonstrating its efficiency.

Key words: Contour, Surface reconstruction, Branching, Skeleton, Voxel-coding, Contour skeleton match

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