Seminar on Improving Water Environment in Indonesia -Decentralized Wastewater Management |公益財団法人日本環境整備教育センター
Seminar on Improving Water Environment in Indonesia
-Decentralized Wastewater Management: e.g. Japanese Johkasou System-

Date: 14th November, 2023

Time: 9:00~16:30 in Indonesia Time (Japan standard time: 11:00~18:30)

Venue: Webinar via Zoom 

Language: Japanese / Indonesian (consecutive interpretation)

Organizer: Ministry of the Environment, Government of Japan (MOEJ)
                  Ministry of the Environment and Forestry, Indonesia (KLHK)


In Indonesia, although centralized domestic wastewater treatment facilities such as sewage systems and decentralized domestic wastewater treatment facilities such as SANIMAS are spreading, there is a situation where domestic wastewater treatment measures from individual house hold is not sufficient. In order to improve and conserve the water environment in Indonesia, it is necessary to properly treat domestic wastewater even from individual houses.
Based upon the “Memorandum of Cooperation Between the Ministry of the Environment of Japan and the Ministry of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia on Environmental Cooperation” signed on August 2022, Ministry of the Environment of Japan (MOEJ) and the Ministry of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia (KLHK) will hold this seminar to discuss the promotion of decentralized domestic wastewater management to improve the water environment in Indonesia. The Indonesian side will provide information on the current status and challenges of decentralized domestic wastewater management, and the Japanese side will provide information on the system of decentralized domestic wastewater management by Johkasou as case in Japan. In the discussion session, it is expected to discuss how to improve towards the appropriate effluent monitoring of decentralized domestic wastewater treatment facilities in Indonesia. Through this seminar, it is expected that efforts to improve the effectiveness of decentralized domestic wastewater management in Indonesia including in the new capital city (IKN) will be promoted in near future.

Introduction of keypersons

Dra.CH. Nety Widayati, M.T.
Director of Water Quality Management Bureau, Ministry of the Environment and Forestry, Indonesia (KLHK)
Mr. Masaki Numata
Director, Office for Promotion of Johkasou, Waste Management Division, Environmental Regeneration and Material Cycles Bureau, Ministry of the Environment Government of Japan
Mr. Takuya Nomoto,
First Secretary / Coordinator for Environmental Business, Embassy of Japan in Indonesia 

Material Download(EN/IN)


Effort to control total pollutans in the Citarum River
Head, Environmental Pollution Control Division, Agency of West Java Province 


History and Current situation of wastewater treatment in Japan and legal framework of Johkasou

Mr. Ryoma Sato

Section Chief, Office for Promotion of Johkasou, Waste Management Division, Environmental Regeneration and Material Cycles Bureau, MOEJ


Indonesian version


Water quality standard, effluent standard, and monitoring system in  Indonesia

Dr. Budi Kurniawan
Researcher,Center for Environmental Research and Clean Technology,
Life and Environmental Research Organization National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN)


Decentralized Wastewater System approaches in Indonesia

Mrs. Mahardiani Kusumaningrum
Directorate of Sanitation,Directorate General of Human Settlements,
Ministry of Public Works and Housing


How to secure the performance of the decentralized wastewater treatment facilities?

Dr. Yoshitaka Ebie 
Manager, Planning Division(International Coordination Office), National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES)


Indonesian version


Operation and Maintenance situation of Johkasou in Indonesia

Mr. Akhmad Rivai 
Earth Creative Co., Ltd


Indonesian version


Wastewater management in Gorontalo Province

Budiyanto Sadiki, S. Sos, M.Si.
Regional Secretary,Gorontalo Province 
