Workshops – WRS-24

Space Workshops

The seminar’s workshops will enable participants to prepare their own schedule, based on their interest, alternating between space and terrestrial services and between lectures and practical sessions. They will allow participants to get hands-on experience with ITU notification procedures as well as with the software and electronic publications made available by the Radiocommunication Bureau to the ITU membership. Tailored sessions will be available for both beginners and advanced users.

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Terrestrial Workshops​

The seminar’s workshops will enable participants to prepare their own schedule, based on their interest, alternating between space and terrestrial services. They will allow participants to get hands-on experience with ITU notification procedures as well as with the software and electronic publications made available by the Radiocommunication Bureau to the ITU membership.

Prior to the workshop, it is highly recommended to install, in advance, the software tools below.

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