IPCC TG-Data Scenario Database and Scenario Explorer Webinars — IPCC

IPCC TG-Data Scenario Database and Scenario Explorer Webinars

The IPCC Task Group on Data Support for Climate Change Assessments (TG-Data) together with the Data Distribution Centre (DDC) are organizing an online webinar series focused on using IPCC Working Group III AR6 Scenarios Database and Scenario Explorer. The webinars are aimed at researchers and practitioners. It will be interactive sessions highlighting the data aspects of using the Database and the Explorer, including data availability and FAIR data principles, how to access and terms of use of data.

The objectives of these events will be:

  • Present the main results of the Working Group IIII contribution to the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report.
  • Engage with the regional research practitioner community over specific regional domains.
  • Present the data availability with special emphasis on the AR6 Scenarios Database and Scenario Explorer providing regional information and synthesis.

Schedule of Events


The Task Group on Data Support for Climate Change Assessments (TG-Data) together with the Data Distribution Centre (DDC) facilitates the availability and consistent use of climate change-related data and scenarios in support of the implementation of the IPCC’s programme of work. In the context of these objectives, TG-Data together with WGIII have prepared the first formal outreach activity organized for AR6. This first package of outreach activities is linked to the outcomes of the WGIII report that was released in April 2022. Webinar material and technical support are provided by the International Institute for Applied System Analysis (IIASA), where the online database and Scenario Explorer are hosted.

Format and Further Details

The webinars are intended for practitioners and the research community (but also open to consultants and public sector representatives) and will focus on data aspects using the facilities of the AR6 Scenarios Database. These events are envisioned as interactive sessions and require registration.

Regional webinar (2 hour)

  • Introductory session by the host with invited speakers (20 mins).
  • Recorded presentation of TG-Data, DDC and use of data FAIR protocols in AR6: General guidelines on how to access and terms of use of data and present the role of TG Data (15 mins)
  • Interactive (demonstration) activity on the use of the AR6 Scenarios Database (30-40 mins).
  • Q&As (10 mins)