Meetings - IPCC-TFI

Future Meetings


Meeting Date Location Documents Available
IPCC Scoping Meeting Methodology Report on Carbon Dioxide Removal Technologies and Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage 14-16 October 2024 Copenhagen, Denmark




Previous Meetings


Meeting Date Location Documents Available
IPCC Workshop on IPCC Inventory Software 3-6 September 2024 Baku, Azerbaijan


IPCC Expert Meeting on Reconciling Land Use Emissions 9-11 July 2024 Ispra, Italy


IPCC Expert Meeting on Carbon Dioxide Removal Technologies and Carbon Dioxide Capture Utilisation and Storage 1-3 July 2024 Vienna, Austria


36th meeting of Task Force Bureau 29 February -
1 March 2024
Brisbane, Australia

List of Participants
  File posted 21/03/24

IPCC Scoping Meeting for a Methodology Report on Short-lived Climate Forcers (SLCFs) 26-28 February 2024 Brisbane, Australia

Meeting Report
  File posted  08/05/24

List of Participants
  File posted 21/03/24

35th meeting of Task Force Bureau 4-5 October 2023 Online meeting

List of Participants
  File posted 16/10/23

21st Expert Meeting on Data for the EFDB (DM21) 17-18 May 2023 Christchurch, New Zealand

List of Participants
  File posted 23/05/23

21st Meeting of the EFDB Editorial Board (EB21) 16-19 May 2023 Christchurch, New Zealand

  File posted 31/05/23

List of Participants
  File posted 23/05/23

IPCC Expert Meeting to collect IPCC Inventory Software and IPCC Emission Factor Database (EFDB) users' feedback 1-3 May 2023 Bangkok, Thailand

List of Participants
  File posted 10/05/23

34th meeting of Task Force Bureau 5-9 September 2022 Geneva, Switzerland

  File posted 24/08/23

List of Participants
  File posted 20/10/22

Expert Meeting on Use of Atmospheric Observation Data in Emission Inventories 5-9 September 2022 Geneva, Switzerland

Meeting Report
  File posted  14/02/23

List of Participants
  File posted 20/10/22

Expert meeting to collect EFDB and Software Users feedbacks 26-28 July 2022 Rome, Italy

List of Participants
  File posted 20/10/22

Joint 19th and 20th Expert Meeting on Data for the EFDB 29-30 June 2022 Bilbao, Spain

List of Participants
  File posted 19/07/22

20th meeting of the EFDB Editorial Board 28 June - 1 July 2022 Bilbao, Spain

  File posted 04/08/22

List of Participants
  File posted 19/07/22

3rd Expert Meeting on Short-lived Climate Forcers (SLCFs) 11-15 April 2022 Online meeting

Meeting Report
  File posted  08/11/22

33rd Meeting of Task Force Bureau 18-19 November 2021 Online meeting

List of Participants
  File posted 25/01/22

Joint 1st and 2nd IPCC Expert Meeting on Short-Lived Climate Forcers 11 – 22 October 2021 Online meeting

Meeting Report
  File posted  10/03/22

List of Participants
  File posted 25/01/22

19th Meeting of the EFDB Editorial Board (EB19) April-May 2021 Online meeting

  File posted 11/06/21

List of Participants
  File posted 01/06/21

18th Expert Meeting on Data for the EFDB: Energy sector (DM18) April-May 2021 Online meeting

List of Participants
  File posted 01/06/21

32nd Meeting of Task Force Bureau 11-12 November 2020 Online meeting

  File posted 01/06/21

List of Participants
  File posted 01/06/21

18th Meeting of the EFDB Editorial Board (EB18) 14-18 and 25 September 2020 Online meeting


  File posted 14/10/20

List of Participants
  File posted 14/10/20

31st Meeting of Task Force Bureau 15 November 2019 Osaka, Japan


  File posted 13/03/20

List of Participants
  File posted 19/11/19

17th Expert Meeting on Data for the EFDB: Agriculture Sector (DM17) 12-13 November 2019 Osaka, Japan

List of Participants
  File posted 19/11/19

17th Meeting of the EFDB Editorial Board (EB17) 11-14 November 2019 Osaka, Japan


  File posted 27/11/19

List of Participants
  File posted 19/11/19

IPCC Expert Meeting to collect EFDB and Software users' feedback 15-17 October 2019 Hayama, Japan

List of Participants
  File posted 15/10/19

16th Expert Meeting on Data for the EFDB: Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) Sector, Waste Sector (DM16) 14 - 15 November 2018 Buenos Aires, Argentina

List of Participants
  File posted 20/11/18

16th Meeting of the EFDB Editorial Board (EB16) 13 - 16 November 2018 Buenos Aires, Argentina


  File posted 21/11/18

List of Participants
  File posted 20/11/18

30th Meeting of Task Force Bureau 27 October 2018 Rome, Italy


  File posted 01/08/19

List of Participants
  File posted 01/11/18

Methodology Report: Fourth Lead Author Meeting for the Elaboration of the 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories 22 - 26 October 2018 Rome, Italy  
Methodology Report: Fourth Lead Author Meeting for the Elaboration of the 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, Coordinating Lead Author, Review Editor, Steering Group Meeting 21 October 2018 Rome, Italy  
Expert Meeting to collect EFDB and Software users’ feedback: Review of IPCC Inventory Software Implementation of Tier 2 for Agriculture: Livestock Categories (3A) and Relevant 3C Categories 31 Jul - 2 Aug 2018 Hayama, Japan

List of Participants
  File posted 02/08/18

Expert Meeting on Short-Lived Climate Forcers  28 – 31 May 2018 Geneva, Switzerland

Meeting Report
  File posted  31/08/18

List of Participants
  File posted 04/06/18

Methodology Report: Third Lead Author Meeting for the Elaboration of the 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, Coordinating Lead Author, Review Editor, Steering Group Meeting  9 April 2018 Cairns, Australia  
Methodology Report: Third Lead Author Meeting for the Elaboration of the 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories 10 - 13 April 2018 Cairns, Australia  
15th Expert Meeting on Data for the EFDB (Joint IPCC/IEA Expert Meeting on Data: Energy data collection, energy statistics and data for the IPCC EFDB) 13-14 December 2017 Paris, France

Meeting Report
  File posted  27/09/18

List of Participants
  File posted 19/12/17

15th Meeting of the EFDB Editorial Board (EB15) 12-15 December 2017 Paris, France


  File posted 22/12/17

List of Participants
  File posted 19/12/17

29th Meeting of Task Force Bureau 29 Sep 2017 Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe


  File posted 29/03/18

List of Participants
  File posted 05/10/17

Methodology Report: Second Lead Author Meeting for the Elaboration of the 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories 25 Sep - 28 Sep 2017 Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe  
Methodology Report: First Lead Author Meeting for the Elaboration of the 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, 1-a (Energy, IPPU, Waste) / 1-b (Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use - AFOLU) / 1-c (General Guidance and Reporting - GGR) 7 Jun - 14 Jun 2017 Bilbao, Spain  
Use of the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, IPCC Expert Meeting to collect EFDB and Software users' feedback 14 - 17 March 2017 Kitakyushu, Japan List of Participants
  File posted 23/03/17
14th Meeting of the EFDB Editorial Board (EB14) 13-16 December 2016 Bali, Indonesia


  File posted 27/01/17

List of Participants
  File posted 14/12/16
13th Expert Meeting on Data for the EFDB: Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU) Sector (DM13) 14-15 December 2016 Bali, Indonesia List of Participants
  File posted 14/12/16
14th Expert Meeting on Data for the EFDB: Waste Sector (DM14) 14-15 December 2016 Bali, Indonesia List of Participants
  File posted 14/12/16
28th Meeting of Task Force Bureau 1-2 September 2016 Minsk, Belarus


  File posted 04/11/16

List of Participants
  File posted 01/09/16

Scoping Meeting for the IPCC Methodology Report(s) to refine the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories 29-31 August 2016 Minsk, Belarus

Meeting Report
  File posted  25/11/16

List of Participants
  File posted 30/08/16

Expert meeting for Technical Assessment of IPCC Inventory Guidelines (Cross-sectoral issues) 27-29 April 2016 Wollongong, Australia


  Annex 1, Annex 2
  File posted 29/08/16

List of Participants
  File posted 02/05/16

Expert meeting for Technical Assessment of IPCC Inventory Guidelines: follow-up on specified issues from the 2015 expert meetings 25-26 April 2016 Wollongong, Australia


  Annex 1, Annex 2, Annex3,

  Annex 4, Excel sheet of Annex 4
  File posted 26/08/16

List of Participants
  File posted 02/05/16

Expert Meeting to collect EFDB and Software users' feedback 25-28 January 2016 Kobe, Japan List of Participants
  File posted 01/02/16
12th Expert Meeting on Data for the IPCC Emission Factor Database (EFDB) 19 - 20 November 2015 Hayama, Japan List of Participants
  File posted 19/11/15
11th Expert Meeting on Data for the IPCC Emission Factor Database (EFDB) 19 - 20 November 2015 Hayama, Japan List of Participants
  File posted 19/11/15
13th Editorial Board Meeting - IPCC Emission Factor Database 18 - 20 November 2015 Hayama, Japan

  File posted 21/01/16

List of Participants
  File posted 19/11/15

27th Meeting of the Bureau of the IPCC Task Force on National Greenhouse Gas Inventories 16 - 18 November 2015 Hayama, Japan

List of Participants
  File posted 19/11/15

Expert Meeting for Technical Assessment of IPCC Inventory Guidelines (AFOLU Sector) 13 - 16 July 2015 Sao Paulo, Brazil

  File posted 26/08/16

List of Participants
  File posted 13/07/15

Expert Meeting for Technical Assessment of IPCC Inventory Guidelines (Energy, IPPU, Waste Sectors) 29 June - 1 July 2015 Geneva, Switzerland Summary
  File posted 22/02/16
List of Participants
  File posted 30/06/15
IPCC Expert Meeting to collect EFDB and Software users' feedback 17 - 19 March 2015 Okinawa, Japan

  File posted 08/05/15

List of Participants
  File posted 03/04/15

10th Expert Meeting on Data for the IPCC Emission Factor Database (EFDB) 13 - 14 November 2014 Rome, Italy Meeting Report
  File posted  16/07/15
List of Participants
  File posted 13/11/14
9th Expert Meeting on Data for the IPCC Emission Factor Database (EFDB) 11 - 12 November 2014 Rome, Italy List of Participants
  File posted 13/11/14
12th Editorial Board Meeting - IPCC Emission Factor Database 10 - 12 November 2014 Rome, Italy List of Participants
  File posted 13/11/14
IPCC Expert Meeting to collect EFDB and Software users' feedback 14 - 16 October 2014 Hayama, Japan

  File posted 08/05/15

List of Participants
  File posted 24/10/14

26th Meeting of the Bureau of the IPCC Task Force on National Greenhouse Gas Inventories 28 - 29 August 2014 Ottawa, Canada List of Participants
  File posted 29/08/14
IPCC Expert Meeting on Systematic Assessment of TFI Products 25 - 27 August 2014 Ottawa, Canada List of Participants
  File posted 29/08/14
Expert Meeting on Application of 2006 IPCC Guidelines to Other Areas 1 - 3 July 2014 Sofia, Bulgaria

Meeting Report
  File posted 14/09/15

List of Participants
  File posted 07/07/14

  File posted 14/09/15

IPCC Expert Meeting: Improving National Greenhouse Gas Inventories Using the 2006 IPCC Guidelines and Related Tools 11-13 December 2013 Sapporo, Japan List of Participants
  File posted 16/12/13
IPCC Open Symposium "New scientific findings on climate change and the importance of GHG inventory to assess mitigation progress" 10 December 2013 Sapporo, Japan


  External Link posted 21/04/14

8th Expert Meeting on Data for the IPCC Emission Factor Database (EFDB) 25 - 27 November 2013 Ghent, Belgium List of Participants
  File posted 02/12/13
7th Expert Meeting on Data for the IPCC Emission Factor Database (EFDB) 25 - 26 November 2013 Ghent, Belgium List of Participants
  File posted 02/12/13
11th Editorial Board Meeting - IPCC Emission Factor Database 25 - 27 November 2013 Ghent, Belgium List of Participants
  File posted 02/12/13
IPCC Expert Meeting: Fugitive Emissions of Greenhouse Gases from Oil and Natural Gas Systems 20-22 August 2013 Washington D.C., USA List of Participants
  File posted 23/08/13
25th Meeting of the Bureau of the IPCC Task Force on National Greenhouse Gas Inventories 19-20 July 2013 Chiang Mai, Thailand List of Participants
  File posted 25/07/13
4th Lead Author Meeting, Kyoto Protocol Supplementary Guidance 15-18 July 2013 Chiang Mai, Thailand List of Participants
  File posted 21/02/14
4th Lead Author Meeting, Wetlands Supplementary Guidance 20-24 May 2013 Manaus, Brazil List of Participants
  File posted 21/02/14
3rd Lead Author Meeting, Kyoto Protocol Supplementary Guidance 5-8 March 2013 Oslo, Norway List of Participants
  File posted 21/02/14
2nd Science Meeting, Wetlands Supplementary Guidance 8-10 January 2013 Freising, Germany List of Participants
  File posted 21/02/14
IPCC Expert Meeting on the 2006 IPCC Guidelines and Software 12 - 14 December 2012 Bali, Indonesia List of Participants
  File posted 17/12/12
2nd Lead Author Meeting, Kyoto Protocol Supplementary Guidance 12-14 November 2012 Wollongong, Australia List of Participants
  File posted 21/02/14
IPCC Expert Meeting: Role of Remote Sensing in Forest and National GHG Inventories 23-25 October 2012 Hayama, Japan

Meeting Report
  File posted  21/04/14

List of Participants
  File posted 25/10/12

6th Emission Factor Database, Data Meeting on Waste 2-4 October 2012 Langkawi, Malaysia List of Participants
  File posted 10/10/12
10th Meeting of the Editorial Board of the Emission Factor Database (EFDB) 1-4 October 2012 Langkawi, Malaysia List of Participants
  File posted 10/10/12
1st Lead Author Meeting, Kyoto Protocol Supplementary Guidance 24 - 28 September 2012 Kobe, Japan List of Participants
  File posted 21/02/14
IPCC Expert Meeting for the Elaboration of Kyoto Protocol Supplementary Guidance 24 – 25 September 2012 Kobe, Japan List of Participants
  File posted 10/10/12
3rd Lead Author Meeting, Wetlands Supplementary Guidance 17-19 July 2012 Dublin, Ireland List of Participants
  File posted 21/02/14
Meeting of Review Editors, Wetlands Supplementary Guidance 16 July 2012 Dublin, Ireland
Scoping Meeting to consider invitation from UNFCCC CMP7 2–4 May 2012 Geneva, Switzerland List of Participants
  File posted 15/05/12
Twenty-Fourth Meeting of the Bureau of the IPCC Task Force on National Greenhouse Gas Inventories 30 April – 4 May 2012 Geneva, Switzerland List of Participants
  File posted 15/05/12
2nd Lead Author Meeting, Wetlands Supplementary Guidance 4-16 February 2012 Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe List of Participants
  File posted 21/02/14
1st Science Meeting, Wetlands Supplementary Guidance 24–26 January 2012 Edinburgh, Scotland List of Participants
  File posted 21/02/14
IPCC Expert Meeting on Software for the 2006 IPCC Guidelines 13-15 December 2011 Sao Paulo, Brazil List of Participants
  File posted 23/03/12
1st Lead Author Meeting, Wetlands Supplementary Guidance 31 October – 3 November, 2011 Hayama, Japan List of Participants
  File posted 21/02/14
Emission factor Database, data Meeting on Energy 18 -20 October 2011 Mumbai, India List of Participants
  File posted 23/03/12
9th Meeting of the Editorial Board of the Emission Factor Database (EFDB) 17-20 October 2011 Mumbai, India List of Participants
  File posted 23/03/12
IPCC Expert Meeting on Software and Use of 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories 23-25 August 2011 Hayama, Japan List of Participants
  File posted 23/03/12
IPCC Open Meeting "Estimation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions - A Basis of Climate Actions" 22 August 2011 Yokohama, Japan


  External Link posted 22/09/11

IPCC Expert Meeting on the Use of Facility and Project Information in National GHG Inventories 18-20 July 2011 Wellington, New Zealand List of Participants
  File posted 23/03/12
23rd Meeting of the Task Force Bureau 21-22 July 2011 Wellington, New Zealand
IPCC Expert Meeting on Scoping Additional Guidance on Wetlands 30 March - 1 April 2011 Geneva, Switzerland List of Participants
  File posted 23/03/12
8th Editorial Board Meeting IPCC Database on Greenhouse Gas Emission Factors 18 December 2010 Sao Paulo, Brazil List of Participants
  File posted 27/04/11
IPCC Expert Meeting on Software for the 2006 IPCC Guidelines, 4th Expert Meeting on Data for the IPCC Database on Greenhouse Gas Emission Factors 15-17 December 2010 Sao Paulo, Brazil List of Participants
  File posted 27/04/11
IPCC Expert Meeting on HWP, Wetlands and Soil N2O 19-21 October 2010 Geneva, Switzerland

Meeting Report
  File posted  27/04/11

Co-Chairs Summary
  File posted 09/11/10
List of Participants
  File posted 09/11/10

Presentations (22.6MB)
  File posted  16/11/10

IPCC Expert Meeting on Use of Models and Measurements in GHG Inventories 9-11 August 2010 Sydney, Australia

Meeting Report
  File posted  10/03/11

Co-Chairs Summary
  File posted 09/11/10
List of Participants
  File posted 09/11/10

Presentations (10.9MB)
  File posted  09/11/10

IPCC Expert Meeting on Uncertainty and Validation of Emission Inventories 23-25 March 2010 Utrecht, Netherland

Meeting Report
  File posted  05/11/10

List of Participants
  File posted  23/08/10

Presentations (43.7MB)
  File posted  20/08/10

IPCC Expert Meeting on National Forest GHG Inventories - A Stock Taking 23-25 February 2010 Yokohama, Japan

Meeting Report
  File posted  05/11/10

List of Participants
  File posted  20/08/10
Presentations (41.3MB)
  File posted  20/08/10

Expert Meeting on Software for the IPCC 2006 Guidelines 18-20 November 2009 Geneva, Switzerland List of Participants
  File posted  22/01/10
IPCC-FAO Expert Meeting Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use Data 20-22 October, 2009 Rome, Italy Meeting Report
  File posted  28/05/10
List of Participants
  File posted  22/01/10
3rd Expert Meeting on Data for the IPCC Database on Greenhouse Gas Emission Factors 24-26 June 2009 Santiago, Chile List of Participants
  File posted  22/01/10
2nd Expert Meeting on Data for the IPCC Database on Greenhouse Gas Emission Factors 24-26 June 2009 Santiago, Chile List of Participants
  File posted  22/01/10
Emission Factors Database (EFDB): Editorial Board meeting (7th meeting) 22-24 June 2009 Santiago, Chile List of Participants
  File posted  22/01/10
Expert Meeting on Revisiting the Use of Managed Land as a Proxy for Estimating National Anthropogenic Emissions and Removals 5-7 May 2009 Sao Paulo, Brazil

Meeting Report
  File posted  29/07/10
Co-Chairs Summary
  File posted  28/05/10
List of Participants
  File posted  22/01/10

Presentations (60.5MB)
  File posted  20/08/10

Emission Factors Database (EFDB): Editorial Board meeting (6th meeting) 19-21 November 2008 Buenos Aires, Argentina List of Participants
  File posted  23/01/09 
1st Expert Meeting on Data for the IPCC Database on Greenhouse Gas Emission Factors 17-19 November 2008 Buenos Aires, Argentina List of Participants
  File posted 23 /01/09 
IPCC Expert Meeting IPCC Guidance on estimating emissions and removals of greenhouse gases from land uses such as agriculture and forestry 13-15 May 2008 Helsinki, Finland

Meeting Report &
List of Participants
  File posted  09/01/09 

Expert Meeting on Software for the IPCC 2006 Guidelines 15-17 April 2008 Geneva, Switzerland Meeting Report & List of Participants
  File posted  25/07/08 
Emission Factors Database (EFDB): Editorial Board meeting (5th meeting) 30 October –
1 November 2007
Washington, DC, USA Meeting Report &
List of Participants
  File posted  27/03/08 
Workshop on future work Programme 22-24 January 2007 Geneva, Switzerland  
NGGIP Expert Meeting on software for IPCC 2006 Guidelines 16-18 January 2007 Doha, Qatar  
Emission Factors Database (EFDB): Editorial Board meeting (4th meeting) 10-12 October 2006 Sao Paulo, Brazil Meeting Report & List of Participants
  File posted  29/01/07 
2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Eighth Authors/Experts Meeting :
15-17 December 2005 Sydney, Australia List of Participants
  File posted  13/01/06
2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Seventh Authors/Experts Meeting :
5-7 July 2005 Moscow, Russia List of Participants
  File posted  21/07/05
Expert Meeting on Emission Estimation of Aerosols Relevant to Climate Change 2-4 May 2005 Geneva, Switzerland Meeting Report
  File posted  26/09/05
Emission Factors Database (EFDB): Editorial Board meeting (3rd meeting) 22-24 March 2005 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Meeting Report
  File posted  20/06/05
2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Sixth Authors/Experts Meeting : Consolidation of First Order Draft
11-13 January 2005 Manila, The Philippines List of Participants
  File posted  13/02/06
2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Fifth Authors/Experts Meeting : Waste
2-4 November 2004 Ottawa, Canada List of Participants
  File posted  16/11/04
2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Fourth Authors/Experts Meeting : Energy
28-30 September 2004 Arusha, Tanzania List of Participants 
 File posted  26/10/04
2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories:
Third Authors/Experts Meeting : Industrial Processes and Product Use
27-29 July 2004 Washington D.C., The United States Meeting Report & List of Participants
  File posted  26/10/04
2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventoires:
Second Authors/Experts Meeting : Agriculture, Forestry, and Other Land Use
2-4 June 2004 Le Morne, Mauritius Meeting Report & List of Participants
  File posted  22/09/04
2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventoires: First Meeting of the Co-ordinating Lead Authors for the 2006 IPCC Guidelines,
First Authors/Experts Meeting : Cross-cutting Issues and Reporting Tables for the 2006 IPCC Guidelines
4-6 May 2004 Oslo, Norway Meeting Report
  File posted  04/08/04
Emission Factors Database (EFDB): Editorial Board meeting (2nd meeting) 18-20 February 2004 Tsukuba, Japan Meeting Report & List of Participants
  File posted  30/06/04
IPCC Expert Group Scoping Meeting for the Revision of the "Revised 1996 IPCC Inventory Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories" 16-18 September 2003 Geneva, Switzerland Meeting Report & List of Participants
  File posted  28/11/03


-Previous meetings (LULUCF reports: August 2001 - July 2003)
-Previous meetings (Emission Factor Database: July 2000-)
-Previous meetings (Good Practice Guidance: October 1998 - March 2000)
-Previous meetings (Others)


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