Boost your awareness - Cybersécurité - INTRINSEC.
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Boost your SSI awareness campaigns

Boost your SSI awareness campaigns with innovative actions: awareness workshops, popularization videos, content creation, phishing simulations… Together, we define an awareness strategy tailored to your objectives. Then we propose content tailored to your context.

What SSI awareness-raising initiatives are you involved in?

Tailor-made educational videos

  • A concept explained on video in your context, adapted to your themes
  • Between 5 and 10 minutes

crisis simulation

  • Crisis management tabletop exercise
  • Fun and context-sensitive

Full-time support

  • Intrinsec provides you with full-time security experts to support your company, according to your security needs. Take advantage of a flexible approach to enhance your skills with the help of an experienced consultant.

phishing simulations

  • Exercise with scalable scenarios, tracking portal and statistics

Awareness-raising workshops

  • In-company training with technical demonstration and practical work

Telephone Social Engineering

Intrinsec can create fake phone calls to make your employees aware of this attack and fraud vector.

President fraud, login requests, requests for confidential information…

Serious Game

  • A playful role-playing experience to encourage buy-in, in partnership with Opfor Intelligence & Jérome Saiz

Safety in practice

  • Kit of 15 user scenarios
  • Fun exercises (for executives and users)

I want more information!

Leave us a message describing your security needs, or contact us if you’d like information about our activities.

Don’t forget to enter your e-mail address or telephone number so that we can contact you as soon as possible.

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