Distributed Systems Group

Mirela Riveni



Current affiliation page


Short CV

Mirela received a PhD degree while working in the Distributed Systems Group, Institute of Information Systems, Vienna University of Technology within the Vienna PhD School of Informatics.

She received her M.Sc. degree in Computer Networks at KTH -The Royal Institute of Technology and a BSc degree in Computer Science at the South East European University.



  • Human Computation, Social Computing, Crowdsourcing
  • Management mechanisms for Human Computation: ranking strategies, trust and reputation models, adaptation mechanisms
  • Hybriditiy-aware Collective Adaptive Systems
  • Network Science
  • Online Privacy and Ethics
  • Computational Social Science

Past Part-time project engagement:


Journal/Conference/Workshop Publications

Book chapters


Best Paper Award

  • Mirela Riveni and Schahram Dustdar, "Trust and Interaction-type Considerations in Multi-objective Team Compositions for Human-computation", The 17th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Informatics & Cognitive Computing (ICCI*CC' 2018) , Berkeley, CA, 16-18 July 2018.

Honorary mentions

  • Mirela Riveni, Annette Mossel, Christian Schönauer, Peter Kán "Rescue Support by Crowdsourced Analysis of 3D Environments" - Honorary Certificate Winner from the IEEE 2013 ComSoc Student Competition "Communications technology changing the world", ranked among the top 7 projects among about 70 submissions.


email: mirelariveni[at]protonmail.com

Distributed Systems Group
Vienna University of Technology
Argentinierstrasse 8/184-1
A-1040 Wien, Austria