Recent Publications
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Metrology and Nanometrology at Agricultural/Food/Nutraceutical Interface: An Updated Shot
Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Algorithms for Author Age and...
Human-Aware Collaborative Robots in the Wild: Coping with Uncertainty in...
Automatic Extraction of Medication Mentions from Tweets - Overview of...
Recent Projects
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January 1, 2023
BUA – Balcão Único Automóvel
Build a one-stop shop to simplify State services and allow citizens to issue a single vehicle registration document containing information currently on two services...
November 1, 2022
GDI – Genomic Data Infrastructure
The project is designed to support the European 1+ Million Genomes (1+MG) Initiative. It brings together institutions in 22 countries to provide a cross-border...
July 1, 2022
OLI Health
The project aims the design, technical development, and validation of an innovative solution for the regular monitoring of data related to the health and...
July 1, 2022
RN21 – Natural Resin Integrated Project 21 Optimization of industrial...
The project is designed to allow companies of the 2nd transformation to make a qualitative leap in their digital age towards Industry 4.0. It is intended...