Conference Publications Chair Role - IEEE CEE

Conference Publications Chair Role

The Conference Publications Chair manages the production of the conference publication, including the final program and technical papers. The Conference Publications Chair is also responsible for the final signoff of conference content published at the event, and post-conference submission to the IEEE Xplore® Digital Library.

Please check with your IEEE sponsor for publishing and peer review guidelines.

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Timeline of Activities

The work of the Conference Publications Chair typically begins 12 to 15 months in advance of the conference.

IEEE Conference Publication Form

The IEEE Conference Publication Form is how you request approval to submit your conference papers to the CPP and the IEEE Xplore® Digital Library. To allow enough time for the full approval process, this form must be submitted at least twelve months before the conference.

Upon review and approval, IEEE will send you your Letter of Acquisition (LoA) after receiving your Conference Publication Form. The Letter of Acquisition is an agreement between your conference and IEEE to consider your conference for acceptance into the CPP and IEEE Xplore®.

Collaboration with the Technical Program Chair

The Conference Publications Chair also coordinates with the Technical Program Committee to finalize the conference proceedings and conference content for submission to IEEE Xplore®. They work closely to provide authors with instructions for paper submission and adhere to the guidelines and instructions within the Letter of Acquisition (LOA).

What is the Technical Program?
The technical program is a series of presentations delivered at the conference that cover a range of scientific areas directly related to the technical scope of the conference. These presentations are based upon academic papers selected through the paper submission and review process.

Managing Peer Review
The Technical Program Committee is also in charge of managing the paper-review process for the conference.

If you need guidance on developing a high-quality technical program, please contact IEEE Conferences, Events & Experiences.

Organizer Education

Courses are available in the following conference topical areas:

The courses are accessible at the IEEE Center for Leadership Excellence (CLE). All courses are offered at no cost but require registration via an IEEE Account. Creating an IEEE Account is fast and simple.

We Are Here to Help

If you have questions about the role of the Conference Publications Chair, please contact the CEE team.