Action plan 2022-2025 for gender equality
The Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Montpellier (CIHEAM Montpellier) develops and articulates activities relating to three missions: higher education for young people and professionals, research and cooperation for development.
It conducts its activities in a particular transnational and transcontinental geographical area, the Mediterranean basin, within which, at the scale of living territories and particularly in the sectors of agriculture and rural development, strong discrimination persists between men. and women, whether social, cultural or economic.
CIHEAM Montpellier is involved in the fields of agriculture and rural development, which are sectors characterized by the increased persistence, with reference to national averages, of inequalities between men and women, whether social, cultural or economic order.
Committed to quality certification and labeling processes for more than a decade (ISO 9001 certification, FLE Quality label, Welcome to France label), CIHEAM Montpellier has a solid reference base in terms of monitoring and evaluation of its activities, and a real culture of implementing specific approaches in a logic of continuous progress.
Our commitments
Through this Action Plan for Gender Equality, the challenge is to make visible the practices that are ours and which contribute to the reduction of gender inequalities and the advancement of women, to show their consistency and their articulation, and to strengthen their performance and scope whenever necessary by:
Developing internally a culture for gender equality, by mobilizing information, awareness-raising and training but also listening and setting up systems to facilitate the detection and treatment of situations of related violence to gender,
Implementing gender-sensitive human resources management, from the recruitment phase and throughout careers at the Institute,
Promoting higher education and continuing education that work towards an open future for women and men,
Systematically integrating the gender dimension into projects, whether in the way activities are carried out or in the evaluation of their impact.
For each of these axes, a set of concrete and measurable actions are broken down and included in an implementation schedule covering the period 2022-2025.