Prof. Dr. Ralf Dörner | Graphische Datenverarbeitung und Virtuelle Realität
201, Gebäude C
Postal Address:
Postfach 3251
65022 Wiesbaden
Unter den Eichen 5
65195 Wiesbaden
nach Vereinbarung
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Ralf Dörner is professor for Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality in Wiesbaden, Germany since 2004. He served as the first director for the universities' master program in computer science. He serves as the speaker of the doctoral college that is organized in cooperation with the Goethe-University, Frankfurt am Main since 2009. Since 2013 he serves as vice dean of the department for design, computer science, media. He is also honorary professor at the University of Transilvania at Brasov. More Details.
Prof. Dr. Dörner is author and co-author of more than 50 international peer-reviewed publications. He has served as member of program committees and reviewer of national and international conferences (e.g. IEEE ISMAR, ACM VRST, IEEE VR) and he has served as reviewer of international journals (e.g. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, Journal of Virtual Reality and Broadcasting). Prof. Dörner serves also as expert, e.g. for the German Science Foundation (DFG), the Swiss Science Foundation and the European Commission. A detailed list of his publications can be found here.
Professional Memberships
Prof. Dr. Ralf Dörner is member of ACM SIGGRAPH and reciepient of its Recognition of Service Award. Moreover, he is member of the German Society for Computer Science (GI) and serves as a board member of the GI group for virtual reality / augmented reality.
The research interests of Prof. Dr. Ralf Dörner lie in the areas of visualization (interactive information visualization, visual data analysis), virtual and mixed reality (in particular in the field of dedicated authoring systems) and the usage of computer graphics for e-learning and entertainment. Prof. Dörner worked in numerous publicly funded research projects. In addition, he participated in several contract research projects. Prof. Dörner also works as consultant and expert.
Prof. Dörner offers courses in the area of computer graphics, virtual reality, mixed reality, computer graphics for education and entertainment, information visualization, computer games, 3D modelling and reconstruction, 3D animation, 2D image analysis, digital image processing, and human-computer interaction. Moreover, he offers seminars as well as the supervision of apprenticeships, bachelor-theses, master-theses and PhD-theses.
Students interests in practical placements, bachelor-theses, master-theses and PhD-theses in the area of computer graphics, virtual and mixed reality visualisation as well as human-computer interaction are welcome to contact Prof. Dörner (e.g. by email). A list of thesis that were supervised in Wiesbaden can be found here.