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The Helsinki Smart Region showcases the smart expertise in Helsinki-Uusimaa. Our smart innovation strategy for the region brings together stakeholders from both urban and rural areas for impactful research and innovation activities, all under the overarching theme of Resource Wisdom.


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Helsinki-Uusimaa Region emphasises the importance of reforming cohesion policy as a central pillar of the EU in the upcoming programming period


The European Union is reforming the basis of funding from programme-based to policy-based. There is a desire to …
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Beyond Helsinki-Uusimaa: Building Momentum for 2025


In some parts of the world, people look for a single word each year to sum up their …
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Helsinki-Uusimaa joined declaration on EU cohesion policy


The Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council took part in a meeting of the Power Regions of Europe on 20 November …
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Citizens’ city

The citizens in Helsinki-Uusimaa are active, creating together with companies and cities agile, user-focused services and solutions. The region is a world leader in making data public and using it to create new businesses. Helsinki-Uusimaa is big enough for systematic development of significant technologies and social innovations, and small enough to make it feasible in practice, too. This theme covers areas such as transportation, housing, urban planning, and healthcare.

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Citizens’ city

Climate neutrality

The Helsinki-Uusimaa Region has set a goal to be carbon neutral by 2035. A transition to a low carbon society requires significant changes to our infrastructure, mobility, and built environment. The Helsinki Smart region is a major operator in developing the most ambitious clean technology in the world, and we have the proven capacity to develop new service models. Climate neutrality theme covers areas such as circular economy solutions, new forms of energy, bioeconomy innovations and new materials.

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Climate neutrality

Industrial modernisation

The Helsinki-Uusimaa Region produces various configurable products using for example industrial IoT and mobile technologies. We develop leading edge technologies for future industry and processes. In Helsinki-Uusimaa there is a broad innovation activity in different fields of strategic value chains such as self-driving vehicles, smart health, hydrogen technology, and cyber security. Areas covered by the theme include, for example, new industrial processes, health technologies, robotics, and travel.

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Industrial modernisation

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