Society Operations - GRSS-IEEE

Society Operations

Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society Operations

Administrative Committee (AdCom)

The Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society is managed by the Administrative Committee (AdCom). It encompasses between 15-18 members of the Society and IEEE, plus Past Presidents and additional Ex-Officio members as provided in the Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society Bylaws. The terms of office of the members of the AdCom is 3 years with at least 3 members being elected each year. 

Executive Committee (ExCom)

The Executive Committee consists of the following AdCom members: the President, the Executive Vice-President, Past-Presidents during their term as Members, the Secretary, the Chief Financial Officer, the Vice-President of Professional Activities, the Vice-President of Publications, the Vice-President of Meetings and Symposia, the Vice-President of Technical Activities, and the Vice President of Information Resources.

Society Documents

Below are the latest versions of important GRSS documents.

Committees and Further Information

Honorary Life Members

Honorary Life Members The position of Honorary Life Member may be bestowed upon an outstanding member of the profession who fulfills the following minimum requirements: The candidate shall have made significant technical contributions in the field of interest of the Society. The candidate shall have performed outstanding service to the

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