OfS Transparency Return | About the university | University of Greenwich

About the university

OfS Transparency Return

The table published below shows the percentage of classified first degrees at grade 2:1 or above by characteristics, for 2021-22 qualifiers.

It shows these percentages by:

  • Ethnicity
  • English Indices of Multiple Deprivation (EIMD) 2019 quintile
  • Sex

We review disparities in student outcomes across demographic characteristics on a regular basis and this informs our approach to delivering on our Access & Participation Plan. More information can be found in our Access & Participation Plan.

Detailed information is found in Table 1b, link below.

Summary data

Attainment of 2021-22 qualifiers

Table 1a: Percentage of classified first degrees at grade 2:1 or above by characteristic for 2021-22 qualifiers
Characteristic Characteristic split Percentage
EthnicityEthnic minorities66.0%
EIMD 2019 quintile 1 and 268.2%
3 to 577.1%
Sex Female73.9%
Other N

Rounding and suppression

Numerators and denominators have been rounded to the nearest 10. Where the numerator or denominator rounds to 20 or less, the data are suppressed with an "N".

Percentages are rounded according to the smallest, unsuppressed denominator in a given mode and characteristic. If the denominator rounds to:

  • 50 or less: percentages are rounded to 5%
  • 1000 or less: percentages are rounded to 1%
  • More than 1000: percentages are rounded to 0.1%

'N/A' is displayed where there is no provision in a given mode or level.

'DP' indicates suppression for data protection reasons. This is applied where the numerator is two or less, or differs from the denominator by no more than two students.


Ethnic minorities = Includes students with Asian, Black, Mixed, or Other ethnicities.

EIMD = English Indices of Multiple Deprivation.