GFISCO: GO FAIR International Support & Coordination Office (more info).
GO BUILD: GO BUILD is one of three GO FAIR pillars; it deals with building the technical infrastructure (more context).
GO CHANGE: GO CHANGE isone of three GO FAIR pillars; it aims to instigate cultural change to make the FAIR principles a working standard in science and to reform reward systems to incorporate open science activities (more context).
GO TRAIN: GO TRAIN is one of three GO FAIR pillars; it is about training the data stewards capable of providing FAIR data services (more context).
HLEG: High Level Expert Group that provided strategic advice to the European Commission on the strategy for the European Open Science Cloud initiative as part of the Digital Single Market (more info).
Hourglass approach: the structure of the current internet can be compared to an hourglass (more info).
IFDS: Internet of FAIR Data & Services (more info).
Machine-actionability: the capacity of computational systems to find, access, interoperate, and reuse data with none or minimal human intervention (more context).
Metadata: information about the data, such as the protocol used to create the data or the type of molecules that are the focus of the study (more context).
Ontology: can be roughly described as a vocabulary with hierarchies, meaningful relations among concepts, and their constraints (more context).
Persistant identifier: An identifier is a sequence of characters that identifies an entity. The term ‘persistent identifier’ is usually used in the context of digital objects that are accessible over the Internet. Typically, such an identifier is not only persistent but also actionable, i.e., it is a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), usually of type http/s, that you can paste in a web browser address bar to be taken to the identified source (more info).
RDF: Resource Description Framework, a standard model for data interchange on the Web (more info).
URI: Uniform Resource Identifier, an actionable sequence of characters that identifies an entity (see also: persistant identifier).
Vocabulary: a computer-readable file that captures terms, their URIs, and descriptions (more context).