The Executive Board (EB) is to set the GO FAIR long-term goals and to ensure that the operational structure of GO FAIR Offices (NSO and ISCO) is set adequately to support the INs in the implementation of the long-term and short-term goals and allows for interaction with international initiatives, including but not limited to Data Together.
The EB is constituted of six representatives from the INs, two for each pillar of GO FAIR (Change, Train, Build), the Board of Directors of the NSO, and representative(s) from ISCO (if separately formed in addition to the ISCO distributed function among offices) or the NSO. The IN representatives are nominated by the Stakeholder Forum.
As per the EB Terms of Reference, the EB elects a Chair and a Vice Chair, with the objective to ensure distribution of expertise, IN and geographical representation.
Interim Executive Board members
Name | Representing IN | Pillar represented |
Ronald Cornet, Chair | Rare Diseases | GO CHANGE |
Suzanne Dumouchel, Vice Chair | CO-OPERAS | GO CHANGE |
Susanna-Assunta Sansone | FAIR StRePo | GO TRAIN |
Peter Kraker | Discovery | GO BUILD |
Odile Hologne | Food Systems | GO BUILD |
Read the Executive Board Terms of Reference (link to a pdf-file).
Note that the GO FAIR Executive Board nominations are in progress and a new EB will be announced later in 2022. The above linked ToR are under revision as well.