Wednesday 10 July 2024 | GEWEX Events

Wednesday 10 July 2024

Oral Presentations

Plenary Session

Climate Resilience – Toward Science-Based Adaptation Practices –

Location: Eminence Hall
Susan Crewell and Tomonori Sato

Time Title Presenter
08:30–09:00 On the role of operational hydrology in monitoring and predicting water resources in a changing climate and land use UHLENBROOK, Stefan
09:00–09:20 Advancements in Urban Climate Research: Insights from Kusaka Group KUSAKA, Hiroyuki
09:20–09:40 Climate Change Impacts on Global Water Resources — Past Achievements and Future Prospects HANASAKI, Naota
09:40–10:00 Understanding the water cycle induced risk in West Africa: between Data, Knowledge production and Policy making GAYE, Amadou
Group Photo
Coffee/Tea Break

Parallel Sessions

Session 04
Emerging techniques and technology: From climate modification to AI

Location: Eminence Hall B
Souhail Boussetta, Stephan de Roode

Time Title Presenter
Lunch and Poster viewing
13:30–13:45 Challenges For Marine Cloud Brightening; The Refreeze The Arctic Program DE ROODE, Stephan
13:45–14:00 Enhancement Of Explainability Of Representation Of Surface Downward Shortwave Fluxes From Atmospheric Reanalysis Data Products WATANABE, Takeshi
14:00–14:15 Progress In The Development And Applications Of Fast Matsiro Land Surface Model Emulator OLSON, Roman
14:15–14:30 Impacts Of Stratospheric Aerosol Injection On The South American Hydroclimate In The Geoengineering Model Intercomparison Project (Geomip) G6Sulfur Experiment GULIZIA, Carla
14:30–14:45 Artificial Generation Of Upstream Maritime Heavy Rains To Govern Intense-Rain-Induced Disasters Over Land KOTSUKI, Shunji
14:45–15:00 A Consistent European Streamflow Reconstruction For The Last 70 Years KLOTZ, Daniel
Coffee/Tea Break and Poster Viewing

Session 07
Atmospheric Boundary Layer and Land  Atmosphere Interactions

Location: Myabi
Conveners: Volker Wulfmeyer, Ivana Stiperski, Shiori Sugimoto

Time Title Presenter
10:30–10:45 The Land-Atmosphere System DIRMEYER, Paul
10:45–11:00 The GEWEX Land-Atmosphere Feedback Observatory (GLAFO) WULFMEYER, Volker
11:00–11:15 Measured And Simulated Turbulent Flux Over Heterogeneous Landscapes: The Model And Observation For Surface Atmosphere Interactions (MOSAI) Project Experimental Campaigns ROEHRIG, Romain
11:15–11:30 Reviving The GABLSProject: An Intercomparison Based On GLAFO EDWARDS, John
11:30–11:45 Enhanced Probability Of Mesoscale Convective System Initiations Due To Land Surface Heterogeneity In Semiarid East Asia TERAMURA, Hiroki
11:45–12:00 Canopy Heterogeneity Footprints In The Roughness Sublayer And Representation In Earth System Models SALMASO, Giulia
Lunch and Poster viewing
13:30–13:45 Evaluating The Impact Of Kilometer-Scale Surface Heterogeneity On Mesoscale Atmospheric Dynamics WATERMAN, Tyler
13:45–14:00 Understanding Of 2-Dimensional View Of Land-Atmosphere Matrix Using Flux Site Observations KIM, Sungyoon
14:00–14:15 Process-Level Development Of The Land-Atmosphere Coupling Within The CNRM Single-Column Model BERNARD, Emilie
14:15–14:30 Advancing Understanding Of Planetary Boundary Layer Height: Insights From Dropsonde And HSRL2 Lidar Measurements During The Activate Field Campaigns XU, Yike
14:30–14:45 Relations between the nocturnal drainage flow and leaf area ratio changes of the mountain catchment in central Japan UENO, Kenichi
14:45–15:00 Land-Atmosphere Interactions at Northern High Latitudes YILMAZ, Yeliz A.
Coffee/Tea Break and Poster Viewing

Session 08
Cloud Processes: from cloud development to dynamic interactions

Location: Eminence Hall
Conveners: Philip Stier, Daniel Klocke

Time Title Presenter
10:30–10:45 The GEWEX Aerosol Precipitation Initiative (GAP): Towards An Understanding Of Aerosol-Precipitation Interactions On Regional To Global Scales – From Idealised Radiative Convective Equilibrium To Global Km-Scale Aerosol-Climate Modelling STIER, Philip
10:45–11:00 Aerosol-Induced Increase Of Convective Clouds Over The Tibetan Plateau LI, Guohui
11:00–11:15 Investigating Aerosol-Cloud Interactions In The Korean Integrated Model KANG, Jung-Yoon
11:15–11:30 Controlling Factors Of Marine Warm Cloud During East Asian Cold Surge CHEN, Yi-Chun
11:30–11:45 Using A Single-Column Model Framework To Understand Aerosol-Cloud Interactions In Marine Boundary Layer Clouds: Evaluation Against Activate Field Data And Process-Level Models TANG, Shuaiqi
11:45–12:00 Continuous Observations Toward Understanding Aerosol-Cloud Interaction Processes At The Summit Of Mt. Tsukuba, Japan KAJINO, Mizuo
Lunch and Poster viewing
13:30–13:45 Impacts Of Anthropogenic Aerosols On Different Levels Of Precipitation In The Guanzhong Basin, China BEI, Naifang
13:45–14:00 Linking Cloud Optical And Microphysical Properties To Formation Conditions SATO, Kaori
14:00–14:15 Impacts Of Anthropogenic Aerosols On Different Levels Of Precipitation In The Guanzhong Basin, China YANG, Yuning
14:15–14:30 Potential Impact Of Doppler Cpr Observation By Earthcare On Climate Modeling NAKAMURA, Yuhi
14:30–14:45 Earth System Model Process-Level Diagnostics For Southern Ocean Aerosol-Cloud-Precipitation Interactions MCCLUSKEY, Christina
14:45–15:00 Process-Oriented Model Evaluation Of Cloud Microphysics With Implication For Aerosol-Cloud Interaction SUZUKI, Kentaroh
Coffee/Tea Break and Poster Viewing

Session 10
Monsoons: Special Session Celebrating 150 Years of India Meteorological Department

Location: Clover (morning) and Myabi (afternoon)
Conveners: Mrutyunjay Mohapatra, Raghavan Krishnan, Suryachandra Rao, Hugh Zhang, Hiroshi Takahashi

Weather & Us – 150 Years of IMD: A Journey Unfolded – (video)

Time Title Presenter
10:30–10:45 Zonal Asymmetric Response Of Northern Hemispheric Monsoon To Global Warming HE, Chao
10:45–11:00 East Asian Atmospheric Rivers Are Most Hazardous In Summer SON, Seok-Woo
Lunch and Poster viewing
11:00–11:15 Impact Of Spring Land-Surface Conditions Over The Tibetan Plateau On The Early Summer Asian Monsoon Using An AGCM Large Ensemble TAKAHASHI, Hiroshi
11:15–11:30 Precision In Monsoon Precipitation Forecasting: Evaluating High-Resolution Atmospheric Models Over South Asian Countries DAS, Mohan Kumar
11:30–11:45 Monsoon Onset Mechanism And Its Reproducibility In Global Climate Models KAJIKAWA, Yoshiyuki
11:45–12:00 Robust Intensification Of The Indian Summer Monsoon Cross-Equatorial Flow Under Global Warming In A “Zoom Simulation” Of A Global Atmospheric GCM RAGHAVAN, Krishnan
Lunch and Poster viewing
Time Title Presenter
Coffee/Tea Break and Poster Viewing
17:15–17:30 Unique Features Of The Philippines Monsoon Rainfall: Role Of Weak Cyclonic Vortices To The Rainfall And Rainfall Extremes MATSUMOTO, Jun
17:30–17:45 A Critical Role Of The Cloud-Radiation-Surface-Temperature Feedback For The Damping Of The Madden-Julian Oscillation Over The Maritime Continent Islands JIANG, Xianan
17:45–18:00 Using An Onset Period Approach To Understand Future Changes In The Dry-To-Wet Season Transition ZILLI, Marcia
18:00–18:15 A Mechanistic Understanding Of Rainfall Intensification Over Western India And Its Linkage To The Indian Ocean Dipole MUKHERJEE, Sumit
18:15–18:30 Evaluation Of The Isotope-Enabled Fully Coupled Model MIROC6-Iso And Application On Asian Monsoon LI, Yifan
18:30–18:45 Divergent Mechanisms, Convergent Responses: A Comparative Analysis Of Extreme Precipitation In Maritime Continent Under Land Use Changes And Global Warming HSU, Jie

Session 24
Heatwaves and droughts in Present and Future Climate

Location: Ohgi
Conveners: Jeffery Basara, Ali Behrangi, Aihui Wang

Time Title Presenter
10:30–10:45 Exploring The Influence Of Land-Atmosphere Interactions On Humid Heat Extremes In A Convection-Permitting Model Simulation TAYLOR, Christopher
10:45–11:00 Projection Of Climate Extreme Indices Over Mongolia GOMBOLUUDEV, Purevjav
11:00–11:15 The Ever-Present And Growing Risk Of Flash Drought And Associated Impacts From Local To Global BASARA, Jeffrey
11:15–11:30 Overview Of The Circum-Arctic Wave Pattern And Its Update From 2018 To 2023 YASUNARI, Teppei J.
11:30–11:45 The Unprecedented Heatwave Over Japan In 2023: Roles Of Tropical Convection And Moisture Supply From The Surrounding Warmed Ocea NAKAMURA, Hisashi
11:45–12:00 Assessing Flash Droughts In The Continental United States: A Focus On Relative Humidity FARAHMAND, Alireza
Lunch and Poster viewing
13:30–13:45 Summer Heat Wave In 2022 Led To Rapid Warming Of Permafrost In The Central Qinghai-Tibet Plateau WU, Tonghua
13:45–14:00 Projections Of Heat Waves And Drought In Australia Using High-Resolution Downscaled CMIP6 Models SYKTUS, Jozef
14:00–14:15 Spatiotemporal Assessment Of Heat Stress Indices In Metro Manila, Philippines DADO, Julie Mae
14:15–14:30 Hydrological Projections For A ‘Day-Zero Drought’ Risk Assessment In The Integrated Vaal River System, South Africa BISKOP, Sophie
14:30–14:45 Exploring Climate Change Effects On Drought Patterns In Bangladesh Using Bias-Corrected CMIP6 GCMs YILDIZ, Shabista
14:45–15:00 Direct And Lagged Climate Change Effects Intensified The Widespread 2022 European Drought BEVACQUA, Emanuele
Coffee/Tea Break and Poster Viewing
17:15–17:30 Impact Of Different Greenhouse Gas Emission Rates On Global Heat Waves And Droughts PARK, In-Hong
17:30–17:45 TBD
17:45–18:00 Influence Of Tibetan High And North Pacific High Pressure Systems On The Hot Extremes And The Risk Of Heat Stroke In Japan MORIOKA, Takehiro
18:00–18:15 Summer Heatwaves Over Northeastern Siberia Tied To Atmospheric Teleconnection And Sea Surface Temperature Change ZHOU, Xiling
18:15–18:30 Enhanced Vegetation-Drought Relationship In A Warming Climate HAO, Yi
18:30–18:45 Global-Scale Compound Droughts And Heatwaves: Inland/Coastal Type Grouping, Diversity Of Temperature Extremes, And Dynamically-Based Interpretable Reconstruction LIU, Zhenchen

Session 25
Addressing the Challenge of Cascading and Compound Events

Location: Rose
Conveners: Santosh Pingale, Hamid Moradkhani, Anna Sorensson

Time Title Presenter
10:30–10:45 Long-Term Change Of The Compound Extremes Over Asia: Hot And Humid Events YOON, Jin-Ho
10:45–11:00 Unravelling The Dynamics And Mechanisms Of The Sudden Shift From Drought To Pluvial Conditions WANG, Shuo
11:00–11:15 Integrated Hazard Modeling Framework For Comprehensive Climate Change Impact Assessment On Compound Disasters SAYAMA, Takahiro
11:15–11:30 Intensification Of Cascading Floods And Fires Events In Indonesian Tropical Peatlands YAMAMOTO, Eva Mia Siska
11:30–11:45 Processes And Risks Of Spatio-Temporally Compounding Extreme Events In The Yangtze River Valley CHEN, Yang
11:45–12:00 Prediction Of Sediment Yields And Transport Processes In A Drainage Basin Caused By An Extreme Rainfall Event QIN, Menglu
Lunch and Poster viewing
Time Title Presenter
Coffee/Tea Break and Poster Viewing
17:15–17:30 Quantifying Drought Propagation Typology Through Remote Sensing And Data Assimilation WHITNEY, Kristen
17:30–17:45 Changes In Concurrent Floods In Europe Over The Past And Future FANG, Beijing
17:45–18:00 Assessing Damage And Losses Due To Future Compounding Heatwaves And Extreme Rainfall-Induced Flooding In Sicily, Italy SIRISENA, Jeewanthi
18:00–18:15 The Importance Of Multiscale Interactions In Creating Extreme Precipitation Events PREIN, Andreas F.
18:15–18:30 Toward A Holistic Analysis Of Drought Impacts On Ecosystem Functioning POPPE TERÁN, Christian
18:30–18:45 Droughts Without Agro-Climatological Extremes KULKARNI, Sneha

Stakeholder Sessions

Climate Resilience – Toward Science-Based Adaptation Practices –

Location: Rose
Time: 13:00–17:00
Organizer: Ministry of Environment

Title Presenter
Development of common socio-economic scenarios for climate change impact and adaptation assessment in Japan Sayaka YOSHIKAWA
Evaluation of Adaptation and Mitigation to Flooding in Japan under Climate Change So KAZAMA
Assessing the Effectiveness of Adaptation against Sea Level Rise in Japanese Coastal Areas: Protection and Relocation Makoto TAMURA
Influence of oceanographic conditions on fishery and aquaculture in the Pacific coast of northeastern Japan Shigeho KAKEHI
Trends and research needs of NbS contributing to biodiversity conservation and climate change Shunsuke FUKUI
Introduction of the NbS research project in the Lake Inba-numa watershed Jun NISHIHIRO
Nature-based Strategies for flood mitigation by wetland restoration: Case study in Japan’s urban-rural catchment (tentative) Kazuaki OHTSUKI
Nutrient runoff control by utilizing natural functions Satoko YOKOYAMA
Research for simultaneous conservation of biodiversity and groundwater cycle Yuna HIRANO

Risk assessment and adaptation to water/soil compound disasters in climate change-vulnerable regions

Location: Clover
Time: 13:00–15:00
Japan Society of Civil Engineers Hokkaido Branch “Research Committee on Risk Assessment of Complex Geo-Disasters in Climate Change Vulnerable Areas”

Title Presenter
A possibility of new compound geodisasters at climate change vulnerable cold regions Tatsuya Ishikawa
Development of Evaluation Model for Driftwoods Generation in the Kawabe River basin and Assessment of the Effect of the Climate Change Shinichiro Yano
Estimation of Risk of Slope Hazard Occurrence in Snowy and Cold Regions due to Climate Change Makoto Nakatsugawa
Proposal of a Comprehensive Risk Assessment Model for Cut Slopes Considering Long-Term Deterioration Characteristics due to Weathering and Climate Change Noriyuki Yasufuku
Geo-disaster in Hokkaido and impact of climate change Shima Kawamura
Climate Change Impact Assessment On Precipitation Patterns Of Causing A Flood In The Chikugo River And Kuma River Basins In Kyushu, Japan Yasuyuki Maruya
Leveraging Hydrometeorological Insights to Strengthen Urban Himalayan Resilience Against Floods Sumit Sen
Soil-Water Index (SWI) thresholds for a Territorial Landslide Early Warning System (Te-LEWS) in Uttarakhand, India Siva Subramanian Srikrishnan

Challenges by local governments and stakeholders towards social implementation of climate change mitigation and adaptation measures

Location: Clover
Time: 15:30–17:30
Organizer: Hokkaido Regional Development Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism

Title Presenter
Challenges by local governments and stakeholders towards social implementation of climate change mitigation and adaptation measures Tadashi Yamada
Mitsugi Takenaka
Yujin Minobe
Yoichi Morikawa
Daisuke Komori
Hiroki Ishikawa
Yoshito Suga

Conference Banquet

Location: Eminence Hall
Master of Ceremonies: Prof. Peter van Oevelen, director Internationl GEWEX Project Office | George Mason University

Time Title
18:45 – 19:00 Walk In
19:00 – 19:10 Welcome and Opening Conference Banquet
Prof. Tomohito Yamada, Chair Local Organizing Committee | Hokkaido University
Kagami Biraki
GEWEX Ambassador & Lifetime Contribution Awards
Dr. Jan Polcher Co-Chair GEWEX Scientific Steering group | Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Institut Pierre Simon Laplace
Prof. Xubin Zeng, Co-Chair GEWEX Scientific Steering group | University of Arizona
19:20 – 19:35Keynote Prof. Taikan Oki, Tokyo University
19:45 – 20:00Ainu Performance
21:25 – 21:30Closing
Prof. Tetsuzo Yasunari, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature
Prof. Tomonori Sato, Vise Chair, Local Organization Committee – Hokkaido Unviersity

Poster Presentations

Session 04
Emerging techniques and technology: From climate modification to AI

Location: Plaza Hall

Board # + Presenter Title
P01 – ARAI, Ryosuke Application Of Deep Reinforcement Learning In The Operation Of Hydropower Generation In Japan
P02 – PAIK, Seungmok Response Of Indian Summer Monsoon Precipitation To Carbon Dioxide Removal: Subseasonal Evolution And Regional Characteristics
P03 – SHANGGUAN, Wei Development Of Soil, Water And Carbon Datasets For Land Surface Modeling
P04 – DE ROODE, Stephan Cooling The Air: Assessing Maximum Evaporative Cooling Potential Through Water Spraying For Kilometer-scale Geoengineering Applications

Session 07
Atmospheric Boundary Layer and Land Atmosphere Interactions

Location: Plaza Hall

Board # + Presenter Title
P05 – GANESHI, Naresh Impacts Of The Snow–Hydrological Processes On Near Surface Temperature Variability Over The Eurasian Continent
P06 – OKACHI, Hiroki Estimation Of Momentum And Water Exchanges At The Air-Sea Interface Under Tropical Cyclones By Radar Observation
P07 – LI, Xianxiang Sensitivity Of PBL Schemes In Simulating A Cold Spell In Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area: A WRF/Multilayer Urban Canopy Model Study
P08 – PARK, Yunju Understanding Soil Moisture–Boundary Layer Interactions Over The East Asia Using Radiosonde Observations
P09 – FOWLER, Meg Representing The Atmospheric Impacts Of Land Surface Heterogeneity In The Community Earth System Model
P10 – TOKUDA, Daisuke Comparative Analysis Of Soil Moisture Memory: Autocorrelation-Based And Drydown-Oriented In Climate Modeling
P11 – LEE, Bora Fidelity Of Hypersensitive Soil Moisture-Temperature Coupling In ERA5
P12 – TANJI, Seika Estimate The Impact Of The Developed Snowdrift On The Turbulent Flow And Following Snowdrift
P13 – DIRMEYER, Paul Thermodynamic constraints on the sensitivity of boundary layer clouds to land surface flux partitioning
P14 – WULFMEYER, Volker Temperature and water-vapor profiling based on Raman lidar with unprecedented accuracy and resolutions
P15 – SRIVASTAVA, Piyush Towards Improved Parameterization Of Surface Turbulent Fluxes In Extreme Weather Conditions Over Mountainous Region.
P16 – PRABHAKARAN, Anandu Winter Wildfires In Lesser Himalayas: Are These Becoming A New Normal Under Changing Climate?
P17 – WANG, Chan Properties of a simulated convective boundary layer over inhomogeneous vegetation

Session 08
Cloud Processes: from cloud development to dynamic interactions

Location: Cherry

Board # + Presenter Title
C02 – CHEN, Chao-An Exploring The Influence Of Regional Sst Warming Patterns On Summer Circulation In The Western North Pacific
C03 – YAMADA, Yoshinori Verification Of Reproducibility Of Snowfall Amount From Numerical Models Using A New Radar-Based Method Applied To Snowfall In Region Of Complex Terrain
C04 – BAE, Sooya Impact Of Subgrid-Scale Clouds On The Cloud Radiative Forcing In The Korean Integrated Model
C05 – TAKAHASHI, Hanii The Land-Ocean Contrasts In Deep Convective Cloud Intensity Using Global Satellite Observations And DYAMOND Simulations
C06 – WEI, Yun The Interdecadal Weakening Of The Relationship Between Indian Ocean Sea Surface Temperature And Summer Precipitation In Central Asia
C07 – SONG, SungHyun Differences In ENSO Response To North Atlantic Conditions Under A Net-Zero Emission Scenario
C08 – LI, Shixue Enhanced East Asian Summer Rainfall Driven By Subseasonal Indian Monsoon Heating
C09 – LIU, YUMENG Associated Summer Rainfall Changes Over The Three Rivers Source Region In China With The East Asian Westerly Jet
C19 – ZHANG, Yuying Understanding Changes In Cloud Simulations From E3SM Version 1 To Version 2

Session 10
Monsoons: Special Session Celebrating 150 Years of India Meteorological Department

Location: Plaza Hall

Weather & Us – 150 Years of IMD: A Journey Unfolded – (video)

Board # + Presenter Title
P18 – PRIYANTHIKA, I M Shiromani The Role of Monsoon Prediction in Enhancing Climate Resilience in Sri Lanka
P19 – MIYAMOTO, Maki Using 5-Km Large Ensemble Of Climate Projection To Evaluate The Characteristics Of Heavy Rainfall Induced By Atmospheric Fronts Over The Basin In The West-Central Hokkaido, Northern Japan
P20 – TSENG, Li-Shan Extreme Meiyu Rainfall Under Climate Change—The 2–3 June 2017 Flooding Case Study
P21 – NGUYEN-LE, Dzung Projected ENSO Teleconnection On The Southeast Asian Climate In CMIP6
P22 – USHIYAMA, Tomoki Dynamic Downscaling Of D4Pdf Large Ensemble Global Projections For River Basins In Philippine And Indonesia
P23 – HATTORI, Miki The Impact Of MJO Phases And The Cold Surges On The Development Of Borneo Vortex; Applying The Automated Vortex Extraction Scheme
P24 – GUPTA, Ankur Impact Of Tropical Sea Surface Temperatures On Rainfall Predictability Over Indian Sub-Regions Via Circumglobal Teleconnections: Insights For Sub-Seasonal To Seasonal Forecasting Using NCMRWF Coupled Model
P25 – YE, Kaiwen Wind Stress Curl As A Driving Force Of Annual Waves In The Upper Ocean For Interpreting Energetics At All Latitudes
P26 – KAMIZAWA, Nozomi Long-Term Changes In Summer Asian Monsoon Precipitation Over The Past 60 Years
P27 – KIGUCHI, Masashi Long-term variability of precipitation systems in the northeastern Indian subcontinent and the Indochinese Peninsula
P28 – PRIYANTHIKA, I M Shiromani Pre-Monsoon Disturbances And Extreme Rainfall: Enhancing Early Warning Systems In Sri Lanka
P29 – SON, Seok-Woo Future projection of East Asian atmospheric rivers in high-resolution climate models
P30 – ZHANG, Hugh Monsoon in Southeast Asia and a Regional Monsoon Index for Its Monitoring and Prediction
P31 – HSU, Huang-Hsiung The recent regime shift in 2011 of the winter Madden-Julian oscillation and its associated changes in mean state over warm pool
P32 – MIYAMOTO, Maki The Occurrence Frequency and Meteorological Condition of Atmospheric Fronts over Japan, Northwestern Pacific, for Boreal Summer
P33 – BASCONCILLO, Joseph Characterizing The Southwest Monsoon Season In The Philippines Using Multiple Localized Monsoon Indices
P34 – RAO ANGULURI, Suryachandra Role of Bay of Bengal in Modulating Monsoon Rainfall Over India: What needs to be represented in Coupled Models?

Session 11
Coupled Human-Earth System Modeling

Location: Plaza Hall

Board # + Presenter Title
P35 – GREVE, Peter Observational evidence of irrigation impacting afternoon rainfall
P36 – KIM, Yeonjoo Applying reservoir effect in differentiable, physics-informed hydrological modeling for anthropogenic impact assessment
P37 – GETIRANA, Augusto Intensive Irrigation And Its Cascading Effects On Bay Of Bengal’S Freshwater Availability
P38 – HYYTIÄIKNEN, Kari Good Eutrophication Status Is A Challenging Goal For Coastal Waters
P39 – SHI, Xueli A Simple Earth System Model Development And Its Applications In Integrated Assessment Model Framework
P40 – KUG, Jong-Seong Negative CO2 Emissions Mitigate Extremes Of The Terrestrial Hydrological Cycle Via A Vegetation Physiological Feedback
P41 – LI, Xin A Generalized Mathematical Modeling Framework For The Coupled Human-Earth System
P42 – MIYAZAKI, Kazuyuki Prediction Of Fossil Fuel CO2 From Air Quality Emissions For Assessments Of Climate Targets And The Global Carbon Cycle
P43 – MATSUURA, Taichi Development Of A Hydrologic Cycle Model In The Tokachi Plain, Hokkaido, Japan
P44 – HIRABAYASHI, Yukiko Explicit Modeling Of Irrigation Canals For Japan
P45 – POKHREL, Yadu Advancing Anthropogenic Water And Nutrient Flow Process Simulations In Earth System Models
P46 – KULIKOV, Maksim Spatio-Temporal Patterns Of Different Tree Species Response To Climatic Factors In Southern Kyrgyzstan
P47 – FUKAZAWA, Souki Global-Scale Drought Risk Assessment: Application Of The Surface Water-Groundwater Integrated Analysis Simulator Getflows
P48 – YANG, Yan How Does The Combustion-Derived Vapor Influence The Water Vapor Isotopes In Urban Areas?
P49 – SHARMA, Aditya Intensification of hydroclimatic extremes indices and drought characteristics in semi-arid river basin of India

Session 22
Km-scale regional and global modeling – advancements, opportunities, and challenges

Location: Plaza Hall

Board # + Presenter Title
P50 – YAMAZAKI, Akira The Impacts Of East Siberian Blocking On The Development Of The JPCZ
P51 – LEI, Lili An Adaptive Channel Selection Method For Assimilating The Hyperspectral Infrared Radiances
P52 – ADACHI, Sachiho Comparison Of Influences Between Microphysics Schemes And Resolution On Uncertainty Of Simulation Results In Heavy-Precipitation Cases
P53 – WANG, Longhao A Novel 3D Transformer Model Developed For Predicting Global Sea Surface Temperature At Subseasonal And Seasonal Scales
P54 – LIN, Wanyi A Long-Term, High-Resolution Land Cover Dataset For Land Surface Modeling
P55 – RAKOTOARIMANANA, Zy Harifidy Multi-Gauge Calibration Comparison For Simulating Streamflow Across The Major River Basins In Madagascar: Swat+ Toolbox, R-Swat, And Swat+ Editor Hard Calibration
P56 – MA, Xin Evaluation And Uncertainty Analysis Of The Land Surface Hydrology In Ls3Mip Models Over China
P57 – MODI, Prakat Importance Of Hydrodynamic Model Spatial Resolution: A Case Study Using Cama-Flood
P58 – SANTOS, Sean Analyzing The Numerical Stability Of Atmosphere-Surface Coupling Methods For Momentum Fluxes
P59 – NIRANJAN KUMAR, Kondapalli Assessing the Early Performance and Progress in the Development of NCMRWF 6km Global Model
P60 – ZHAO, Yin Added Value of a Convection Permitting Model in Simulating Atmospheric Water Cycle Over the Asian Water Tower

Session 24
Heatwaves and droughts in Present and Future Climate

Location: Plaza Hall

Board # + Presenter Title
P61 – NIRANJAN KUMAR, Kondapalli Subseasonal Drought Dynamics Of Indian Summer Monsoon:Insights From Ncmwrf Extended Range Prediction System
P62 – ARIAS, Paola A. Compound Hot And Dry Extremes In The Orinoco Basin
P63 – ADDI, Martin Historic And Projected Future Changes In The Hydrologic Drought Characteristics Of The Pra River Basins, Ghana
P64 – JIA, Gensuo Satellite View Of Urban Energy And Water Stress Under Climate Extremes
P65 – WAKATSUKI, Hitomi Heat Stress Indices Worsened By Recent Humidity Increase In Japan
P66 – GAO, Meng Widely-Spread And Uniformly Elevated Future Heat Stress In China Driven By Spatially Heterogeneous Response Of Water Vapor
P67 – YU, Haipeng Extreme Heat Event Over Northwest China Driven By Silk Road Pattern Teleconnection And Its Possible Mechanism
P68 – OHBA, Masamichi Climate Change Impacts On Water Availability, Dry Spells And Hydrological Droughts In Japan: Dynamic And Thermodynamic Contributions
P70 – YAMIN, QING Accelerated Soil Drying Linked To Increasing Evaporative Demand In Wet Regions
P71 – ARSHAD, Adnan Quantifying Climate-Induced Drought Risk To Livelihood And Mitigation Actions
P72 – HYEON BIN, jang Heat Related Illness Vulnerability Using DPSIR Technique In South Korea
P73 – MANIRAM, Annika The Impacts Of Drought On The Rural Communities Of Msinga In Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa
P74 – HE, Chao Drying subtropical East Asia in cold season: Role of Tibetan Plateau on northward shifting westerlies

Session 25
Addressing the Challenge of Cascading and Compound Events

Location: Cherry

Board # + Presenter Title
C10 – ISLAM, Md. Rezuanul What Drives Extreme Sea Levels In Japan: Unraveling The Dynamics Of Storm Surge And Mean Sea Level Trends
C11 – LIU, Yuanbo Catastrophic Shifts In Large Lake Levels
C12 – HOSSEINZADEHTALAEI, Parisa Decomposing The Cascade Of Uncertainty In The Projections Of Compound Hot-Dry Extremes Across IPCC Reference Regions
C13 – TABARI, Hossein Larger Impacts Of Compound Drought-Heatwave Events Compared To Droughts Under Various Shared Socioeconomic Pathways
C14 – VAN ALPHEN, Friso A Comparative Analysis Of Flood Events On River Basin Level: The 2016 Sorachi River Flood And The 2021 Ahr Valley Flood
C15 – SANO, Taichi Future Population Transgress Climatic Risk Boundaries Of Extreme Temperature And Precipitation
C16 – CANLAS, Andrea Risk Assessment For A Combined Severe Wind And Flood Hazard: The Case Of Typhoon Saola Of Hong Kong
C17 – MANDAL, Shailendra Extremes In The Urban Water Cycle And Hydroclimatic Risks And Vulnerabilities In Urban Systems And Society: Understanding “Actionable” Resilient Strategies For Resource Constrained Smart Metropolitan City Of India
C18 – LIU, Zhenchen Glo3DHydroClimEventSet(v1.0): a Global‐scale Event Set of Hydroclimatic Extremes Detected with the 3D DBSCAN‐based Workflow (1951–2022)

Session 26
Predictability and prediction of extreme events

Location: Plaza Hall

Board # + Presenter Title
P85 – HIRAGA, Yusuke Model-Based PMP Estimation For The Maipo River Basin In Chile

Session 28
Generating climate information for smaller-scale decision-making

Location: Plaza Hall

Board # + Presenter Title
P75 – KOLEN, Bas Spatial Assessment Framework For Mitigating Future Flood And Land Subsidence Risk In Expanding Delta Areas
P76 – OKABE, Masato Tcfd Sustainability Disclosure: The State Of Japanese Corporate Engagement
P77 – LEE, Shao-Yi Scale Correction Factors Of Summer Rainfall Extremes Over Japan For The D4Pdf Climate Ensemble
P78 – ACIERTO, Ralph Allen Determining The Contribution Of Climate Change On The Maximum Rainfall In Kyushu Using D4Pdf Large Ensemble Dataset
P79 – KIDO, Riho Freezing And Thawing Changes Due To Climate Change In Pekerebetsu River
P80 – MAO, Yiwen Postprocessing Numerical Weather Prediction based nowcasts using machine learning and crowdsourced observations
P81 – TEJADA, Allan Shift in the Cropping Calendar in Laguna, Philippines under G6Solar and G6Sulfur Experiments from a Machine Learning (ML) based model of Reference Crop Evapotranspiration