Location-Based Solutions for Hotels

Flybuy for Hotels & Resorts

Hospitality mobile app solutions

mobile ordering
Mobile Ordering
guest arrival
Predictive Guest Arrivals
mobile concierge
Mobile Concierge
guest directory
Guest Directory
Messaging & Workflow

Location-based solutions
to fit your needs.

Reinvent your hotel or resort with a new digital experience.

Guests will have the ease and flexibility to enhance their visit through their mobile device with mobile check-in, digital room keys, concierge communication, digital directories, food and beverage ordering, and more. Your staff can easily communicate with guests on-and-off premises, increasing ordering habits, and making the guest’s visit as personalized and frictionless as possible.

best western app

Radius Networks recently joined forces with Runtriz, a mobile solution provider for hotels and resorts. Runtriz provides custom app design, loyalty integrations, guest messaging options, mobile concierge and guest services, as well as food and beverage ordering and delivery solutions. With Flybuy’s location technology, our hospitality partners can receive all that Runtriz has to offer, plus location-based messaging, guest tracking, and VIP personalization for guests while en route and on property. The Runtriz + Flybuy solution is completely turn-key and we can be up and running in days.

What Customers Are Saying About Flybuy