Grant Management Software for Nonprofits | Foundation Grant Software

Grants Management Software for Foundations

Streamline grant processes and amplify impact through a centralized and comprehensive grants management system. Built for foundations and by foundations, Fluxx can promote best practices in technology to help organizations achieve their mission.


Fluxx Grantmaker

Whatever the size of the foundation, the mission and vision to make an impact on communities is at the heart of everything. And as foundations grow in impact, they will face collaboration complexities and administrative burdens for automation.

Designed solely for grantmaking, Fluxx cloud based grants management software helps foundations manage their data in one place, reduce the time to respond and collaborate with grantees and team members, and connect  systems to a single source of the truth.  

Hundreds of Leading Foundations are Using Fluxx Grants Management Solutions

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Improve Communication

Connect with applicants, awardees, program team and board members in a single place, with total visibility into all communications.


Eliminate Redundant Tasks

Take advantage of templates and standardized forms to reduce time to respond and request information.

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Keep the Process Moving

Automated workflow ensures that forms and tasks are correctly completed on time, and provides a transparent path forward for next actions.


Track Everything in One Place

Create a single source of grant data and search and report on impact with ease.


Connect Important Information

Integrate other systems to easily access data, verify grantee information, and automatically send documents when needed.


Data to Mission Reporting

Create role based dashboards, templated reports, and get deeper with the data to demonstrate impact on the mission.

See a Fluxx Demo with One of Our Experts