

F-Response has worked flawlessly on our Apple Macs in the various environments of my firm. I have to say I love this product, it has helped me get a lot more work done!

Noah Blum, Forensic Analyst, IT Security

F-Response Consultant Edition is an essential tool every forensic examiner should have in their toolkit. Their product and customer service was/is outstanding.

Jon Kessler, Epiq Systems, www.epiqsystems.com

F-Response rocks! The Enterprise Management Console is easy to use and makes connecting to remote nodes a snap. I'm sure this tool will become the enterprise collection tool of choice as it is the most cost effective and easily deployed tool on the market.

Erica Garrison, Pathway Forensics, www.pathwayforensics.com

F-Response is an innovative, enabling and efficient solution for realizing Enterprise functionality and extending your existing arsenal.

Andrew Rosen, President ASR Data, www.asrdata.com

After being introduced to F-Response, all I can say is WOW!, the tool has allowed me to save time and increase speed whilst maintaining the power of my analysis tools without any need for extra training. Both my Windows and Linux tools work in synergy with F-Response allowing me to concentrate on getting the job done, thank you Mr. Shannon!

Andy Joyce, www.forensicdata.ca

I just wanted to take a minute and thank you for your help with the two servers I had to image last Wednesday. As usual, F-Response pulled through for me again. I let the acquisitions run overnight, and when I arrived the next morning, it was a beautiful thing to see one EnCase window with a "Completed" pop-up and the other acquire with only 20min remaining (what timing!). F-Response is a fantastic product and it just keeps getting better. The only thing that can top it is the support you provide!

Chad Gough, Impact Forensics, Director of E-Discovery, www.impactforensics.com

From the first time that Matt talked to me about F-Response, I knew that this product was going to revolutionize incident response! As I've worked with the various versions of F-Response and seen them grow the tool and add pertinent functionality (access to PhysicalMemory, the FEMC, etc.), I've been amazed and astounded by their ability to grasp the necessary requirements so essential for responders. Whether you're a consultant or an internal responder to an organization, F-Response EE is the MUST HAVE tool of 2009! The only thing better than F-Response is their tech support responsiveness!

Harlan Carvey, windowsir.blogspot.com

They (F-Response) are a great set of tools in my forensic toolbox!

Matt Coons

F-Response is such an awesome tool and has so much potential for investigators, forensic examiners and incident responders. Its simplicity is beyond belief. Essentially utilising a core network component together with the host OS it potentially provides one of the most minimally intrusive methods of performing live forensic examinations. This tool is not limited to the enterprise, it has potential for all forensics examiners willing to think out of the box.

Jon Evans, QinetiQ, www.qinetiq.com

We have now used F-response for a few jobs and it has proven extremely useful in allowing us to be less in peoples faces while we image their computer, conduct totally covert image of computers and image business servers overnight and weekend. We are very pleased with the added value this has given our services.

David Caldwell, Ferrier Hodgson, www.ferrierhodgson.com

F-Response gives me piece of mind in my forensic practice. Unlike anything else, F-Response software provides me with a powerful new way to perform remote forensics, LIVE, and in a forensically sound manner. Plus, now I can search for evidence, LIVE, prior to acquisition. This saves time for me, and money for my clients. F-Response is a substantial enhancement to my cyber tool kit and one I simply cannot do without.

Mike Webber, BitSec Digital Forensics, www.bitsecforensics.com

I was traveling for a collection in a trial and F-Response came to the rescue. The servers I needed to acquire could not be shut down so I attempted to acquire them live via USB. When I tried to acquire one of the 72GB RAID SCSI disks of one of the servers, the reported acquisition time was 23 hours because it only had USB 1.1 on it. The server had a spare gigabit port and after I got F-Response Consultant Edition configured and connected, it took only 1.5 hours to complete the acquisition.

Darren Cerasi, I-Analysis Singapore, www.i-analysis.com.sg

If this tool doesn't win awards this year I'm going to be disappointed in the selection process. This is by far the best tool I've purchased. Not because it does my analysis, but because it makes it possible when it wasn't previously and as more systems become operationally critical and can't sustain downtime, tools like F-Response become vital to incident response and forensics personnel. I firmly believe that F-Response is a must have for organizations conducting IR and forensics operations.

Aaron Wade, Blogger, IT Security Expert, forensicir.blogspot.com

F-Response opens up so many options. With respect to acquisitions, F-Response can offer a viable work-around when "Plan A" fails. F-Response also allows you to match the tool to the job. It is a must-have.

Bill Long, Integrid, Inc., www.integrid.biz

Yes, others have said it many times before, but it does not change my opinion that F-Response products are a "must have" tool for any incident responder or forensics investigator. The savings in time, money and effort makes purchasing obvious. Matthew and the back office + support crew are professional, very responsive and extremely helpful. If you can afford only one tool this year, make it one from F-Response.

Mitchell Impey, Senior Security Consultant

I just returned from a training course where on day 1 the instructor stated: "There are 3 major forensic tools; Encase, FTK & F-Response". I couldn't agree more, and with 80 branch offices the amount of "You can do that?" responses I get in the corporate environment is overwhelming. F-Response has been a true enabler for our incident response & forensic capabilities!

Clayton Brath, IT Security Analyst

F-Response was the easiest purchase I ever had to make. I have been using Enterprise Edition for two years now and it makes life much easier. No physical access to the target required, no travel needed, tool agnostic, forensically sound and it's easy to use! Best return on investment from any tool I have ever purchased.

Orie Hunter

What a great product! I had a situation that required me to image a live RAID 5 Exchange server because the client needed ZERO downtime or disruption. My team and I were able to get in and out without having to tie up the IT manager or slow down ANY work flow. I plugged the dongle to the server, ran the executable, entered authentication info and was off the server in under a minute. The IT manager said, "Wait that's all you need to do on the server?!" I happily told him yes so he could get back to his work and quietly imaged 600GB of data. No tearing apart the server, no downtime, no multiple disk images for the RAID and way less paper work. F-Response is a MUST HAVE for anyone doing forensic work today!

Douglas Brush, http://www.TheDigitalForensicGroup.com

Occasionally, someone will ask the question "What is the one forensic tool that you couldn't do without?" and until F-Response came along I didn't have an answer. Now, clearly, F-Response is that tool...The product is a great product and getting better with each release. What sold me on F-Response was not the tool, alone, but the obvious concern that Matt and his crew show their customers. I haven't see this level of support from products costing 10 times as much (or more). They can be sure that I'll be a returning customer.

Sean McLinden, Outcome Technology Associates, Inc.

We have used F-Response on a few engagements and are very happy with it. I think it offers very good value and it is a must-have for any forensic tool chest.

Kevin Lo, Froese Forensic Partners, www.froeseforensic.com

There are few and far between tools that I classify as Excellent F-Response is one of those elite tools. Hardly a week goes by that I do not find myself at a project saying wait we could just use F-Response to do that and the projects have been successful every time. I use the tool so often it has become a verb "Just F-Response it". Not only is the tool excellent, but it is first-in-class customer service as well. Not really sure how or why the digital forensic industry or myself got along for so long without F-Response.

Dave Kleiman, www.ComputerForensicExaminer.com

For file server, mail server, production server acquisition F-Response has been a godsend. The ability to perform physical acquisition without interruption to a server is brilliant and it's also come in very handy when we've encountered disks in servers that cannot be acquired with other tools. In fact, F-Response has pretty much become the first and foremost tool in my arsenal whenever I encounter file servers, raid arrays etc.

Chris Bowen, McGrathNicol, http://www.mcgrathnicol.com/

It's been a great tool for us. We're primarily using it in support of our eDiscovery efforts. It's allowed us to significantly reduce our travel costs and administrative efforts at coordinating user's computer devices. It's allowed them to continue working instead of us taking them offline to spend 3 or 4 hours creating an image. F-Response has saved us over a million dollars.

Joe Bell

F-Response... It's like astral projection for E-Discovery.

Craig Ball, Attorney & Computer Forensics Expert, http://www.craigball.com/

I just wanted to let you know that this is the best tool ever invented!!! We use it all the time it has made our work so much easier, we love it, you are truly a credit to our field.

Joseph Fazio

I used the product recently in the field and it worked great. I attached the F-Response license dongle to the targeted server, ran the software from another dongle and connected to the device from my laptop. I am very happy, I'll probably end up wearing it out!

Michael Perez, Computer Forensic Specialist, [Not Provided]

Thanks again for what is the most impacting tool to the digital forensic industry in the last 10 years.

Tony Balzanto, Computer Forensics Professional

We all know F-Response is a great program. What we don't all know is how great their support is. I've been using the consultant edition for a couple of years now ... Late Friday, a couple of weeks ago, I managed to misplace my dongle just as I was engaged on a time sensitive investigation. When I called support, desperate for assistance, they not only setup a system on the spot that let me do my work, they continually checked to make sure it was working...The software is rock solid and the support is exceptional.

Keenen Milner, http://www.crowehorwath.com

I've been telling all who will listen about how great F-Response is. I love it and don't leave the office without it.

James Cassidy, New Jersey Legal, http://www.njlc.net

F-Response is still one of my favorite pieces of software.

Louisville Digital Forensics, http://www.louisvilledigitalforensics.com

Love the product!

Mark Hallman, VP Digital Forensics at Digital Discovery, http://www.digitaldiscoverycorp.com

Thanks for F-Response - it's saved our bacon loads!

Ching Liu, Control Risks

Our experience has demonstrated F-Response fits good for forensic applications, we keep the key always in the toolbox.

Javier Llorente, www.nexo601.es

I think that F-Response Tactical is one of the best tools for incident handling or forensic search that I have ever used.

Danilo Massa

I love F-Response, its good reputation is well-deserved.

Scott Hilts

F-Response and the people behind it are incredible.

Richard Connor, http://www.esiconsultingfl.com

Your immediate responses have far exceeded our expectations. If only all other organizations were as responsive you guys are.

Samir Cortes, HARRIS BEACH PLLC, www.harrisbeach.com

F-Response is working flawlessly with the tools we use every day...new features such as FlexDisk and Accelerator are awesome! With FlexDisk, we're now able to extract some files without requiring any third party tool. Without any doubt, F-Response is one of the best tools we've bought.Thank you for the excellent product!

Mr. Becerra

It is a good tool to have in our toolbox.

Brett Harrison

F-response has been awesome for us! We have used it in the field to capture memory, in the office to assist in triaging a large number of exhibits...etc. So far I have not found any problems. The software is straight forward, and works as expected.

Keith Wall

I am very pleased with the software... its ease of use and efficiency.

Chris Watson, Associate Director, Grant Thornton Australia

I was involved in a project using F-Response. The product hit on all cylinders. It was important for us to design a collection strategy which minimized/eliminated user interference and downtime as well as accomplish the goal of having a defensible preservation. F-Response did just that. Thank you for an excellent product.

Walt Sigmund

We use F-Response on a regular basis and are extremely happy with its performance and ease of use. It is a must have for any forensic examiner looking for a vendor neutral network based solution.

Arman Gungor, http://www.meridiandiscovery.com

Just to let you know, F-Response has become the corner stone of our Incident Response procedures. We think it is one great product.

Jan Clayton

F-Response has produced some impressive products, and are a true asset to the forensic community!

Rich Quinlan

When we use F-Response, it has been great and a life-saver...It has done exactly what we needed it to do.

Daniel Lupisella, Foreground Security

Our F-Response Tactical sets are outstanding tools and working as expected.

Robert Smith, Forensic Investigator

The staff using F-Response find it easier to do their work and have no complaints. They enjoy using the product.

Vince Mendoza, IT

This product is amazing.

Brian Murray, Security Analyst

The technical support of your company is by far and above some of the best I've ever encountered.

Ansel Manning, Security Analyst

F-Response is a great tool in our Forensics Tool chest that comes along as the first tool of choice for any remote network forensics, whether it be remote acquisition or analysis. We are finding that F-Response with X-Ways is a great combination for success.

Lakshmi Rajamani, Computer Forensics Professional

F-Response will continue to be a valuable part of our Tool-Kit.

Stephen G. Wade, Manager, British Columbia Securities Comm

F-Response surpassed my expectations and the excellent support demonstrates how the company is truly focused on making everyone's experience a success.

Chris Tragasz, CFCE, CEDS, Senior Consultant

I love the product and have found it *really* useful especially for doing live memory forensics with Mandiant Redline and Volatility. I will definitely be a long-term customer.

Barry Anderson, Computer Forensics Professional

Your product is great and support excellent. I will definitely be recommending F-Response.

Christopher Barnes, Senior Forensics Examiner

F-response has been a stellar product for our purposes in a massive, multi-server child sexual exploitation investigation. It has allowed us to initiate a stable connection to each server for forensic acquisitions with no problems or unintended disconnection; the product has simply worked seamlessly in this unique and challenging large-scale case. F-Response is highly portable, simple to use, and is completely compatible with the wide array of forensic software and tools that we are employing. All in, a robust and simple product that is a must have in any forensic lab.s toolbox.

Sean Ford, e-Crime, Canada

The software is excellent, this is our primary tool for imaging in a network case. Thank you for such a great product, we will continue to use.

Joseph G. Pochron, Commanding Officer

The software is excellent, this is our primary tool for imaging in a network case. Thank you for such a great product, we will continue to use.

Joseph G. Pochron, Commanding Officer

F-Response Now was super easy to get setup and running. Both Encase and FTK agents/servlets kept crashing on a Linux host I was working with after 10-15 minutes. I had the Now instance up and running within 10-15 minutes and was acquiring from Chicago to my home office with no issues!...Thanks for the awesome tool!

Jeff Wichman, Security Consultant

F-Response rocks and continues to be a "go to". tool for me. It allows me to accomplish the task at hand by eliminating physical barriers that can sometimes be a hurdle during a forensic investigation. Best of all, F-Response compliments my current set of forensic tools!

Brad Garnett, Kemper Forensics

Our experiences with F-Response, both the software and the company, have been exceptional! F-Response is a wonderful tool, and your customer service is second to none.

Brook Minnick

We have F-Response Universal up and running.I have to say I am thrilled with the product and we are excited at the capability that it is giving us.

Darren Zollman, Threat Management

I can't say enough about the ability F-Response affords me as a sole forensics practitioner. A Great Product and works very well with X-Ways.

James F. Blanco CFCE, The Badge Security Services

It was awesome.

Gordon Miller, Manager Information Technology

It is simply a "Wonderful piece of software" and plays a key role in our forensics arsenal.

Abdul Khader Sarmathy, Digital Forensics Expert, GMR Group, India

I use a fully licensed paid version of F Response Enterprise at my various F500 clients on the daily. It's a great tool & your team has supported us well with great customer care!

Mike DeZenzo, Information Security Consultant

We are very happy with the Universal product. So happy, that I very seldom use our enterprise forensic product, FTK (we've since phased out Encase)....F-Response almost always connects to our clients, which are spread out all over Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama. No such luck with our previous tools, FTK and Encase agents.

Mark Maher, Information Security

I am very happy with F-Response. I have had small issues twice and both times support was great and had me back up and running quickly.

Terry Freestone, Information Security

I have been very happy with F-Response It has helped us several times with incident response, human resources and legal investigations. Given the geographically disperse nature of our organization, F-Response has been key in being able to deal with some of the problems we have had. I have only had to contact tech support once and they were very friendly and efficient. They understood what the problem was and helped me resolve it quickly.

Terry Freestone, Information Security

F-Response has been a life saver. Not only have I been able to save large quantities of money by not having to go place to place to perform dead box forensics, but now I am the go-to-person to acquire images all over the state. F-Response also has come in handy by allowing me to pull RAM and become part of the system to help safeguard our network. It's been fantastic and is already on the list of things that will definitely be renewed.

Jeff Madsen - Computer Forensics Investigations Manager - [Not Provided]

The remote acquisition and connectivity was flawless. Very smooth and well done.

Steven Mah - [Not Provided]

F-Response is a unique and wonderful product with a commendable price.

Brian Wilson, [Belumbra LLC](http://www.belumbra.com)

Amazing I love it. I am trying to promote f-response to my organization. I love the ability to connect multiple machines to a centra server via multiple SIFT workstations. Love the ability to use other tools such as Kape for fast forensics. I love the software.

Chris Frazier, Forensic Investigator