Introduction to Computational Tools in Biomedical Research
Page: 1-13 (13)
Author: Chong Lee Ng and Yee Siew Choong*
DOI: 10.2174/9789815165463124010004
PDF Price: $15
The digital revolution has significantly impacted worldwide technologies
over the past few decades. Biomedical research is one of the most impacted fields with
the advancement of computational power and data processing. The human genome
sequencing project has generated an enormous amount of information, which is
challenging to be stored and interpreted without the aid of computer programs. The
development of computational algorithms has, therefore, greatly eased and reduced the
time to study and analyze the human genome information. This has directly improved
our understanding of the complex genome structure such as the presence of different
regulatory regions and non-coding regions that code RNA like microRNA or long noncoding RNA (lncRNA). In addition, many computational tools have been developed to
improve our understanding of the biomedical field. This covers the areas from the
study of biomolecule structures and interactions, dynamicity of biomolecules, cellular
activity, to system biology. This chapter thus provides a brief introduction to various
computational tools in these areas and their importance.
Computational Analysis of Biological Data: Where Are We?
Page: 14-39 (26)
Author: Lilach Soreq and Wael Mohamed*
DOI: 10.2174/9789815165463124010005
PDF Price: $15
There has been a great development in the field of computational modeling
and simulation in biomedical research during the last ten years, in particular, in brain
stimulation of Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients and, recently, even in that of
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) patients. Computer modeling allows such electrical
stimulations using statistics, bioinformatics and advanced machine-learning algorithms.
The current book chapter discusses the advantages of computational modeling in
studying biomedical research. Using computational modeling, classification algorithms
can be applied to microarray and RNA sequencing data (such as hierarchical clustering
- HCL, t-SNE and principal component analysis - PCA), and high-resolution images
can be generated based on the analyzed data and patient samples. Additionally,
genomic data can be analyzed from cancer patient samples carrying mutations or
exhibiting aneuploidy chromosomal changes (such as lung cancer, breast cancer,
cervical cancer, ovarian cancer, glioblastoma and colon cancer). Also, microRNAs
(miRNAs) and long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) can be analyzed. We can identify
cellular vulnerabilities associated with aneuploid, and assigned aneuploidy scores can
generate mushroom plots on the data. Functional network analyses can highlight
altered pathways (such as inflammation and alternative splicing) in patient samples,
and cellular composition and lineage-specific analyses can highlight the role of specific
cell types (e.g., neurons, microglia – MG oligodendrocytes- OLGs, astrocytes, etc.).
Computational platforms/tools, such as Matlab, R, Python, SPSS and MySQL, can be
used for analysis. The data can be deposited in the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO).
CRISPR/Cas genomic targets can be identified for therapeutic intervention using
computer simulations, and patient survival curves can be computed. Further
comparison to mice models can be made. Additionally, human and mouse stem cells
can be analyzed, and non-parametric gene ontology (GO) analyses using KolmogorovSmirnov (KS) statistical tests can be applied to microarray or RNA sequencing data.
Algorithm Development for Computational Modeling and Simulation
Page: 40-75 (36)
Author: Nordina Syamira Mahamad Shabudin and Ahmad Naqib Shuid*
DOI: 10.2174/9789815165463124010006
PDF Price: $15
The super-fast automated next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology
allows parallel sequencing of millions of genomics molecules with higher accuracy at
low cost and less time consumption. However, the three-dimensional structure needs to
be determined for experimental purposes, and solving the three-dimensional structure
of a biomolecule via the alternative experimental approaches requires special skills and
equipment, which is time-consuming, labor demanding and expensive. This situation
resulted in the widening of the space between solved biological molecules and known
sequences. Recently, bioinformaticians and computer scientists have developed
computer-based algorithms and protocols to solve these issues. The developed
computational approaches and algorithms allow researchers to 1) perform prediction
and refinement of models close to their native molecule structure based on the data
from other molecules possessing similar homology, 2) predict potential interaction and
possible reactions between two biomolecules and 3) gain meaningful insight when it is
impractical to be obtained via theoretical or experimental analysis. The development of
these computational algorithms allows scientists to discover, predict and study
important molecules at a faster pace. This chapter will introduce readers to the basic
computational algorithms used to develop advanced bioinformatic protocols and tools.
The Roles and Application of Protein Modeling in Biomedical Research
Page: 76-102 (27)
Author: Chong Lee Ng, Tze Yin Lee, Nur Naili Irsyada Binti Zulkfli, Theam Soon Lim and Yee Siew Choong*
DOI: 10.2174/9789815165463124010007
PDF Price: $15
In all living organisms, proteins carry out essential biological processes. The
biological function of a protein depends on the building blocks of amino acids that fold
into three-dimensional architecture. Understanding the protein structure-function
relationship will, therefore, allow the generation of hypotheses on how to inhibit,
control, or modify protein for better use in biomedical research, especially when
dealing with emerging infectious diseases. Due to the exponential growth of protein
sequence data but not the structural data, protein modeling thus provides an alternative
approach to shed some light on the structure of a protein. Protein modeling has the
advantage of solving the protein structure as it is relatively faster and cost-effective
than experimental means. With the availability of the structural information of a
protein, the function of the protein can be further understood. Hence, rational
engineering or protein design with improved functionality can be performed and can be
useful in biomedical research. This highlights the increasing importance of protein
modeling in biomedical studies. This chapter provides a brief overview of existing
protein modeling techniques. The applications of protein modeling in recent biomedical
research are also summarized here.
Dynamics of Biomolecular Ligand Recognition
Page: 103-139 (37)
Author: Ilija Cvijetić, Dušan Petrović and Mire Zloh*
DOI: 10.2174/9789815165463124010008
PDF Price: $15
Molecular recognition is one of the key principles in the development of
active pharmaceutical compounds. Active molecules that can be delivered in vivo to a
biological target, responsible for pathological states associated with a disease, can be
developed into therapeutic agents. Such molecules must overcome relevant biological
barriers and establish intermolecular interactions with the target in order to modulate its
activity. The drug discovery process entails the identification of potential therapeutic
agents and the design of optimal formulations for targeted or prolonged drug release in
vivo. This requires a balanced and dynamic interplay of interactions between the
therapeutic agent and different molecular systems through diverse environments.
Computational methods, including molecular dynamics simulation, complement
experiments in the evaluation of relevant biochemical processes at different stages of
drug development, e.g., the elucidation of the ligand mode of action. In this chapter, we
will explore the applications of various molecular modeling approaches to evaluate the
key interactions small molecules form with different targets. Molecular docking is the
most common tool used to evaluate the ligand complementarity to the target binding
site. Although the flexible receptor and induced fit approaches provide some additional
insights into how target flexibility affects ligand binding, biomolecules have a large
number of degrees of freedom, often demanding the use of more exhaustive sampling
methods to explore the ligand-binding associated conformational dynamics. This can
be achieved with molecular dynamics and enhanced sampling approaches to model
large conformational changes. In particular, molecular dynamics of protein-ligand
complexes can describe the plasticity of the protein binding sites by identifying
dynamic pharmacophores―dynophores. These pharmacophore models incorporate
information on target flexibility and describe the dynamics of intermolecular
interactions. We will provide a relevant introduction to the above-mentioned
techniques and explore key successful applications in hit discovery and lead
optimization efforts of drug development campaigns.
This reference provides a comprehensive overview of computational modelling and simulation for theoretical and practical biomedical research. The book explains basic concepts of computational biology and data modelling for learners and early career researchers. Chapters cover these topics: 1. An introduction to computational tools in biomedical research 2. Computational analysis of biological data 3. Algorithm development for computational modelling and simulation 4. The roles and application of protein modelling in biomedical research 5. Dynamics of biomolecular ligand recognition Key features include a simple, easy-to-understand presentation, detailed explanation of important concepts in computational modeling and simulations and references.