ESA - Space Safety
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Near-Earth objects
Space Safety

ESA endorses Year of Asteroid Awareness and Planetary Defen…

07/02/2025 6150 views 58 likes
Asteroid - artist's impression
Space Safety

ESA actively monitoring near-Earth asteroid 2024 YR4

29/01/2025 145655 views 141 likes
The growing problem of space debris
Space Safety

Technological ‘to-do list’ to reach Zero Debris created

15/01/2025 2650 views 41 likes
Space Safety

German laser ranging company receives ESA innovation award

21/11/2024 1039 views 10 likes
ESA has signed a contract with Hemeria worth €9.8 million to design, build and operate Swing, the Agency’s first space weather nanosatellite mission. Swing will aim at demonstrating the value of nanosatellites to gather space weather data and support the commercialisation trend in the New Space era.
Space Safety

Hemeria to implement ESA’s first space weather nanosatellit…

20/11/2024 830 views 7 likes
CubeSat Deep Space Deployers in Hera spacecraft
Space Safety

Hera asteroid mission’s CubeSat passengers signal home

28/10/2024 4084 views 59 likes
ESA's Ramses mission to asteroid Apophis
Space Safety

ESA moves forward with Apophis mission preparations

17/10/2024 12440 views 122 likes

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