Thematic Analyses • ENQA

Thematic Analyses

ENQA conducts and publishes analyses of the agency review reports in order to better understand trends and challenges in external quality assurance and to improve the review methodology.

What comes after the agency reports are published? An analysis of approaches to follow-up (ESG 2.3) and complaints and appeals (ESG 2.7) (2023)

Based on the findings of agency reviews between 2020 and 2022, ENQA has produced a new thematic analysis: “What comes after the agency reports are published? – An analysis of approaches to follow-up (ESG 2.3) and complaints and appeals (ESG 2.7)”. The analysis concentrates on quality assurance agencies’ approaches to follow-up (as required by ESG 2.3) and to complaints and appeals procedures (ESG 2.7) as part of their external quality assurance activities. It provides an insight into the variety of approaches across the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) as well as reflection on how panels identified these approaches in terms of showcasing the examples of good practice or persistent difficulty. For this purpose, the external review reports of 22 quality assurance agencies from 13 countries have been studied, including one agency operating at European level.

Diversification of external quality assurance in the EHEA (2021)

Following the data collected from external reviews of QA agencies that have been conducted by ENQA in 2020 and 2021, this paper identifies to what extent there is a discussion ongoing in these agencies regarding the diversification of external quality assurance activities, and what are the motives for, and characteristics of, such diversification.

ESG 2015-2018 ENQA Agency Reports: Thematic Analysis (2020)

This analysis of ENQA’s agency review reports has provided insights into main agency practices, best practices and existing limitations in relation to standards 3.4, 3.6 and 2.1 of the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (the “ESG”). In total, 27 agency review reports were considered in the analysis. The sub-themes for analysis have been defined based on the descriptors found in the ESG and the analysis has focused on identifying approaches based on descriptions provided in the external review reports of the 27 agencies. Panels’ commendations and compliance levels have been used to identify and define good practice. Recommendation sections have provided insights into limitations in compliance with the ESG.

Analysis of the European Standards and Guidelines (ESG) in external review reports: System-wide analysis, resources and independence (2015)

This report is based on the ENQA KP3 seminar held on 2 – 3 June 2014 in Brussels, Belgium, on the theme “European QA agencies’ ways to comply with the ESG in an international perspective, adhering to the European dimension: Shaping the future together”.

Other reports

Other thematic analyses and reports have been published by ENQA over the years in relation to workshops, projects or other key topics in the field. Links to the reports can be found below. 

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