しあわせになる英語 English for Happiness

しあわせになる英語 English for Happiness


【号外】韓国で大ヒット。『超訳 ブッダの言葉』【Extra Edition】”SuperTranslation: The Words of the Buddha” has become a big hit in South Korea. 

韓国のアイドルグループ”IVE”のメンバー、ウォニョンが推薦して大ヒット、『超訳 ブッダの言葉』「から、特に彼女がお気に入りの言葉のオリジナルバージョンをバイリンガルで、どうぞ。

From ”Super Translation:The Words of the Buddha”, that has become a big hit in South Korea thanks to the recommendation of WONYOUNG, a member of idol group “IVE,” an original version of her favorite words both in English and in Japanese.





いかなる思想に執着 (こだわり) を持ったとしても、







【Original Version in English】

Buddha: Even seeing Tanhâ, Arati, and Ragâ (the daughters of Mâra), there was not the least wish (in me) for sexual intercourse. What is this (thy daughters body and a thing) full of water and excrement? I do not even want to touch it with my foot.


Mâgandiya: If thou dost not want such a pearl, a woman desired by many kings, what view, virtue, and (holy) works, (mode of) life, rebirth dost thou profess?


“This I say,” so (I do now declare), after investigation there is nothing amongst the doctrines which such a one (as I would) embrace, O Mâgandiya, ‘―so said Bhagavat, ‘and seeing (misery) in the (philosophical) views, without adopting (any of them), searching (for truth) I saw “inward peace.”



(師ブッダ)は語った), 「われは (昔さとりを開こうとした時に)、愛執と嫌悪と貪欲 (という三人の魔女) を見ても、かれらと淫欲の交わりをしたいという欲望さえも起こらなかった。糞尿に満ちたこの (女が) そもそも何ものなのだろう。わたくしはそれに足でさえも触れたくないのだ。」




師は答えた、「マーガンディヤよ。『わたくしはこのことを説く』、ということがわたくしにはない。諸々の事物に対する執着を執着であると確かに知って、諸々の偏見における (過誤を) 見て、固執することなく、省察しつつ内心の安らぎをわたくしは見た。」



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エックハルト・トール『ニュー・アース』 : その6。「真理」とは、あなたという存在そのもの? Eckhart Tolle “A New Earth”: No.6. Is Truth the very Being that you are ? 


Will you be deceived every time if you look for the Truth elsewhere? ―more to come both in English and in Japanese.



All religions are equally false and equally true, depending on how you use them. You can use them in the service of the ego, or you can use them in the service of the Truth. If you believe only your religion is the Truth, you are using it in the service of the ego. Used in such a way, religion becomes ideology and creates an illusory sense of superiority as well as division and conflict between people. In the service of the Truth, religious teachings represent signposts or maps left behind by awakened humans to assist you in spiritual awakening, that is to say, in becoming free from of identification with form.



There is only one absolute Truth, and all other truths emanates from it. When you find that Truth, your action can be in alignment with it. Human action can reflect the Truth, or it can reflect illusion. Can the Truth be put into words? Yes, but the words are, of course, not it, They only point to it.

絶対的な「真理」はただ一つで、その他の真理はそこから派生している。その「真理」を見出したとき、あなたの行動はすべて真理に沿ったものになる。人間の行動は「真理」を反映することもあれば、幻想を反映することもある。「真理」は言葉で表せるか? 表せる。だが、もちろんその言葉は真理そのものではなく、真理を指し示すにすぎない。


The Truth is inseparable from who you are. Yes, you are the Truth. If you look for it elsewhere, you will be deceived every time. The very Being that you are is Truth. Jesus tried to convey that when he said, “I am the way and the truth and the life.” These words uttered by Jesus are one of the most powerful and direct pointers to the Truth, if understood correctly. If misinterpreted, however, they become a great obstacle. Jesus speaks of the innermost I Am, the essence identity of every man and woman, every life-form, in fact. He speaks of the life that you are, Some Christian mystics have called it the Christ within, Buddhist call it your Buddha nature; for Hindus, it is Atman, the indwelling God. When you are in touch with that dimension within yourself―and being in touch with it is your natural state, not some miraculous achievement―all your actions and relationships will reflect the oneness with all life that you sense deep within. This is love.

その「真理」はあなた自身と切り離せない。そう、あなたが「真理」なのだ。よそに真理を探していたら。きっとだまされ続ける。あなたという「存在」、それが「真理」だ。イエスはこのことを「私が道であり、真理であり、生命です」という言葉で伝えようとした。イエスのこの言葉は最も力強く、最も直接的に「真理」を示した。ただし正確に理解されればであって、誤解されるととんでもない障害になる。イエスの言葉は最も内なる「私という存在」、すべての男女、それどころかすべての生きとし生けるもののアイデンティティの核心を意味している。イエスはあなたという生命について語ったのだ。キリスト教神秘主義者のなかにはこれを「内なるキリスト」と呼ぶ人々がいる。仏教では仏性という。ヒンズー教ではアートマン (真我) 。自分のなかにあるこの次元と触れ合うとき―この触れ合いは本来の状態であって、別に奇跡的な偉業ではない―あなたの行動も人間やモノとの関係も、あなたが自分の内奥で感じるすべての生きとし生けるものとの一体感を反映するだろう。それが愛である。


Laws, commandments, rules, and regulations are necessary for those who are cut off from who they are, the Truth within. They prevent the worst excesses of the ego, and often they don’t even do that. “Love and do what you will,” said St. Augustine. Words cannot get much closer to the Truth than that.



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エックハルト・トール『ニュー・アース』 : その5。悲劇的な喪失の後に、心の平安が訪れる? Eckhart Tolle “A New Earth”: No.5. Will peace of mind come after tragic loss? 


What is “the peace of God” that comes to you when you lost everything? ―more to come both in English and in Japanese.



There are many accounts of people who experienced that emerging new dimension of consciousness as a result of tragic loss at some point in their lives. Some lost all of their possessions, others their children or spouse, their social position, reputation, or physical abilities. In some cases, through disaster or war, they lost all of these simultaneously and found themselves with “nothing.” We may call this a limit-situation.



Whatever they had identified with, whatever gave them their sense of self, had been taken away. Then suddenly and inexplicably, the anguish or intense fear they initially felt gave way to a sacred sense of Presence, a deep peace and serenity and complete freedom from fear. This phenomenon must have been familiar to St. Paul, who used the expression “the peace of God which passeth all understanding.” It is indeed a peace that doesn’t seem to make sense, and the people who experienced it asked themselves: In the face of this, how can it be that I feel such peace?



The answer is simple, once you realize what the ego is and how it works. When forms that you had identified with, that gave you your sense of self, collapse or are taken away, it can lead to a collapse of the ego, since ego is identification with form. When there is nothing to identify with anymore, who are you? When forms around you die or death approaches, your sense of Beingness, of I Am, is freed from its entanglement with form: Spirit is released from its imprisonment in matter. You realize your true identity as consciousness itself, rather than what consciousness had identified with. That’s the peace of God. The ultimate truth of who you are is not I am this or I am that, but I Am.

エゴとは何でどのように作用するかがわかれば答えは簡単だ。あなたが自分を同一化していた形、自己意識を与えてくれた形が崩壊したり奪い去られたりすると、エゴも崩壊する。エゴとは形との同一化だからだ。もはや同一化する対象が何もなくなったとき、あなたはどうなるか? まわりの形が死に絶えた、あるいは死にかけたとき、あなたの「大いなる存在」の感覚「私は在る (I Am) 」という意識は形の束縛から解放される。物質に囚われていたスピリットが自由になる。あなたは形のないあまねく存在、あらゆる形や同一化に先立つ「大いなる存在」という真のアイデンティティに気づく。これが神の平安である。あなたという存在の究極の真実とは、私がこれであるとかあれであるとかではなくて、「私は在る」なのだ。


Whenever tragic loss occurs, you either resist or you yield, Some people become bitter or deeply resentful; others become compassionate, wise, and loving. Yielding means inner acceptance of what is. You are open to life. Resistance is an inner contraction, a hardening of the shell of the ego. You are closed. Whatever action you take in a state of inner resistance (which we could also call negativity) will create more outer resistance, and the universe will not be on your side, life will not be helpful. If the shutters are closed, the sunlight cannot come in.

悲劇的な喪失にぶつかったとき、人は抵抗するか屈するかしかない。深い恨みを抱いて苦々しい人生を送る人もあれば、優しく賢く愛情深くなる人もいる。屈するとは、あるがままを受け容れることだ。人生に向かって自分を開くのである。抵抗すると心が縮こまって、エゴの殻が固くなる。あなたは閉ざされる。抵抗しているときに (否定的な状態のときに、と言ってもいい) どんな行動を取っても、さらに外部の抵抗にあう。宇宙はあなたの味方にはならない。人生は助けてはくれない。シヤッターが閉まっていたら、日光は入ってこられない。


When you yield internally, when you surrender, a new dimension of consciousness opens up. If action is possible or necessary, your action will be in alignment with the whole and supported by creative intelligence, the unconditioned consciousness which in a state of inner openness you become one with. Circumstances and people then become helpful, co-operative. Coincidences happen. If no action is possible, you rest in the peace and inner stillness that come with surrender. You rest in God.




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エックハルト・トール『ニュー・アース』 : その4。あなたの本質に気づかせるのは、言葉ではなく、そのへんの石ころ? Eckhart Tolle “A New Earth”: No.4. Is it a simple stone, not words, that awakens you to the essence of you? 


What requires to be awakened to the essence of you is neither words nor thoughts ―more to come both in English and in Japanese.



Words, no matter whether they are vocalized and made into sounds or remain unspoken as thoughts, can cast an almost hypnotic spell upon you. You easily lose yourself in them, become hypnotized into implicitly believing that when you have attached a word to something, you know what it is. You have only covered up the mystery with a label. Everything, a bird, a tree, even a simple stone, and certainly a human being, is ultimately unknowable. This is because it has unfathomable depth. All we can perceive, experience, think about, is the surface layer of reality, less than the top of an iceberg.



Underneath the surface appearance, everything is not only connected with everything else, but also with the Source of all life out of which it came. Even a stone, and more easily a flower or a bird, could show you the way back to God, to the Source, to yourself. When you look at it or hold it and let it be without imposing a word or mental label on it, a sense of awe, of wonder, arises within you. Its essence silently communicates itself to you and reflects your own essence back to you.

その表面的な見かけの奥ですべては全体とつながりあっているだけでなく、すべてが拠 (よ) ってきた「生命の源」とつながっている。石ころでさえ、花や小鳥ならなおさらのこと、「神」へ、「生命の源」へ、あなた自身へと戻る道を示すことができる。相手に言葉を付与したり、頭のなかでラベルを貼ったりせず、ただ手にとって、ありのままを見つめれば、驚異と畏敬の念が湧き起こるだろう。対象の本質が無言のうちにあなたに語りかけ、あなたの本質を照らし出す。


When you don’t cover up the world with words and thoughts, a sense of the miraculous returns to your life that was lost a long time ago when humanity, instead of using thought, became possessed by thought. A depth returns to your life. Things regain their newness, their freshness. And the greatest miracle is the experiencing of your essential self as prior to any words, thoughts, mental labels, and images. For this to happen, you need to disentangle your sense of I, of Beingness, from all the things it has become mixed up with, that is to say, identified with. That disentanglement is what this book is about.

言葉やラベルを貼り付けないで世界をありのままに見れば、はるか昔に人類が思考を使うのではなく思考に縛られたときに失った奇跡のような畏敬の念が甦 (よみがえ) る。人生に深さが戻ってくる。ものごとは再び初々しさ、新鮮さを取り戻す。最大の奇跡は自己の本質を経験できることだ。その本質は言葉や思考や知的なラベルに先行する。それを経験するためには、「自分 (I ) という意識、「在る (Beingness) 」という意識を、自分と混同されているすべて、自分を同一化しているすべてから切り離さなくてはならない。自分をモノや事物から切り離すこと、それが本書のテーマである。


The quicker you are in attaching verbal or mental labels to things, people, or situations, the more shallow and lifeless your reality becomes, and the more deadened you become to reality, the miracle of life that continuously unfolds within and around you. In this way, cleverness may be gained, but wisdom is lost, and so are joy, love, creativity, and aliveness. They are concealed in the still gap between the perception and the interpretation. Of course we have to use words and thoughts. They have their own beauty―but do we need to become imprisoned in them?

ものごとや人や状況に、言葉や知的なラベルを急いで貼りつければ貼りつけるほど、あなたの現実は生命力を失って浅薄になり、現実を生き生きと感じ取れなくなって、あなた自身の内側や周囲で展開されている生命の奇跡に対する感覚が鈍くなる。小賢しさは身についても智慧は失われ、喜びや愛や創造性や生き生きした躍動感もなくなる。認識と解釈という生気のない状況のなかで消えてしまう。もちろん私たちは言葉や思考を使う必要がある。言葉や思考にはそれぞれの美がある―だがそこに囚 (とれ) われてしまう必要があるだろうか?


Most people are still completely identified with the incessant stream of mind, of compulsive thinking,most of it repetitive and pointless. There is no “I” apart from their thought processes and the emotions that go with them. This is the meaning of being spiritually unconscious. When told that there is a voice in their head that never stops speaking, they say, “What voice?” or angrily deny it, which of course is the voice, is the thinker, is the unobserved mind. It could almost be looked upon as an entity that has taken possession of them.

ほとんどの人は依然として、絶え間ない思考の流れ (大半が無意味な繰り返しである) や衝動的思考に自分を完全に同一化している。この思考プロセスとそれに付随する感情から離れて「私、僕 (I ) は存在しない。これはスピリチュアルな無自覚状態を意味する。頭のなかには片時も止まらずにしゃべり続けている声があると言われると、人は「それはどんな声か?」と聞き返したり、そんなことはないとむきになって否定する。聞き返したり、むきになったりするのはもちろん、その声、考えている無意識な心だ。それが人々を乗っ取っていると見ることもできる。


Some people never forget the first time they disidentified from their thoughts and thus briefly experienced the shift in identity from being the content of their mind to being the awareness in their background. For others it happens in such a subtle way they hardly notice it, or they just notice an influx of joy or inner peace without knowing the reason.




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エックハルト・トール『ニュー・アース』 : その3。スピリチュアリティと宗教の違いとは? Eckhart Tolle “A New Earth”: No.3. What is the difference between spirituality and religion? 


It is said that recently in the United States, those who claim “I’m not religious but spiritual.” rapidly increase. What is “spirituality” in the first place? ―more to come both in English and in Japanese.



What is the role of the established religions in the arising of the new consciousness? Many people are already aware of the difference between spirituality and religion. They realize that having a belief system―a set of thoughts that you regard as the absolute truth―does not make you spiritual no matter what the nature of those beliefs is. In fact, the more you make your thoughts (beliefs) into your identity, the more cut off you are from the spiritual dimension within yourself. Many “religious” people are stuck at that level. They equate truth with thought, and as they are completely identified with thought (their mind), they claim to be in sole possession of the truth in an unconscious attempt to protect their identity. They don’t realize the limitations of thought. Unless you believe (think) exactly as they do, you are wrong in their eyes, and in the not-too-distant past, they would have felt justified in killing you for that. And some still do, even now.

新しい意識の高まりのなかで、既成宗教はどのような役割を担うだろう? 多くの人々はすでにスピリチュアリティと宗教の違いに気づいている。信念体系―自分が絶対的真実だとみなす一連の考え方―は、どのようなものであれ、持ち主をスピリチュアルにはしない、それどころかその考え方 (信念) と自分を同一化すればするほど、自分のなかのスピリチュアルな面から切り離されていく。「信仰心篤い」人たちの多くはこのレベルに留まっている。思考を真実と同一視し、その思考に自分を完全に同一化しているので、自分だけが真実を知っていると主張するが、実は無意識のうちに自分のアイデンティティを守ろうとしているだけだ。この人たちは思考の限界に気づかない。自分の行動と信念に完全に同意しない人間は間違っていると決めつけ、そう遠くない過去には、相手を殺害することも正当化されると考えていた。いまでもそう思っている人たちがいる。


The new spirituality, the transformation of consciousness, is arising to a large extent outside of the structures of the existing institutionalized religions. Partly as a result of the spiritual teachings that have arisen outside the established religions, but also due to an influx of the ancient Eastern wisdom teachings, a growing number of followers of traditional religions are able to let go of identification with form, dogma, and rigid belief systems and discover the original depth that is hidden within their own spiritual tradition at the same time as they discover the depth within themselves. They realize that how “spiritual” you are has nothing to do with what you believe but everything to do with your state of consciousness. This, in turn, determines how you act in the world and interact with others.



Those unable to look beyond form become even more deeply entrenched in their beliefs, that is to say, in their mind. We are witnessing not only an unprecedented influx of consciousness at this time but also an entrenchment and intensification of the ego. Some religious institutions will be open to the new consciousness; others will harden their doctrinal positions and become part of all those other man-made structures through which the collective ego will defend itself and “fight back.” Some churches, sects, cults, or religious movements are basically collective egoic entities, as they rigidly identified with their mental positions as the followers of any political ideology that is closed to any alternative interpretation of reality.

形を超えた向こう側を見ることができない人たちは、自分の信念に、つまり自分のエゴイスティックな心にいっそう深く囚 (とら) われてしまう。現在、かつてなかった意識のうねりが見られるが。同時にエゴの壁も分厚く強化されている。一部の宗教組織は新しい意識に向かって開かれるだろうが、さらに頑 (かたく) なに自分たちの立場や教義にこだわり、人間の集団的エゴの自衛と「反撃」の構造の一部になる宗教もあるだろう。一部の教会、宗派、カルト、宗教運動は基本的に集団的エゴで、自分たちの主義主張にしがみつく。現実に対する別の解釈を認めない閉鎖的な政治イデオロギーの信奉者と少しも変わらない。


But the ego is destined to dissolve, and all its ossified structures, whether they be religious or other institutions, corporations, or governments, will disintegrate from within, no matter how deeply entrenched they appear to be. The most rigid structures, the most impervious to change, will collapse first. This has already happened in the case of Soviet Communism. How deeply entrenched, how solid and monolithic it appeared, and yet within a few years, it disintegrated from within. No one foresaw this. All were taken by surprise. They are many more such surprises in store for us.




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エックハルト・トール『ニュー・アース』 : その2。「悟り」は人間の精神状態に基本的な欠陥があることを認識することから始まる? Eckhart Tolle “A New Earth”: No.2. Does “enlightenment” begin with the recognition of fundamental defect in the state of human mind? 


What is the way leading to “enlightenment” and “salvation”? ―more to come both in English and in Japanese.



Most ancient religions and spiritual traditions share the common insight―that our “normal” state of mind is marred by a fundamental defect. However, out of this insight into the nature of the human conditions―we may call it the bad news―arises a second insight: the good news of the possibility of a radical transformation of human consciousness. In Hindu teachings (and sometimes in Buddhism also), this transformation is called enlightenment. In the teachings of Jesus, it is salvation, and in Buddhism, it is the end of suffering. Liberation and awakening are other terms used to describe this transformation.

古い宗教やスピリチュアルな伝統のほとんどに共通する洞察がある。われわれの「ふつうの」精神状態には基本的な欠陥があるということだ。しかし人間存在の本質に関するこの洞察―これを悪いニュースと呼ぼうか―から、第二の洞察が生まれる。人間の意識の根源的変化の可能性という良いニュースである。ヒンズーの (仏教にも共通する)教えではこの変化を「悟り」と呼ぶ。イエスの教えでは「救済」、仏教では「苦滅諦 (くめつたい) と言う。「解放」や「目覚め」という言葉が使われることもある。


The greatest achievement of humanity is not its work of art, science, or technology, but the recognition of its own dysfunction, its own madness. In the distant past, this recognition already came to a few individuals. A man called Gautama Siddhartha, who lived 2,600 years ago in India, was perhaps the first who saw it with absolute clarity. Later, the title Buddha was conferred upon him. Buddha means “the awakened one.” At about the same time, another of humanity’s early awakened teachers emerged in China. His name was Lao Tzu. He left a record of his teaching in the form of one of the most profound spiritual books ever written, the Tao Te Ching.

人類にとって最大の成果は芸術作品でも科学でも技術でもなく、自らの機能不全,狂気の認識だ。遠い昔にすでにこの認識に到達していた人々がいた。たぶんこの機能不全を最初に絶対的な明晰さで見抜いたのは、二千六百年前のインドにいたゴータマ・シッダルタである。(後に彼はブッダと言う称号を与えられた。ブッダとは「目覚めた人」という意味である) ほぼ同時に中国にも目覚めた人類の教師が現れた。その名を老子という。老子は最も深い霊的な書物の一つである『道徳経』という形で、その教えを遺した。


To recognize one’s own insanity is, of course, the arising of sanity, the beginning of healing and transcendence. A new dimension of consciousness had begun to emerge on the planet, a first tentative flowering. Those rare individuals spoke to their contemporaries. They spoke of sin, of suffering, of delusion. They said, “Look how you live. See what you are doing, the suffering you create.” They then pointed to the possibility of awakening from the collective nightmare of “normal” human existence. They showed the way.



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エックハルト・トール『ニュー・アース』 : その1。スピリチュアルに関する本の決定版。Eckhart Tolle “A New Earth” : No.1. The definitive edition of the spiritual books.


The most influential book for spiritual awakening. With praise of Oprah Winfrey, a popular MC, over 5.8 million copies were sold in the United States ―more to come both in English and in Japanese.



This book’s main purpose is not to add new information or beliefs to your mind or try to convince you of anything, but to bring about a shift in consciousness, that is to say, to awaken. In that sense, this book is not “interesting.” Interesting means you can keep your distance, play around with ideas and concepts in your mind, agree or disagree.



This book is about you. It will change your state of consciousness or it will be meaningless. It can only awaken those who are ready. Not everyone is ready yet, but many are, and with each person who awakens, the momentum in the collective consciousness grows, and it becomes easier for others. If you don’t know what awakening means, read on. Only by awakening can you know the true meaning of that word.



An essential part of the awakening is the recognition of the unawakened you, the ego as it thinks, speaks, and acts, as well as the recognition of the collectively conditioned mental processes that perpetuate the unawakened state. That is why this book shows the main aspects of the ego and how they operate in the individual as well as in the collective. This is important for two related reasons.



The first is that unless you know the basic mechanics behind the workings of the ego, you won’t recognize it, and it will trick you into identifying with it again and again. This means it takes you over, an imposter pretending to be you.



The second reason is that the act of recognition itself is one of the ways in which awakening happens. When you recognize the unconsciousness in you, that which makes the recognition possible is the arising consciousness, is awakening. You cannot fight against the ego and win, just as you cannot fight against darkness. The light of consciousness is all that is necessary. You are that light.




My Fourth anthology has been published.

Please  order it from Amazon if you are interested in.













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