Literature on Satoumi and its concepts|International Center for Environmental Management of Enclosed Coastal Seas

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Literature on Satoumi and its concepts

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2018 里海学のすすめ: 人と海との新たな関わり(鹿熊信一郎、 柳哲雄、佐藤哲、361 pages、勉誠出版、2018、東京日本)
(ISBN: 978-4-585-26002-8)
「沖縄県恩納村と白保、高知県柏島、岡山県日生、インドネシア、フィジー、フロリダなど多彩な里海の事例を通じて、人と海とのつながりを深め、里海を創生する方法を示す。」 Japanese Not Downloadable
2017 Ecosystem-based Adaptation (International Union for Conservation of Nature, Issues Brief, 2 pages, IUCN, 2017, Switzerland) “Ecosystem-based Adaptation is a nature-based solution that harnesses biodiversity and ecosystem services to reduce vulnerability and build resilience to climate change.” English Download
2017 Making Ecosystem-based Adaptation Effective: A Framework for Defining Qualification Criteria and Quality Standards (M. Bertram, E. Barrow, K. Blackwood, A. R. Rizvi, H. Reid and S. von Scheliha-​Dawid, FEBA Technical Paper for UNFCCC SBSTA 46, 14 pages, Friends of Ecosystem-based Adaptation, 2017, Switzerland) “Friends of Ecosystem-based Adaptation is an informal network of over 30 organizations with an interest in promoting collaboration and knowledge sharing on Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) through joint events and initiatives, as well as the development of position papers and technical documents on EbA.
More than 50 government ministries and sub-agencies, UN bodies and conventions, NGOs, research centers, and other institutions make up the Friends of EbA. IUCN serves as the FEBA Secretariat.”
English Download
2017 Ecosystems protecting infrastructure and communities: Lessons learned and guidelines for implementation (F. Monty, R. Murti, S. Miththapala and C. Buyck, 107 pages, IUCN, 2017, Switzerland)
(ISBN: 978-2-8317-1867-5)
“This publication presents details on Ecosystems Protecting Infrastructure and Communities (EPIC), a pioneer global initiative which promoted implementation of ecosystem-based approaches for disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation through five case studies in six countries.” English Download
2016 里海と沿岸域管理―里海をマネジメントする(日高健、302 pages、農林統計協会、2016、日本東京)
(ISBN: 978-4-541-04076-3)
「著者は、『里海』を沿岸域の住民や行政が共働して、沿岸域の環境や資源を持続的に利用していくための組織と仕組み、あるいはそのような組織と仕組みで管理される沿岸域と定義する。このような里海マネジメントの仕方、日本型の沿岸管理について明らかにする。」 Japanese Not Downloadable
2015 The status of marine and coastal ecosystem-based management among the network of U.S. federal programs (Andrea Dell’Apa, Adam Fullerton, Franklin Schwing, Margaret M. Brady, Marine Policy, 60, 249-258, 2015) “This paper summarizes the status of EBM for federal programs under the agencies of the National Ocean Council that implement or support marine and coastal EBM activities.” English Download
2015 Community-Based Monitoring of Alaska’s Coastal and Ocean Environment: Best Practice for Linking Alaska Citizens with Science
(Marilyn Sigman (Ed.), 37 pages, Alaska Sea Grant, University of Alaska Fairbanks, USA, 2015)
(ISBN 978-1-56612-181-1)
”This 42-page handbook is designed to help Alaska communities, scientists and agencies implement best practices for new and continuing community-based monitoring programs. Though directed at Alaska programs, much of the information is relevant to programs in other areas as well.” English WebSite
2013 Ecosystem-based coastal defence in the face of global change (S. Temmerman, P. Meire, T. J. Bouma, P. M. J. Herman, T. Ysebaert and H. J. De Vriend, Nature, 504(7478), 79-83, 2013) “Flood protection by ecosystem creation and restoration can provide a more sustainable, cost-effective and ecologically sound alternative to conventional coastal engineering and that, in suitable locations, it should be implemented globally and on a large scale.” English Not Downloadable
2012 Japanese Commons in the Coastal Seas: How the satoumi concept harmonize human activity in coastal seas with high productivity and diversity (T.Yanagi, 113 pages, Springer Japan, Japan) This book is a translation of the author’s Japanese book (2010). English Not Downloadable
2012 9th International Conference on the Environmental Management of Enclosed Coastal Seas, Satoumi Session (The Theme was Disseminating the Concept of Satoumi Internationally), Session Report (International EMECS Center, 95 pages, International EMECS Center, 2012, Japan) “Satoumi Special Session was held under the theme; Disseminating the Concept of Satoumi Internationally at EMECS 9 in Baltimore in 2011 and this session was led by various experts from around the world. The successful introduction of Satoumi through human interaction is expected to improve the impoverished ecosystem and to provide greater biological diversity as habitats, greater biological production and fishing grounds. The concept of Satoumi is gradually being recognized not only in its homeland of Japan but also at international meetings held in both western and Asian countries.” Download
2011 Biological and Cultural Diversity in Coastal Communities – Exploring the Potential of Satoumi in Implementing the Ecosystem Approach in the Japanese Archipelago (CBD Technical Series 61, 118 pages, Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, 2011, Canada)
(ISBN: 92-9225-384-0)
“Developing and exchanging good practices will be essential to successfully address this challenge. Satoumi, as an experience capitalising on traditional coastal cultures for management in a modern context, is a welcome contribution to the growing knowledge base in this field. The case studies in this report show that valuable improvements to the management of biodiversity in human-influenced coastal ecosystems are possible while satisfying the needs of various sectors. I hope that reporting on these practices will foster fruitful exchanges between coastal communities facing similar challenges around the world.” English Download
2011 Taking Steps toward Marine and Coastal Ecosystem-Based Management: An introduction guide (T. Agardy, J. Davis, K. Sherwood and O. Vestergaard, UNEP Regional Seas Reports and Studies No. 189, 67 pages, UNEP, 2011, Kenya)
(ISBN: 978-92-807-3173-6)
“The Ecosystem Approach lays out a series of principles to guide management towards long-term sustainability of marine and coastal ecosystems. With this Guide, UNEP seeks to assist countries and communities to take steps towards making marine and coastal ecosystem-based management operational – from strategic planning to on-site implementation.” English Download
2011 里海づくりの手引書(瀬戸内海環境保全協会編、102 pages、環境省、2011、日本東京) 「この手引書は、これから里海づくりを始めよう、あるいは、里海づくりを強化しようとする際に活用できるよう、里海の考え方などの基本的情報、事前準備、計画の策定、評価や見直し等、手順に沿って整理した。」 Japanese Download
2011 指導者のための瀬戸内海の環境学習マニュアル~里海づくりに向けて~(瀬戸内海環境保全協会編、72 pages、環境省、2011、日本東京) 「このマニュアルは、瀬戸内海の現状と課題を知るための基礎知識編と、里海づくりに向けた環境学習編より構成されている。」 Japanese Download
2010 里山・里海:日本の社会生態学的生産ランドスケープ~瀬戸内海の経験と教訓―里海としての瀬戸内海―(日本の里山・里海評価-西日本クラスター,瀬戸内海グループ、174 pages, 国連大学、2010、日本東京) Japanese Not Downloadable
2010 里海創生論(柳哲雄、168 pages, 恒星社厚生閣、 2010、 日本東京)
(ISBN 978-4769912316)
Japanese Not Downloadable
2010 EAS Congress 2009, Sato-umi Workshop (The Theme was Indigenous Approaches to Habitat Protection and Restoration: Experiences in Sato-umi and Other Community Initiatives), Workshop Report (International EMECS Center, 154 pages,
International EMECS Center, 2010, Japan)
“International EMECS Center has been playing the role to spread the concept for the promotion of Sato-umi concept through convening international conferences. This Sato-umi Workshop in The East Asian Seas Congress 2009 in Philippines with PEMSEA was planned in order to encourage these activities.” Download
2010 A Community-Based Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management: Guidelines for Pacific Islands Countries (the Secretariat of the Pacific Community, 54 pages, 2010, New Caledonia)
(ISBN: 978-982-00-0407-8)
“These guidelines are intended to help communities, government agencies and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Pacific Islands countries (PICs) work together to develop and implement community-owned fisheries management plans for a designated area. These guidelines have been produced to describe how an ecosystem approach to fisheries (EAF) can be merged with community-based fisheries management (CBFM) in PICs.” English Download
2010 Community-Based Management of Coastal Ecosystems: Highlights and Lessons of Success from the West Coast Ecosystem-Based Management Network (West Coast Ecosystem-based Management Network, 20 pages, West Coast EBM Network, 2010, USA) “The West Coast EBM Network’s member projects have begun to implement ecosystem- based approaches to management in real-world settings and have learned valuable lessons through their experiences. The following pages provide a unique glimpse into the efforts of these projects and share the stories of communities that have decided to take a proactive approach to managing their coastal areas. This guide was developed to share these lessons and strategies, and to highlight those that are working in hopes of continuing to improve marine and coastal management on the West Coast of the U.S., throughout the country and around the world.” English Download
2009 Ocean and Coastal Ecosystem-Based Management: Implementation Handbook (Environmental Law Institute, 158 pages, Environmental Law Institute, USA, 2009) “This Handbook is identified successful approaches to implementing marine ecosystem-based management (EBM), describe their limitations, and highlight opportunities to apply them in the future.  There is no single perfect example of EBM implementation.  Therefore, this Handbook provides a spectrum of examples that take steps toward EBM, all of which have their strengths and weaknesses.” English Download
2009 EMECS 8 International Workshop: Sato-Umi (The Theme was New Concept that Increases Biological Productivity and Biodiversity), Workshop Report (International EMECS Center, 138 pages, International EMECS Center, 2009, Japan) “The workshop comprised two parts: oral presentations and a poster session. There were presentations from China, South Korea, Thailand, Indonesia, the United States and the EU, and numerous case studies from Japan. The fruits of this workshop were extensively incorporated into the Shanghai Declaration. This workshop was a valuable opportunity for the researches around the world. It is our expectation that the concept of “Sato-Umi” will be spread out of the world and that environmental conservation and restoration activities related to enclosed coastal seas will be promoted.” Download
2007 Sato-Umi: A New Concept for Coastal Sea Management (T.Yanagi, 94pages, Terrapub, Tokyo, Japan)
(ISBN 978-4887041424)
English version of 2006 里海論(Sato-Umi ron) English Not Downloadable
2007 順応的管理による海辺の自然再生(国土交通省港湾局監修、海の自然再生ワーキンググループ、国土交通省、2007, 日本東京) 「本ハンドブックは、順応的管理の考え方、干潟・藻場・サンゴ礁といった場としての自然再生 を行う際の順応的管理手法、鳥類・魚類・貝類等の生物の保全・再生を行う際の順応的管理手法 について取りまとめたものです。」 Japanese WebSite
2007 瀬戸内海を里海に-新たな視点による再生方策-(瀬戸内海研究会議編、恒星社厚生閣、120p、2007、日本東京)
(ISBN 978-4769910510)
Japanese Not Downloadable
2006 A Handbook for Measuring the Progress and Outcomes of Integrated Coastal and Ocean Management (UNESCO-IOC, IOC Manuals and Guides, 46, ICAM Dossier, 2., 217 pages, UNESCO, 2006, France) “This handbook may serve the needs of those coastal and ocean managers confronted with the daily tasks of measuring the progress of their programmes and projects and isolating their ecological and socioeconomic outcomes. As such, the handbook represents a tool that will further benefit from the practical application in different coastal and ocean contexts, gaining from the feedback of the users.” English WebSite
2006 Ecosystem-based Management: Markers for assessing progress (UNEP-GPA, 49 pages, UNEP, 2006, Netherlands) (ISBN 92-807-2707-9) “This publication should be considered a practical tool for assessing progress in integrated coastal and river basin management. It highlights the needs and benefits of integrated management, while at the same time providing guidance in establishing the management link.” English Download
2006 里海論(柳哲雄、恒星社厚生閣、102  pages, 2006, 日本東京)
(ISBN 978-4769910329)
Japanese Not Downloadable
2005 Community-based Watershed Management: Lessons from the National Estuary Program (USEPA, 110 pages, USEPA, 2005, USA) “This document is designed for all individuals and organizations involved in watershed management, including states, tribes, local governments, and nongovernmental organizations. This document describes innovative approaches to watershed management implemented by the 28 National Estuary Programs (NEPs). Drawing on nearly 20 years of experience, readers will learn how the NEPs organize and maintain effective citizen involvement efforts, collect and analyze data, assess and prioritize problems, develop and implement management plans, and communicate results of program activities.” English Download
2004 Participatory Coastal Resource Assessment: Training Guide (Evelyn T. Deguit, Rebecca P. Smith, William P. Jatulan, Alan T. White, 132 pages, Coastal Resource Management Project, 2004, Philippines)
(ISBN 971-92753-8-3)
“The purpose is to help integrate the knowledge of local coastal resource users with the understanding of scientific experts to maximize the effectiveness of integrated coastal resource management (CRM) project.” English Download
2004 An Ocean Blueprint for the 21st Century, Final Report (US Commission on Ocean Policy, 522 pages + Appendices, US Commission on Ocean Policy, 2004, USA)
(ISBN 0–9759462–0–X)
“As mandated by the Oceans Act of 2000, this report contains balanced and practical proposals for the establishment of a comprehensive and coordinated ocean policy for our nation.” English WebSite
2004 Convention of Biological Diversity,  COP 7 Decisions, Decision Ⅶ/11, “Ecosystem Approach” (25 pages, UNEP, 2004) English Download
2004 Integrated Marine and Coastal Area Management (ICAM) Approaches for Implementing the Convention on Biological Diversity (Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, CBD Technical Series No.14, 51 pages, 2004, Canada)
(ISBN: 92-807-2409-6)
“Integrated marine and coastal area management (IMCAM) is a participatory process for decision making to prevent, control, or mitigate adverse impacts from human activities in the marine and coastal environment, and to contribute to the restoration of degraded coastal areas.” English
2003 The Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries. Issues, terminology, principles, institutional foundations, implementation and outlook (Garcia, S.M.; Zerbi, A.; Aliaume, C.; Do Chi, T.; Lasserre, G., FAO Fisheries Technical Paper, No.443, 71 pages, FAO, 2003, Italy)
(ISBN 92-5-104960-2)
“The meaning of the terms “ecosystem management”, “ecosystem-based management”, “ecosystem approach to fisheries” (EAF), etc., are still not universally defined and progressively evolving. The justification of EAF is evident in the characteristics of an exploited ecosystem and the impacts resulting from fisheries and other activities.” English WebSite
2003 America’s Living Oceans: Charting a Course for Sea Change (Pew Ocean Commission, 144 pages, Pew Ocean Commission, 2003, USA) “Ocean currents circulate the energy and water that regulate the Earth’s climate and weather and, thus, affect every aspect of the human experience. Our very dependence on and use of ocean resources are exposing limits in natural systems once viewed as too vast and inexhaustible to be harmed by human activity. Without reform, our daily actions will increasingly jeopardize a valuable natural resource and an invaluable aspect of our national heritage.” English
2002 Ecosystem Management: Adaptive Community-based Conservation (GARY K. MEFFE, LARRY A. NIELSEN, RICHARD L. KNIGHT, DENNIS A.
SCHENBORN, 313pages, Island Press, 2002, USA)
(ISBN 1-55963-824-9)
“This book is structured around three main parts. Part 1  provides the conceptual toolbox of ecosystem management, and presents the basic models and concepts. Part 2 provides the biological and ecological background necessary to conduct effective ecosystem management by discussing levels of biological organization from genes progressively up through landscapes. Part 3 uses the various human dimensions to implement the technical, ecological knowledge that you have within contemporary socioeconomic and institutional settings.” English
2000 Convention of Biological Diversity, COP5 Decision V/6, Ecosystem Approach (UN Environment) “The ecosystem approach is a strategy for the integrated management of land, water and living resources that promotes conservation and sustainable use in an equitable way. Thus, the application of the ecosystem approach will help to reach a balance of the three objectives of the Convention: conservation; sustainable use; and the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the utilization of genetic resources.” English WebSite
1999 Conceptual Framework and Planning Guidelines for Integrated Coastal Area and River basin Management (UNEP, Mediterranean Action Plan, Priority Actions Programme, 78 pages, UNEP, Croatia, 1999)
(ISBN 953-6429-27-6)
English Not downloadable
1998 Integrated Coastal Area Management and Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries, FAO Guidelines (Nadia Scialabba, 256 pages, FAO, Italy, 1998) “These guidelines examine issues specific to the agriculture, forestry and fisheries sectors, and suggest the processes, information requirements, policy directions, planning tools and possible interventions that are necessary for Integrated Coastal Area Management.” English WebSite
1998 Integrated Coastal and Ocean Management: Concepts and Practices, 4th Edition (Biliana Cicin-Sain and   Robert W. Knecht, 517pages, Island Press, USA)
(ISBN 1-55963-604-1)
“IOC’s training and capacity-building activities, a strong effort is made to bridge the science-policy interface to better focus research activities on important management problem and needs. This book contributes to strength the theory and practice of ICM.” English Not downloadable
1997 Methodological Guide to Integrated Coastal Zone Management (Paul Barusseau, Louis Brigand, Jacques Denis, Bernard Gérard, Cécile Grignon-Logerot, Yves Hénocque, Marc Lointier, IOC Manuals and guides No. 36, 47 pages, UNESCO-IOC, France, 1997) “This guide therefore does not purport to answer all the questions linked to integrated coastal zone management, but rather to encourage the concerted introduction of tools to assist in its development and enhancement.” English Download
1997 Community-based coastal resource management in the Philippines: A review and evaluation of programs and projects, 1984–1994 (Robert S Pomeroy and Melvin B Carlos, Marine Policy, 21 (Issue 5), 445-464, 1997) “Between 1984 and 1994, a total of 43 Community-Based Coastal Resource Management (CBCRM) programs and projects were implemented throughout the Philippines. This paper presents a review and evaluation of these programs and projects, which provide a wealth of experience and “lessons learned” to guide the design and implementation of CBCRM policy and local-level initiatives.” English Not Downloadable
1996 Guidelines for Integrated Planning and Management of Coastal and Marine Areas in the Wider Caribbean Region (CEP Technical Report: 38, 145 pages, UNEP, 1996) “This document is a regional framework for integrated coastal planning and management in the Wider Caribbean Region. The purpose of the framework is to support and strengthen institutional competence and facilitate preparation and implementation of integrated coastal planning and management activities in the region.” English
1996 Guidelines for Integrated coastal Zone management (Post, Jan C. and Lundin, Carl G., Environmentally Sustainable Development Studies and Monographs Series No. 9, 16 pages, World Bank, USA, 1996)
(ISBN 0-8213-3735-1)
“The overall effort in developing, implementing vand operating an ICZM program can be accomplished in different ways.” English Download
1995 Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (FAO, 1995) “The Code sets out principles and international standards of behavior for responsible practices with a view to ensuring the effective conservation, management and development of living aquatic resources, with due respect for the ecosystem and biodiversity.” English WebSite
1995 Guidelines for Integrated Management of Coastal and Marine Areas with Special Reference to the Mediterranean Basin (UNEP, UNEP Regional Seas Reports and Studies No. 161. 67p., Kenya, 1995)
(ISBN 92-807-1487-2)
English Not downloadable
1993 Essential elements of Integrated Coastal Zone Management (Chua Thia-Eng, Ocean & Coastal Management, 21, 81-108, 1993) “The purpose of this paper is to discuss the essential elements and application of ICZM based largely on the experiences and conclusions drawn from the ASEAN ICZM program.” English Download
1992 Agenda 21 (United Nations, 1992) “Agenda 21 is a voluntary action plan developed by the United Nations and national governments at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992.” English Download