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2024 EAS Christmas Greetings and Newsletter

Wishing you a wonderful holiday season embracing the best of this year to renew our good will towards the dual career of the sportspersons.


Uniting partners involved in high performance sport and education.
Exchanging best practice between countries and institutions.
Improving conditions for high performance sport and education.
The link between educational institutions and sports organisations.
Actively developing research projects in sport and education.


An annual EAS conference.
Inform our members about ongoing best practice.
Promote co-operation between institutions, coaches, teachers and students.
Discussion and debate around sport on a local, national and European level.
This web site to act as our Forum / Hub.


Supporting European athletes by combining high performance sport and education. Securing their future by ensuring a strong education or vocational background.


Do you belong to an institution promoting the dual career approach by supporting the combination of high performance sport and education / vocational training? Then why not join us – simply contact the EAS co-ordinator or one of the members of the Executive committee, or you can alternatively apply below.



Laura Capranica

EAS President

Mojca Doupona

EAS Treasurer

Tibor Kozsla

EAS Honorary President

Laurence Blondel

EAS Executive Board Member

Risto Keskitalo

Founder and Honorary President

Ole Keldorf

EAS Executive Board Member


Antonio Figueiredo

EAS Executive Board Member

Ilvis Abelkalns

EAS Executive Board Member

Antonio Sánchez Pato

EAS Executive Board Member
Aargau Advertising Agency Appenzell Ausserrhoden Advertising Agency Appenzell Innerrhoden Advertising Agency Basel-Landschaft Advertising Agency Basel-Stadt Advertising Agency Bern Advertising Agency Fribourg Advertising Agency Geneva (Cenevre) Advertising Agency Cenevre Advertising Agency Glarus Advertising Agency Graubünden Advertising Agency Jura Advertising Agency Lucerne (Luzern) Advertising Agency Neuchâtel Advertising Agency Nidwalden Advertising Agency Obwalden Advertising Agency Schaffhausen Advertising Agency Schwyz Advertising Agency Solothurn Advertising Agency St. Gallen Advertising Agency Thurgau Advertising Agency Ticino (Tessin) Advertising Agency Uri Advertising Agency Wallis Advertising Agency Vaud Advertising Agency Zug Advertising Agency Zurich (Zürih) Advertising Agency Aargau Werbeagentur Appenzell Ausserrhoden Werbeagentur Appenzell Innerrhoden Werbeagentur Basel-Landschaft Werbeagentur Basel-Stadt Werbeagentur Bern Werbeagentur Fribourg Werbeagentur Genf Werbeagentur Glarus Werbeagentur Graubünden Werbeagentur Jura Werbeagentur Luzern Werbeagentur Neuenburg Werbeagentur Nidwalden Werbeagentur Obwalden Werbeagentur Schaffhausen Werbeagentur Schwyz Werbeagentur Solothurn Werbeagentur St. Gallen Werbeagentur Thurgau Werbeagentur Tessin Werbeagentur Uri Werbeagentur Wallis Werbeagentur Waadt Werbeagentur Zug Werbeagentur Zürich Werbeagentur Switzerland Werbeagentur Schweiz Advertising Agency