蝴蝶夫人的剧情简介 · · · · · ·
Time: 1904
Place: Nagasaki, Japan
Act 1
In 1904, a U.S. naval officer named Pinkerton rents a house on a hill in Nagasaki, Japan, for himself and his soon-to-be wife, "Butterfly". Her real name is Ciocio-san (from the Japanese word for "butterfly" (蝶々 chōchō, pronounced [tɕoːtɕoː]); -san is a plain honorific). She is a 15-year-old Japanese girl whom he is marrying for convenience, and he intends to leave her once he finds a proper American wife, since Japanese divorce laws are very lax. The wedding is to take place at the house. Butterfly had been so excit...
Place: Nagasaki, Japan
Act 1
In 1904, a U.S. naval officer named Pinkerton rents a house on a hill in Nagasaki, Japan, for himself and his soon-to-be wife, "Butterfly". Her real name is Ciocio-san (from the Japanese word for "butterfly" (蝶々 chōchō, pronounced [tɕoːtɕoː]); -san is a plain honorific). She is a 15-year-old Japanese girl whom he is marrying for convenience, and he intends to leave her once he finds a proper American wife, since Japanese divorce laws are very lax. The wedding is to take place at the house. Butterfly had been so excit...
蝴蝶夫人的演出版本 · · · · · · ( 添加版本 )
- 导演:
- 未知
- 编剧:
- Luigi Illica / Giuseppe Giacosa
- 作曲:
- Giacomo Puccini
- 主演:
- Rosina Storchio(饰 Cio-Cio-san) / Giovanni Zenatello(饰 B. F. Pinkerton) / Giuseppe de Luca(饰 Sharpless) / Giuseppina Giaconia(饰 Suzuki)
- 语言:
- Italian 意大利语
- 演出日期:
- 1904-02-17
- 演出团体:
- Orchestra del Teatro alla Scala 斯卡拉剧院管弦乐团 ; Coro del Teatro alla Scala 斯卡拉剧院合唱团
- 演出剧院:
- Teatro alla Scala 斯卡拉剧院
- 导演:
- Anthony Minghella / Sarah Tipple
- 编剧:
- Luigi Illica / Giuseppe Giacosa
- 作曲:
- Giacomo Puccini
- 主演:
- Mary Plazas(饰 Cio-Cio-san) / Gwyn Hughes Jones(饰 B. F. Pinkerton) / John Fanning(饰 Sharpless) / Pamela Helen Stephen(饰 Suzuki)
- 语言:
- English 英语
- 演出日期:
- 2012-05-08
- 演出团体:
- English National Opera Orchestra 英格兰国家歌剧团管弦乐团 ; English National Opera Chorus 英格兰国家歌剧团合唱团
- 演出剧院:
- London Coliseum 伦敦大剧场
- 导演:
- Giancarlo del Monaco
- 编剧:
- Luigi Illica / Giuseppe Giacosa
- 作曲:
- Giacomo Puccini
- 主演:
- Catherine Malfitano(饰 Cio-Cio-san) / Richard Leech(饰 B. F. Pinkerton) / Dwayne Croft(饰 Sharpless) / Wendy White(饰 Suzuki)
- 语言:
- 意大利语
- 演出日期:
- 1994-12-21
- 演出团体:
- Metropolitan Opera Orchestra 大都会歌剧团管弦乐团 ; Metropolitan Opera Chorus 大都会歌剧团合唱团
- 演出剧院:
- Metropolitan Opera House 大都会歌剧院
- 导演:
- Eike Gramss
- 编剧:
- Luigi Illica / Giuseppe Giacosa
- 作曲:
- Giacomo Puccini
- 主演:
- 和慧 / Raffaella Angeletti(饰 Cio-Cio-san) / Tito Beltrán / Cesare Catani(饰 B. F. Pinkerton) / Nicola Alaimo / Piero Terranova(饰 Sharpless) / Chiara Chialli / Lorena Scarlata Rizzo(饰 Suzuki)
- 语言:
- Italian 意大利语
- 演出日期:
- 2004-09-25-26
- 演出团体:
- Orchestra Città Lirica ; Coro Città Lirica
- 演出剧院:
- Teatro del Giglio 百合剧院
蝴蝶夫人的剧评 · · · · · · ( 全部 8 条 )
最打动我的场景:《花儿二重唱》 《花儿二重唱》是该剧第二幕中巧巧桑与铃木的女声二重唱,描绘了巧巧桑得知平克顿即将回到日本后的心情。蝴蝶与铃木欣喜若狂,用花装饰家里,一边期待平克顿的归来,一边又担心自己收拾的房间太过简陋。蝴蝶给儿子穿上了漂亮的新衣服,自己也和... (展开)一定要爱着点什么,恰似草木对光阴的钟情
很久没看歌剧,此次看歌剧,一人坐车慕名而来,不虚此行!不仅聆听到了和慧的歌声,还认识了志同道合的上海朋友以及邻座的安吉阿姨,爱乐之人,心向往之!和慧歌唱家的名气早已声明远洋,她出演过一百多次蝴蝶夫人,而这次,是她第二回在国内演唱此剧,本人有幸聆听,乐哉! 山...
ROHLive 2017版本。导演Patrice Caurier、Moshe Leiser,指挥Antonio Pappano,主演Ermonela Jaho、Marcelo Puente、Elizabeth DeShong等。 Jaho的声线是柔和的,但暴发力却不逊色,音质也很稳健。这样的声线会让人不自觉替她担心。她确实不像15岁的东方少女…我真的在出戏,天...
> 更多剧评 8篇
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