Dong Nguyen

Dong Nguyen

Hi, I am an associate professor at Utrecht University. Previously I was a research fellow at the Alan Turing Institute. I was also affiliated with Edinburgh University. I completed my Ph.D. at the University of Twente. I received a master's degree from the Language Technologies Institute at Carnegie Mellon University and a bachelor's degree in Computer Science from the University of Twente. I have interned at Facebook (fall 2011), Microsoft Research (fall 2013), and Google (summer 2014). In fall 2015 I visited Georgia Tech.
I'm a member of the Utrecht Young Academy.

I'm heading the NLP and Society Lab @ UU .

Starting soon! DataDivers: Diving into Data Diversity for Fair and Robust NLP, a 5-year (2025-2029) funded ERC Starting grant project.

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