WikiGeo, the wiki for the geoscience knowledge
WikiGeo is a platform for the presentation of an ontology for the geosciences, named OntoGeonous.
OntoGeonous is an ontology collecting the concepts (and their mutual relations) necessary for the description of the geology of a study area with special attention to the geological mapping representation.
In these pages, all the creative process of OntoGeonous, its classes and properties, and the application on the geosciences are presented. From the page Documentation of OntoGeonous is possible to consult all the documentation, references, decisions, explanations, images about OntoGeonous taxonomies, classes, properties,...
From the image map below the reader can explore the website following the history of OntoGeonous, from its creation (green section), to its main subdivision (blue section) and its application (orange section).
- OntoGeonous for humans: a LODE visualization of the ontology
- HERE the link to download the .owl files
Many differnt symbols, achronym, etc are used in these WikiGeo pages for the Protoaxiom, Axioms, Pictures... A legend can be found HERE
Warning! Some links to GeoScienceML web site are out of date, because of the new version release. We are updating such links as we review the wiki source.
See the page Credits for the full list of the authors
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