REvil / Sodinokibi: The Crown Prince of Ransomware

REvil / Sodinokibi: The Crown Prince of Ransomware

Research By: Tom Fakterman

What is Sodinokibi RANSOMWARE?

In April of 2019, the Cybereason Nocturnus team encountered and analyzed a new type of ransomware dubbed REvil/Sodinokibi. REvil/Sodinokibi is highly evasive, and takes many measures to prevent its detection by antivirus and other means.

The authors of REvil/Sodinokibi have previously been connected to the same authors of the prolific GandCrab ransomware, which was recently retired. GandCrab is responsible for 40% of all ransomware infections globally. If the association is accurate, GandCrab sets a good example for just how impactful REvil/Sodinokibi may become.

Ransomware remains a huge business risk to organizations in many vectors. Highly evasive ransomware such as REvil/Sodinokibi and GandCrab are the cause of huge damage to organizations each year.

In this report we analyze the attack and malware, and offer security recommendations for defenders to consider when coming up against this attack.


Initially, most of the REvil / Sodinokibi attacks were observed in Asia. Although recently Europe became one of the significant affected regions.

When the ransomware first emerged, it exploited vulnerabilities in servers and other critical assets of SMBs. As time went by, we saw other infection vectors such as phishing and exploit kits.

During our investigation, we also encountered several instances where the REvil / Sodinokibi ransomware purposefully searches for an AV made by the  South Korean security vendor "Ahnlab" in the infected machine in order to inject its malicious payload to the trusted AV vendor.

There is evidence presented in this research and by previous vendors that suggests that the REvil / Sodinokibi ransomware was created by the same group as the prolific GandCrab ransomware.

Security Recommendations

Do not download files from suspicious sources or click on suspicious links.

Make regular backups of important files, both locally and externally in the cloud.

Enable PowerShell prevention in the Cybereason solution.

Activate Cybereason anti-ransomware in Prevention mode to detect and prevent this threat and other, similar threats.

Table of Contents


Analysis of the Attack

Loader Phase One: The UAC Bypass

Loader Phase Two: Injection to Ahnlab

The Sodinokibi Payload


MITRE ATT&CK Technique Breakdown

Indicators of Compromise


In April of 2019, the Cybereason Nocturnus team encountered several instances where REvil / Sodinokibi was dropped to the target machine via a malicious link as a zip file containing malicious JavaScript.

Though the Cybereason solution prevented the ransomware, we have seen it successfully execute in other organizations. It is able to completely incapacitate a business by preventing the access of data and critical assets of a target machine, among other damage. As of now, the malware does not have the capability to self-propagate, but once that is implemented, it could extend its impact across a network.

When first discovered in late April, REvil / Sodinokibi (AKA Sodin) was reported as being installed on machines by exploiting an Oracle WebLogic vulnerability (CVE-2019-2725) and subsequently started propagating through exploit kits and spam. 

In this blog post, we perform a deep technical analysis of the Sodinokibi ransomware, focusing on the ransomware delivery method as well as the defensive mechanisms put in place by the malware authors in order to evade AV detection. 

This malware showcases a resurgence of ransomware we have been tracking in the industry. Though some have reported ransomware attacks decreasing, we are seeing that ransomware is here to stay. In fact, ransomware attack payments have doubled in the second quarter of this year. Organizations need security products that are able to defend against the latest attacks in order to stay on top and detect and prevent successfully.

During our analysis, we have noticed interesting similarities between the GandCrab ransomware, whose operators claimed in June 2019 that they are retiring and discontinuing their operation. Our findings bode well with other reports by other security researchers that also found similarities between the two ransomware.


Analysis of the Attack

The initial infection vector used by the threat actor is a phishing email containing a malicious link. When pressed, the link downloads a supposedly legitimate zip file that is actually malicious. REvil / Sodinokibi zip files have a very low detection rate on VirusTotal, which signals that the majority of antivirus vendors do not flag the initial payload as malicious.

Since the initial REvil / Sodinokibi payload is able to pass undetected, the first layer of defense for many organizations is immediately bypassed:

Sodinokibi / REvil zip file detection rate on virustotal

The REvil / Sodinokibi zip file detection rate on VirusTotal is quite low.

The zip file contains an obfuscated JavaScript file. When the user double clicks on the JavaScript file, WScript executes it:

Sodinokibi / REvil WScript execution

WScript executing malicious JavaScript.

Sodinokibi / REvil first stage process tree

The first stage process tree as seen in the Cybereason solution.

The JavaScript file de-obfuscates itself by rearranging characters from a list called eiculwo, which is located in the JavaScript file:

Sodinokibi / REvil obfuscated JavaScript file

The first half of the obfuscated JavaScript file.

The variable vhtsxspmssj, located in the JavaScript file, is an obfuscated PowerShell script that will be de-obfuscated by the attackers later on in the attack:

Sodinokibi / REvil de-obfuscated JavaScript file

The de-obfuscated JavaScript file.

The JavaScript file de-obfuscates the variable vhtsxspmssj, mentioned earlier as the PowerShell script, and saves it in the directory temp with the name jurhtcbvj.tmp.

Note: We have encountered variants of the malware where the script downloads the secondary payload instead of embedding it within the initial script.

The file jurhtcbvj.tmp is a PowerShell script filled with multiple unnecessary exclamation marks, most likely to further obfuscate itself. The JavaScript file launches a PowerShell command to remove the exclamation marks and execute the PowerShell script:

Sodinokibi / REvil  contents of the obfuscated PowerShell script jurhtcbvj.tmp

The contents of the obfuscated PowerShell script jurhtcbvj.tmp.

Sodinokibi command to execute the PowerShell script

The command to replace exclamation marks and execute the PowerShell script.

The PowerShell script decodes an additional script that is Base64-encoded and executes it. The decoded script contains a .NET module also encoded with Base64, which is subsequently decoded and loaded into the PowerShell process memory. Once loaded, it executes the function Install1:

Sodinokibi / REvil decoded script decrypting and loading module test.dll into memory

The decoded script decrypting and loading module test.dll into memory.

The module test.dll is one of many layers of this delivery process. The function Install1 contains yet another module encoded with Base64. The function decodes the module and loads it into memory:

Sodinokibi Base64-encoded module Install1

Base64-encoded module Install1.

Sodinokibi / REvil loading the module Install1 into memory

Loading the module Install1 into memory.

If the malware was unable to gain high enough privileges, it will attempt a User Access Control bypass.

Loader Phase One: The UAC Bypass

The module loaded into memory functions as a loader for the next phase of the malware. The module uses CheckTokenMembership to confirm the processes’ privileges. If the processes’ privileges are insufficient, it tries to bypass User Access Control (UAC). In order to bypass UAC, the malware writes itself to the registry key Software\Classes\mscfile\shell\open\command\ and launches a new instance of explorer.exe to execute CompMgmtLauncher.exe:

Sodinokibi / REvil creating the registry key and launching CompMgmtLauncher.exe

Creating the registry key and launching CompMgmtLauncher.exe.

Sodinokibi / REvil explorer.exe is used to launch ComMgmtLauncher.exe

Explorer.exe is used to launch ComMgmtLauncher.exe.

When CompMgmtLauncher.exe is executed, it executes anything configured in the registry key Software\Classes\mscfile\shell\open\command\. In this instance, it is executing the same PowerShell command executed earlier to replace exclamation marks and execute the PowerShell script, but with higher privileges:

Sodinokibi / REvil registry key creation in order to bypass UAC

The registry key creation in order to bypass UAC.

The process is now being executed with the highest privileges, and the attack continues:

Sodinokibi / REvil the process tree after the UAC bypass

The process tree after the UAC bypass as seen in the Cybereason solution.

The loader module is loaded into memory and checks again for privileges. This time, it has sufficient privileges and continues the attack. Within the loader module resources is an xor encrypted portable executable.

Sodinokibi / REvil xor encrypted PE

The xor encrypted PE.

The loader loads the portable executable from the resource into memory, decrypts it in memory using the key 7B, then executes it:

Sodinokibi / REvil portable executable in memory

The portable executable in memory before the xor decryption.

Sodinokibi / REvil portable executable

The portable executable in memory after the xor decryption.

Loader Phase Two: Injection to Ahnlab

The portable executable in memory is the second loader module that will be used for the final payload. In this phase, the malware attempts to inject the ransomware payload into an Ahnlab antivirus process.

In order to do so, the second loader checks to see if Ahnlab antivirus is installed on the target machine. If the Ahnlab V3 Lite software service V3 Service exists, it checks if the file autoup.exe is available. autoup.exe is part of the Ahnlab Updater and is vulnerable to attack.

The GandCrab authors have been reported to be bitter with Ahnlab. Given this, it is interesting to note that REvil / Sodinokibi specifically searches for Ahnlab and attempts to use it for the attack:

Sodinokibi / REvil malware

The malware checking for the Ahnlab antivirus.

Sodinokibi / REvil path string for autoup.exe

The path string for autoup.exe.

If the malware is able to find the Ahnlab service and executable, the loader automatically launches the autoup.exe process in a suspended state and attempts to inject the REvil / Sodinokibi payload into it via process hollowing.

If the Ahnlab antivirus is not installed on the machine, the loader will launch a separate instance of the current PowerShell process in a suspended state and try to inject the REvil / Sodinokibi payload into it via process hollowing.

The payload is stored in the module resources as an xor-encrypted portable executable with key 7B:

Sodinokibi / REvil xor encrypted portable executable

The xor encrypted portable executable.

The Sodinokibi Payload

The malware stores encrypted configuration data with RC4 encryption in the .grrr. The name differs among various malware variants:

sections of the REvil / Sodinokibi payload

The sections of the REvil/Sodinokibi payload.

The configuration file contains information about which folders, files, and file extensions to exclude from encrypting. It also contains information on which processes to kill, which services to delete, how to escalate privileges with CVE-2018-8453, how to communicate with C2s, and ransom note to display:

configuration file for REvil / Sodinokibi

The configuration file for REvil / Sodinokibi.

REvil / Sodinokibi identifies which keyboard languages are configured using GetKeyboardLayoutList. It checks the primary language ID with a switch case. If one of the chosen languages is configured, the malware shuts down. The malware authors do not want to ransom files from the specific set of countries seen in the switch case below.

In this REvil / Sodinokibi variant, a check for Syrian was added, along with new checks for the system language using GetSystemDefaultUILanguage and GetUserDefaultUILanguage:

Sodinokibi / REvil switch case for the primary language ID

The switch case for the primary language ID.

Once the language checks pass, the malware continues its execution. It deletes shadow copies from the machine with vssadmin.exe to make file recovery more difficult:

Sodinokibi Shadow copy deletion with vssadmin.exe

Shadow copy deletion with vssadmin.exe.

The ransomware iterates through all folders on the machine, encrypts all files, and drops a ransom note in each folder. Once it has finished encryption, it changes the desktop wallpaper to help inform the user of the attack:

Sodinokibi / REvil new wallpaper after the ransomware encrypts the files

The new wallpaper after the ransomware encrypts the files.

Sodinokibi / REvil ransom note

The ransom note for the ransomware.

After the malware encrypts the files on the target machine, it tries to establish communication with a C2 server. In order to generate the URL for the C2, it iterates through a list of domains configured in the previously decoded configuration file:

Sodinokibi domain list from the configuration file

The domain list from the configuration file.

The malware creates several random URLs using the domains with a combination of hard-coded and randomly generated strings. A recent report by Tesorion covers the similarities in the way REvil / Sodinokibi and GandCrab generate random URLs, which further strengthens suspicions of a potential shared author:

Sodinokibi / REvil hard-coded strings
The hard-coded strings for random URL generation.

Once the URLs are generated, the malware sends encrypted machine information to each of the domains including usernames, machine name, domain name, machine language, operating system type, and CPU architecture:

Sodinokibi / REvil data sent to the C2 server before encryption

The data sent to the C2 server before encryption.

When the user clicks on the ransom note and enters the key, a page appears that lists the price they must pay in bitcoin to retrieve their files:

Sodinokibi / REvil Tor browser ransom note

The Tor browser ransom note.

The Cybereason anti-ransomware solution identified the threat and mitigated the incident before any damage was caused:

Cybereason anti-ransomware solution detects and prevents the REvil / Sodinokibi ransomware

The Cybereason anti-ransomware solution detects and prevents the REvil/Sodinokibi ransomware.


In this blog, we took a deep dive into the REvil / Sodinokibi ransomware infection process, and showed that even though the obfuscation techniques used by the ransomware authors are quite simple,  they are still proving to be very effective in bypassing most antivirus vendors.

Our analysis further supports the suspicion that the threat actors behind the REvil / Sodinokibi ransomware are the same allegedly retired authors who created the GandCrab ransomware, based on findings detailed in this report, such as: similarities in the language and countries whitelist (Russian-speaking countries and even Syrian Arabic), the “revengeful” targeting of an Ahnlab product for process injection,  and the similarities in the URL-generation routine. 

Since April 2019, the REvil / Sodinokibi ransomware has become very prolific and has become the 4th most common ransomware within less than 4 months after its first appearance. It has since gone through several minor updates, and it is our assessment that its industrious authors will continue to develop the ransomware, adding more features and improving its evasive capabilities. 


Initial Access


Privilege Escalation

Defense Evasion


Spearphishing Link

Command-Line Interface

Access Token Manipulation

Deobfuscate/Decode Files or Information

Data Encrypted for Impact

Spearphishing Attachment

Execution through Module Load

Bypass User Account Control

Disabling Security Tools

Inhibit System Recovery

Exploit Public-Facing Application


Exploitation for Privilege Escalation

Process Hollowing


User Execution




Indicators of Compromise

Java Script

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Cybereason Nocturnus
About the Author

Cybereason Nocturnus

The Cybereason Nocturnus Team has brought the world’s brightest minds from the military, government intelligence, and enterprise security to uncover emerging threats across the globe. They specialize in analyzing new attack methodologies, reverse-engineering malware, and exposing unknown system vulnerabilities. The Cybereason Nocturnus Team was the first to release a vaccination for the 2017 NotPetya and Bad Rabbit cyberattacks.

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