Stock Information
- Code
- Listed Market
TSE Prime market
- Fiscal Year
From October 1 to September 30
- Record Date
Every September
- General Shareholders' Meeting
Every December
- Shareholder Registry Administrator
Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Limited.
- Share Unit Number
- Number of Issued stocks
(As of September 30, 2024) -
Total number of issued shares: 506,344,400 shares
- Number of Shareholders
(As of September 30, 2024) -
- Method of Public Announcement
Public notice from the Company shall be given by the way of electronic reporting.
In the event that electronic public notices cannot be provided due to accidents or other unavoidable circumstances, public notice shall be given in the Nihon Keizai Shimbun.
Stock Transactions
To purchase CyberAgent stocks, please contact your brokerage.