Digital Literacy - Chariton Valley

Digital Literacy

What is digital literacy?

Digital literacy means having the skills you need to live, learn, and work in a society where communication and access to information is increasingly through digital technologies like internet platforms, social media, and mobile devices.

Digital literacy also means knowing the limitations of technology and understanding the dangers and precautions that the use of technology requires.

Please find the following videos as informative tools to help:

  1. Working with computers and devices

Learn about the different hardware parts that make up a computer. Explore the fundamentals of working with operating systems and applications, as well as how to keep your computer secure. Plus, learn how to work with essential productivity programs like word processors and spreadsheet tools. Follow along and learn the technical skills you need to succeed in our digital world.

2. Working and collaborating online

Using plain language, senior staff instructor from LinkedIn Learning,  Garrick Chow covers how to safely access information online, collaborate and connect with others using online productivity tools, and share content.