Yawen Ma | Home :: w3layouts

About Me

I am currently a sessional course instructor of CSC320 Introduction to Visual Computing. The course website for Winter 2020 is here.

I was an MSc student supervised by Prof. Kyros Kutulakos at the University of Toronto, and I received my degree in June, 2019. I also completed my HBSc degree here in Department of Computer Science.

My research interests include computational photography, computer vision and graphics.

Previously I have worked at Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan (2014-2015) and Ceridian (2016).

I did an internship at Qualcomm (2018).

Here is my CV.

  • Star Partner Award (2015, Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan)
  • Dean’s List (2014, University of Toronto)
  • Dean’s List (2013, University of Toronto)
  • President’s Honor Roll (2012, University of Windsor)

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