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Andrew Faulring

From Andrew Faulring’s family: It is with a heavy heart that we share news of Andrew’s passing on January 10, 2018. For more details, please view his obituary

I am a Research Programmer in the Human-Computer Interaction Institute working for Brad Myers.

I am designing tools for End-User Programmers as part of the NSF-funded Variations to Support Exploratory Programming project. I am developing Cryolite, which logs user operations performed in the Cloud9 IDE.

Previously, I worked on several projects to improve documentation for programming tools. This work involves consulting with SAP and maintaining the Jadeite java documentation tool. I also assist with the Calcite and Apatite tools.

Before that, I worked on the RADAR project, which aimed to build intelligent personal assistants that help people to efficiently handle common office tasks such as managing their calendars, handling email, writing reports, maintaining web sites, allocating project space, and so forth. My research focused on how to build usable interfaces for intelligent agents.

Even earlier, I worked on the Infocockpits project exploring ways to build computer interfaces that improve a user’s memory. The Infocockpits project was a collaboration between the Stage3 research group here at Carnegie Mellon and the Proffitt Perception Lab at the University of Virginia.

I like to play guitar, take photographs, read, hike, ski, and garden.

I have designed and implemented a few web sites, including Waverly Farm for my family’s nursery, and Dianna J Dinka » Lampwork Glass Jewelry for my Aunt Dianna, who makes Lampwork Glass Jewelry.

Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.

– Thomas A. Edison