About CREATe
CREATe is the Centre for Regulation of the Creative Economy. We are core funded by the AHRC as UK research infrastructure, with a focus on the regulation of creativity, technology and markets (intellectual property law, competition law, information and technology law). CREATe was established in 2012 as the UK Centre for Copyright and new business models in the creative economy (@copyrightcentre, funded by AHRC, EPSRC, ESRC).

About CREATe
CREATe was established in 2012 as the UK Centre for Copyright and new business models in the creative economy (@copyrightcentre, funded by AHRC, EPSRC, ESRC). Since 2023 we are funded by AHRC as UK research infrastructure with a focus on the regulation of creativity, technology and markets (copyright and intellectual property law, competition law, information and technology law).
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CREATe Public Lecture by Amelia Fletcher: student’s reflections
This blog post, containing reflections on the CREATE public lecture delivered by Amelia Fletcher, is written by attendee Marlowe Crick,…
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CREATe Public Lecture by Paul Heald: “Recent Empirical Research in Intellectual Property Law”
We are delighted to invite you to the next in our series of public lectures, delivered by Paul Heald, the Albert…
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CREATe Public Lecture by Amelia Fletcher: student’s reflections
This blog post, containing reflections on the CREATE public lecture delivered by Amelia Fletcher, is written by attendee Marlowe Crick,…
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CREATe Public Lecture by Paul Heald: “Recent Empirical Research in Intellectual Property Law”
We are delighted to invite you to the next in our series of public lectures, delivered by Paul Heald, the Albert…
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CREATe Public Lecture by Amelia Fletcher: student’s reflections
This blog post, containing reflections on the CREATE public lecture delivered by Amelia Fletcher, is written by attendee Marlowe Crick,…
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CREATe Public Lecture by Paul Heald: “Recent Empirical Research in Intellectual Property Law”
We are delighted to invite you to the next in our series of public lectures, delivered by Paul Heald, the Albert…
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The Copyright Evidence Portal gives access to the world’s current knowledge about copyright law and its effects – as a data-minable Wiki catalogue and through visualizations. It includes the Copyright Evidence Wiki, a digital resource intended to construct a complete catalogue of existing empirical evidence relevant to copyright policy in order to inform public debate.

A digital archive of primary sources on copyright from the invention of the printing press (c. 1450) to the Berne Convention (1886) and beyond. For each of the thirteen geographical areas covered, a national editor has selected, transcribed, translated and commented on documents. Primary Sources on Copyright is co-produced with CIPIL / University of Cambridge.

CopyrightUser.eu provides authoritative and accessible guidance on EU copyright law. The website – developed through the Horizon 2020 project reCreating Europe: Rethinking digital copyright for a culturally diverse, accessible, creative Europe – helps ‘copyright users’ across the EU make informed decisions on copyright issues.

CopyrightUser.org is an independent online resource intended to make UK copyright law accessible to creators, media professionals, entrepreneurs, students, and members of the public. The platform offers innovative multimedia resources and accessible guidance that are based on authoritative research and responsive to users’ needs.

The EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a cornerstone in global data protection legislation. However, its real-world impact is…

Creators’ Earnings & Contracts Hub
This project conducts extensive, repeat surveys of creators in the UK to robustly capture the impact of digital changes on…

Evidence on Technological Protection Measures: impact on research, education and preservation
Exceptions to copyright exist in Europe and elsewhere to enable beneficial uses such as research and preservation, however the legal…