![Shelves of legal volumes](images/books.jpg)
Attorneys & Staff
Mary Jo Dively, Vice President and General Counsel
- Office: 625 Warner Hall
- Phone: 412-268-9519
- Fax: 412-268-2330
- Email: mjdively@andrew.cmu.edu
- Executive Assistant: Mariane Fazekas, 412-268-3662, mfazekas@andrew.cmu.edu
- Practice Areas:
- Corporate Governance & Business Affairs
- International Strategic Issues
- Litigation & Dispute Management
- Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer
- Research, Collaboration & Consortium Agreements
- Insurance Services
James Mercolini, Deputy General Counsel
- Office: 310 Warner Hall
- Phone: 412-268-8090
- Fax: 412-268-2070
- Email: jamercol@andrew.cmu.edu
- Executive Assistant: Gretchen Colbert, 412-268-5393, gcolbert@andrew.cmu.edu
- Practice Areas:
- Litigation & Dispute Management
- Employment, Labor & Benefits Issues
- Faculty Appointment Issues
- Student Affairs Issues
- Qatar Legal Issues
- Risk Management Issues
- Student Privacy / FERPA
Sandra Brown, SEI General Counsel / Assistant General Counsel
- Phone: 412-268-3201
- Fax: 412-268-6306
- Email: sandrab@sei.cmu.edu
- Executive Assistant: Dawn O'Brien, dlobrien@sei.cmu.edu
- Practice Areas:
- SEI Contracting
- SEI Compliance
- SEI Intellectual Property / Licensing Issues
Daniel McNulty, Assistant General Counsel
- Office: 314 Warner Hall
- Phone: 412-268-3785
- Fax: 412-268-2070
- Email: djmcnult@andrew.cmu.edu
- Executive Assistant: Gretchen Colbert, 412-268-5393, gcolbert@andrew.cmu.edu
Daniel Munsch, Assistant General Counsel
- Office: 313 Warner Hall
- Phone: 412-268-7367
- Fax: 412-268-2070
- Email: dmunsch@andrew.cmu.edu
- Executive Assistant: Gretchen Colbert, 412-268-5393, gcolbert@andrew.cmu.edu
- Practice Areas:
- Litigation & Dispute Management
- Employment, Labor & Benefits Issues
- Student Affairs Issues
- Risk Management Issues
- Student Privacy / FERPA
- HIPAA and other Privacy / Confidentiality Issues
- Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
- UAS / Drones & Federal Aviation Administration
- Trademarks
Allis Oswell, Assistant General Counsel
- Office: 312 Warner Hall
- Phone: 412-268-4250
- Fax: 412-268-2070
- Email: aoswell@andrew.cmu.edu
- Executive Assistant: Gretchen Colbert, 412-268-5393, gcolbert@andrew.cmu.edu
- Practice Areas:
- Research, Collaboration & Consortium Agreements
- Student Course Projects
- Export Control Issues
- Intellectual Property Issues
- Construction Design Agreements
- Conflict of Interest, IRB and other Research Compliance Issues
- HIPAA, GLBA and other Privacy / Confidentiality Issues
John Porco, Assistant General Counsel
- Office: 6227 Gates-Hillman
- Phone: 412-268-6293
- Email: jporco@andrew.cmu.edu
- Executive Assistant: Nichole Merritt, 412-268-1659, ncmerritt@cmu.edu
- Practice Areas:
- Sponsored research agreements with non-federal sponsors involving the School of Computer Science
Mary Beth Shaw, Assistant General Counsel
- Office: 315 Warner Hall
- Phone: 412-268-7512
- Fax: 412-268-2070
- Email: mbshaw@andrew.cmu.edu
- Executive Assistant: Gretchen Colbert, 412-268-5393, gcolbert@andrew.cmu.edu
- Practice Areas:
- International Program Agreements
- Advancement / Gift Agreements
- Tax, Finance and Corporate Issues
- Real Estate Acquisition
- Leasing
- Technology Transfer
Mariane Fazekas, Executive Assistant
- Office: 621 Warner Hall
- Phone: 412-268-3662
- Email: mfazekas@andrew.cmu.edu
Gretchen Colbert, Executive Assistant
- Office: 308 Warner Hall
- Phone: 412-268-5393
- Email: gcolbert@andrew.cmu.edu