SciShield-Enterprise Safety, Compliance & Training Software - Environmental Health & Safety - Enterprise Risk Management - Carnegie Mellon University
Carnegie Mellon University

SciShield - Enterprise Safety, Compliance & Training Software

Whether you work in a laboratory, shop area, art studio, maker space, or in a SLICE student area, EHS wants to help you meet all of your safety needs.

SciShield software will assist in meeting your safety and compliance needs including:
  • Training courses and information
  • Lab/space inspections
  • Document management

Training for Principal Investigators, Lab and Shop Managers, Safety Coordinators, Lab Workers and Department Administrators

EHS provides SciShield/ChemTracker training for Principal Investigators, Lab Managers, Safety Coordinators, Lab Workers and Department Administrators. This training provides an overview of the system and its purpose, and explains how to effectively use its modules such as safety training, ChemTracker, inspections, radioisotope management, etc. 

Please consider attending an upcoming training session by registering here:

Have you received an email from

SciShield will send email notifications when you are due for training or have received an inspection report. The automated messages come directly from SciShield with domain name. EHS wants to assure you that this email is legitimate. It is NOT a phishing email.

For some, these email notifications can end up in your Junk folder. To change this setting, right click on the message and add to either “add sender’s domain to safe senders list” or “add sender to safe senders list.”  

For all questions or concerns with SciShield

send email