Our Approach | Chill Foundation Skip to content


Revolving around a core value-driven curriculum, Chill programs consist of experiential learning activities, reflection, and discussion, paired with boardsport lessons. Chill’s six core values provide youth with a foundation and framework for learning and growth, supported and enhanced through progression in boardsports skills and adult mentorship. Chill strives to remove all barriers to accessing boardsports by providing youth with everything they need to get after it, at absolutely no cost. New skills gained through boardsport skills progression and core-value exploration are then directly applied to everyday life, challenging youth to step out of their comfort zone – both on and off their board.

Program Philosophy

1. Ride

Boardsports are more than the sports themselves. They’re a way of life; of seeing the world through a lens of creativity, innovation, healthy risk taking, and agility. When we ride sideways our perspective changes: we adapt to the obstacles around us; we are challenged physically, mentally, and emotionally; we become stronger, more resilient, and more confident – on and off the board. We take ACTION.



2. Inspire

Riding that first wave, learning how to ollie, carving a turn in fresh powder. Support, encouragement, connection with peers and adults. That is inspiration. At Chill, we gain inspiration from being in the elements, from new experiences and profound challenges, from one another, and from ourselves. This is the fuel for our fire.

3. Lead

We’re a community of riders. We ride together, we grow together, and we lead together. As a young person, it can be hard to find your voice, and sometimes even harder to share that voice. At Chill we strive and work to create positive, safe, supportive spaces that encourages youth to explore their own personal values, to stand up for what they believe in, to be part of an inclusive community, and to be the best version of themselves. This is who Chill youth are. This is what leaders are made of.


Core Values

These are the pillars of our program, philosophy, and approach. While each of these values can look and feel slightly different to every person based on their personal identities, experiences, culture, and background, the following universal competencies reflect how we recognize and celebrate these values at Chill.

Graphic depicting Chill's cycle of core values.

1. Respect

Recognizing and understanding differences in ability, background, identity, culture and access.

2. Courage

Using and developing values that influence our decisions when faced with fear or a decision that tests our integrity.

3. Patience

Having the capacity to regulate reactions and emotions when results or gratitude is delayed.

4. Persistence

Visualizing the end goal and projecting the positive outcomes of enduring through adversity.

5. Responsibility

Having the ability to make choices and accept the reward or consequences of those choices.

6. Pride

Maintaining a positive and grounded sense of self through recognizing personal achievements, showing pride for our community and contributing to it’s the success.

Experiential Learning Cycle

Everything we do at Chill revolves around providing experiences that lead to learning.

In our everyday lives we take part in all kinds of experiences, but at Chill we strive to create intentional learning opportunities that lead to personal growth. Therefore, at Chill we strive to design and select our experiences with that intention in mind. What is an experience at Chill? Doing an icebreaker at the beginning of program, connecting with new people, taking part in the core value activity for the day, learning how to snowboard, skateboard, surf, or stand-up paddleboard!






1. Experience

An intentional experience that leads to growth: Taking part in the core value activity for the day or participating in the boardsport lesson.

2. Reflection

An opportunity to process the experience and debrief what happened. Reflection allows us to identify key learning concepts within the experience.

3. Transfer

The connection of these new concepts to our everyday lives. How do lessons learned on the mountain, in the water, at the skatepark relate to day-to-day experiences?

4. New Knowledge

The application of this new knowledge towards another experience, either at Chill or in our everyday lives. This is how we continue to grow and learn from our experiences, ultimately gaining a broadened perspective on life.

Challenge by Choice

Challenge by choice defines our culture. We work to create a community that is emotionally safe for our participants. Taken literally, participants are presented with challenges and are given the choice to accept at the level they feel comfortable. It’s not a yes or no, it’s a how and a what. How do you choose to accept this challenge? What do you feel comfortable with?

Every single day at Chill, we challenge youth to step outside their comfort zone and into their growth zone. From one program day to the next, as youth engage in new experiences and overcome challenges and fears, their comfort zone expands. Pretty soon, what was their growth zone is now a part of their comfort zone. And their growth zone is now new territory, which a few weeks ago may have been in their danger zone. It’s all about incremental growth, knowing personal limits, and having the support to make that choice. 

Challenge by choice is introduced on day one and revisited every day of program to ensure that youth understand the power of this choice – at Chill and in their daily lives. Through personal goal setting, positive encouragement, and the elimination of imposed completion standards, challenge by choice becomes a cultural norm and a guiding principle for individual growth and achievement.

Program Structures

Core programs define Chill and provide youth the opportunity to tackle progression on and off their boards through a uniquely cool and experiential approach.

Discover programs provide an opportunity for partner agencies and youth to discover Chill’s philosophy through an introductory program.

Explore programs provide youth who have participated in Chill with the opportunity to build leadership skills, advance their boardsport experience and passion, and explore unique career opportunities through structured experiences.

Custom programs allow agencies to partner with Chill for a customized experience that still embodies Chill’s core-value driven boardsport instruction.

Mountain Graphic

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