Cheminformatics software for the next generation of scientists
Over 1 million scientists, researchers and academics use Chemaxon tools to streamline their work and power chemical breakthroughs in drug discovery and everywhere chemistry is present.

Latest Blog
Stay up-to-date with the hottest topics in cheminformatics and software innovations empowering chemical research.
Scientific Software in Light of the European Accessibility Act
Copy and paste, click and go, swipe right, drag and drop – these computer UI actions are so ubiquitous that they can be heard in everyday conversations. Yet...
The SwissDrugDesign Project: Advancing Drug Discovery online
The SwissDrugDesign project was initiated in 2011 by the Molecular Modeling group at the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics. Led by Prof. Olivier Michielin and...
Cancer Research Horizons meets global substance regulations with Compliance Checker
Cancer Research Horizons (CRH) is an innovation engine built to complement Cancer Research UK’s network of exceptional researchers. They are a specialist...

Our solutions increase the efficiency of our customers in compound data management, chemical search and drawing, property calculations and molecule design.
The only chemical drawing tool you will ever need.
Design Hub
A compound design and tracking platform for drug discovery teams and their external collaborators that connects scientific hypotheses, candidate compound selection and computational capabilities.
Compound Registration
Compound Registration compares the uniqueness of new small molecules against those already stored in your database.
Live or virtual, we love to share and discuss with our users. Join us in person, or online, we are looking forward to seeing you!

ACS Spring 2025
Meet our experts at ACS Spring 2025 in San Diego at the booth for a chat about cheminformatics, drug discovery, or chemical structure search made easy.

Successful Hypothesis and Synthesis Tracking with Design Hub
In this webinar Dora Barna presents how Design Hub facilitates data-driven decision making and increases the efficiency of drug discovery project execution.

Closing the Loop: How to Improve the Management of Your DMTA Cycle
This webinar helps you find ways to create a seamless workflow for researching small molecules within the DMTA cycle by demonstrating how to utilize Design Hub and D360 together.

Compound design and synthesis tracking with CRO's in the loop
In this on-demand webinar Andras Stracz presents the benefits of using a shared system with CROs, with split level access.

How Can Technology Bridge Silos within Drug Discovery?
Summary from Basel, 2024

"At Cancer Research Horizon, using Chemaxon's Compliance Checker has been a game changer. It gives us the critical assurance we need to manage our compound shipment as well as compliance during production, procurement, and inventory globally, making sure we meet all regulatory requirements at any moment. The tool's reliability and the peace of mind it brings are invaluable to our ongoing research and development efforts."

Alberto Bertucco
Italian and European Patent Attorney, Senior Patent Counsel - Patent Operations Berlin Bayer Intellectual Property GmbH
"At Bayer, we started using Chemaxon's Markush Editor for drafting claims of patent applications several years ago. The Markush Editor is a very user-friendly approach for a better understanding of the chemical field to be patented and offers the patentee a new way of analyzing the chemical environment."
About Chemaxon
We are at the intersection of scientific expertise and IT excellence working alongside our clients for 25 years to deliver products with outstanding performance based on scientific understanding.
We joined Certara in 2024 to help increase the success rate of drug development. Our combined capabilities close gaps in the design-make-test-analyze cycle, bring promising leads into biosimulation and speed up the launch of new medicines.