Home - CDG

Evolved OSS/BSS Solutions For Service Providers

Operations Focused, Open Architecture Platform

Streamlining Business Operations For More Than 50 Years

CDG Elements is a SaaS-delivered, open architecture OSS/BSS platform that empowers service providers offering broadband, data, utility, and interconnect services to create the optimal service ecosystem for growing their customer base, improving their BI, and deploying AI/ML and automation technologies to increase their operational efficiencies and revenue streams.

About Us

We are operator owned, operator managed, and dedicated to revolutionizing the telecommunications industry through delivering operator-driven, innovative, open architecture OSS/BSS solutions that empower our clients to deliver exceptional services to their customers.

Who We Serve

We serve Tier 3 to Tier 1 service providers (ILECs, CLECs, ISPs, BSPs, transport providers, cable providers, MSOs, electric co-ops, and RBOCs) who offer fiber internet, wireline, DSL, cable, wireless, VoIP, MDU, IPTV, enterprise, utilities, interconnection, or other general services.

Clients range from fewer than 1,000 to more than 26 million subscribers.

Subscriber and Interconnect Elements


Operations, provisioning, ticketing, and order management


Business intelligence, insights, reporting, and analytics


Subscriber care, POS, system configuration, and member management


Subscriber connect, support, generative AI, and engagement


Record and batch processing, rating, invoicing, and fullfillment


Industry-leading carrier wholesale service ordering and billing


Catch up on the latest happenings with CDG and our partners

CDG Launching Elements Platform for Service Providers and Carriers

CDG Launching Elements Platform for Service Providers and Carriers Champaign, IL – Communications Data Group (CDG) is pleased to announce the upcoming launch of its newly named OSS/BSS platform, Elements, for managing and invoicing subscriber, enterprise, wholesale,...


Mar 10-13

Pioneer Story Connect
St Augustine, FL

Mar 24-26

ICA Annual Meeting and Expo
Des Moines, IA

Apr 1-3

Belton, TX

Our customers think we are pretty great…

Contact Us

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