Our mission is to leave behind for the future generations our single most valuable shared resource: our planet.
- Aug 30, 2024
- Notice Regarding the Completion of the Cancellation of Own Shares
- Jul 30, 2024
- Notice Concerning Results of Acquisition of Own Shares Through Off-Auction Own Share Repurchase Trading System (ToSTNeT-3) , and the Completion of Acquisition of Own Shares
- Jul 29, 2024
- Notice on the Acquisition of Own Shares, the Acquisition of Own Shares Through Off-Auction Own Share Repurchase Trading System (ToSTNeT-3) and the Cancellation of Own Shares
Towards a Bright FutureWho we are
To achieve our new Purpose, we aim to become a company that creates social value and leads customers towards a bright future by building on our existing initiatives.
- Company Information
- Basic information about our company, our determination and management policies towards 2030, corporate brand strategy, etc.
- Digital Media BIPROGY TERASU
- We aspire to be the shining light ("terasu hikari" in Japanese) that guides you to a sustainable future. Our digital media BIPROGY TERASU brings you various contents that will help you create a sustainable society with a future perspective. *Japanese version only
- BIPROGY Technology Research & Innovation
- "Quickly Turn Ideas into Reality"
Solutions and ServicesWhat we do
We strive to create new value and to solve society's issues by unlocking the full potential of technology, not limiting our efforts to only our proven ICT services.