Site consolidation

Bern University of Applied Sciences (BFH) has grown steadily since its foundation and is now spread over 33 locations in three regions. Our two current campus projects, one in Biel and the other in Bern, are designed to streamline BFH locations, creating a basis for even more efficient research and teaching.

Biel/Bienne campus

BFH is to merge its technical disciplines at a new Biel/Bienne campus, centrally situated next to Biel railway station. This move will create an efficient teaching and research environment for the two departments TI and AHB, in shared, cutting-edge premises that meet all of today’s expectations of a place of teaching, learning, research and work.


The BFH has grown steadily since its foundation in 1997 and now has 35 locations in three regions. With the Biel campus project, BFH aims to bring its technical disciplines together under one roof. These are currently spread over ten locations in the Biel and Burgdorf regions. The new Biel/Bienne campus will enable the BFH to exploit synergies in its teaching and research operations and increase its competitiveness.

The new building will be constructed near the Biel/Bienne railway station on the Feldschlössli site. The project is based on the winning design "Trèfle" by pool Architekten from Zurich. Construction will start at the end of 2024. The campus is scheduled to open in 2028. 

Monitor construction progress

You can follow the progress of construction at the Biel/Bienne campus with the help of three construction site cameras:

View from Aarbergstrasse

View from Switzerland Innovation Park (Aarbergstrasse / Marcelin-Chipot-Strasse)

View from the Coop car park (Johann-Aberli-Strasse)


Visualization campus (as of August 2018)
Visualization campus (pool Architekten/studio blomen)

Bern campus

At the Bern campus, Health Professions, Social Work, Business, the HKB performative arts, the President’s Office and Services are set to be combined under one roof.


The health, social work, economics and performing arts departments of the University of the Arts, as well as the rectorate and services, are currently spread across 22 locations in Bern. They are to be brought together on the Berne Campus at the Weyermannshaus Ost site in Ausserholligen in the west of Berne. The Berne campus will enable the BFH to exploit synergies in its teaching and research operations and increase its competitiveness. The Ausserholligen campus is linked to other projects, including those of the SBB and the city of Bern. Construction work began in early 2025. According to current planning, the project will take four to five years to complete.

Follow construction progress: South camera

Follow construction progress: North camera

Teil des Campus-Geländes ist ein attraktiver, öffentlich zugänglicher Park mit dem offengelegten Stadtbach.
Campus Bern © wulf architekten, STUDIOPEZ, Aron Lorincz Ateliers


TecLab, a joint initiative of Bern University of Applied Sciences (BFH) and Bern Technical College (TF) in collaboration with other partner organisations, is to be created at the current BFH Tiergarten location (Jlcoweg 1) in Burgdorf. The aim of TecLab is to encourage a new generation to take up technical and ICT professions and to support businesses with the challenges involved in sustainable development.

TecLab Burgdorf will:

  • Promote STEM subjects and related professions (science, technology, engineering, mathematics)
  • Provide professional development programmes for industry and commerce in the field of sustainability
  • Offer sustainability-related services for businesses

Pilot phase to begin in 2020

In 2020, TecLab will run and evaluate pilot programmes in all three areas. These programmes will be based at the Tiergarten location in Burgdorf. As soon as the divisions involved have completed the move to the Biel/Bienne campus, the building will be redeveloped and repurposed.

Through TecLab, Burgdorf will remain a BFH location and benefit from the joint programmes of BFH and TF Bern, which will also be relocating to Burgdorf. TecLab Burgdorf will play an important role in making the city and region of Burgdorf an attractive place to study.