Built on a stream of literature that has identified a limited number of studies that examine the postadoption behaviour of information system users, and especially, in relation to the usability of systems that support teaching and learning processes, this thesis attempted to address those gaps by applying the sequential mixed-methods design. The usability-extended ExpectationConfirmation Model (ECM) was developed to determine the factors that impact users’ continuance intention to use the system for acquisition and evaluation of digital competence (DC). This research context is considered a future integral part of formal competency-based curricula and DC education. The structural equation modelling was used to examine the proposed research model based on a developed survey instrument distributed among primary and secondary school teachers in six European countries. The instrument content validity was ensured through a rigorous literature review process, followed by a judgement stage involving experts and focus groups. Results revealed that the continuance intention to use the system in the usability-extended ECM was directly driven by teachers’ levels of satisfaction, perceived usefulness and efficiency, and indirectly through satisfaction by perceived effectiveness. However, the level of teachers’ computer skills and duration of system use did not moderate the satisfaction-continuance intention relationship. ; Pregledom literature utvrđen je ograničen broj radova koji istražuju ponašanje korisnika nakon usvajanja određenog informacijskog sustava, a posebno, u odnosu na upotrebljivost sustava koji podržavaju procese učenja i poučavanja. Ovom disertacijom pokušali su se riješiti identificirani nedostatci sekvencijalnom primjenom mješovitih metoda. Model potvrđenog očekivanja proširen upotrebljivošću razvijen je kako bi se odredili čimbenici koji utječu na namjeru ponovnog korištenja kod korisnika sustava za stjecanje i vrjednovanje digitalnih kompetencija. Navedeni kontekst istraživanja smatra se budućim ...
Sveučilište u Zagrebu. Fakultet organizacije i informatike. ; University of Zagreb. Faculty of Organization and Informatics.
Balaban, Igor ; Granić, Andrina
Year of Publication:
Document Type:
info:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis ; text ; [Doctoral and postdoctoral thesis]
expectation-confirmation model ; usability ; information system ; post-adoption behaviour ; continuance intention ; system for acquisition and evaluation of digital competences ; primary school ; secondary school ; model potvrđenog očekivanja ; upotrebljivost ; informacijski sustav ; ponašanje nakon prihvaćanja ; kontinuirana namjera ; sustav za stjecanje i vrjednovanje digitalnih kompetencija ; osnovna škola ; srednja škola ; DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti ; SOCIAL SCIENCES. Information and Communication Sciences ; Računalna znanost i tehnologija. Računalstvo. Obrada podataka ; Computer science and technology. Computing. Data processing ; info:eu-repo/classification/udc/004(043.3)
Rights: ; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
Content Provider:
Nacionalni repozitorij disertacija i znanstvenih magistarskih radova (Nacionalna i sveučilišna knjižnica u Zagrebu)
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