David Hamre and Associates, LLC

Offering comprehensive avalanche risk reduction solutions.


David Hamre and Associates, LLC (DHA) is engaged by a variety of clients in the United States to consult on a wide range of avalanche-related projects.

Through numerous company name iterations, David Hamre has consulted on avalanche projects since 1979, when he established the Seward Highway Avalanche Program. Hamre’s background both in avalanches and project management helps bring unique perspectives to many solutions. He is currently supported in this endeavor by a talented staff that includes Don Sharaf and a notable team of operational program forecasters and consultants.

DHA currently manages avalanche forecasting programs for two railroads in the US. The team specializes in projects developing avalanche safety plans, avalanche atlases, weather station placement, and avalanche detection system arrays, calculating avalanche risk for highways, developing structural avalanche defenses, and conducting ‘alternatives to artillery’ analysis for avalanche risk reduction for ski areas and transportation. Clients range from mines to ski areas to highways to pipelines.

Avalanche Risk Reduction Programs
Avalanche Research
DHA and its predecessors (Alcan Avalanche Services) have been involved in avalanche research since 1982. (Read more)
Short Term Risk Reduction
Risk Reduction for projects brief in time or scope, but where some level of avalanche risk exists. (Read more)
Longer Term Risk Reduction
Risk Reduction for projects where avalanche risk is primary and an avalanche safety plan is developed. (Read more)
Concept Planning
Planning for large multi-phased projects with the project's viability not determined until a future date. (Read more)
Quantifying Avalanche Risk
With any kind of transportation corridor, it is possible to quantify the avalanche risk objectively using the Avalanche Hazard Index. (Read more)
Ski Area-Based Avalanche Assessments
DHA is at the forefront of producing concept and implementation plans for conversion from military artillery to Remote Avalanche Control Systems (RACS). (Read more)
Urban Risk Reduction
Recent trends highlight the difficulty of implementing avalanche zoning laws on the interface between wild and urban settings. (Read more)
Project Management
Providing support in many forms for your capital construction efforts related to implementing an avalanche program or modifying an existing program. (Read more)

David Hamre and Associates, LLC

PO Box 111492
Anchorage, AK 99511
(907) 223-9590